General information
Name Sherry_
Power Normal
Sex N/A
Karma 1430
Total posts 355 (0.11 per day)
Total threads 17 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 05-26-15, 04:23 pm (3259 days ago)
Last post 03-05-17, 08:47 pm (2609 days ago)
in Request Anything! (NSMB Hacking Resources) » 55634
Last view 03-14-19, 07:16 am (1871 days ago)
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Contact information
Email address Private
Theme ABXD 2.0
Items per page 45 posts, 75 threads
Language Board default
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Location Italy
Sprite database
Total edits 6
Sprites edited 4
Last edits Lakitu spawner (183) on 05-28-16, 09:52 am
Red Ring (34) on 05-26-16, 05:43 pm
Lakitu spawner (183) on 05-26-16, 05:16 pm
Squishy cloud platform (323) on 05-22-16, 10:57 am
Warp Cannon (128) on 04-30-16, 12:19 pm
Warp Cannon (128) on 04-30-16, 12:18 pm
Comments about Sherry_
« 345678910111213 »
newluigidev Here's the updated version
 KingYoshi Well, I have taken a look at your tutorial, and your English seemed difficult to understand. But I haven't read it through yet.
 Arceus Yes, I do.
 Arceus 3DS
 Arceus That's because I'm a legendary Pokémon and we like to hide
 Arceus We just want to show that we could do better than these Nintendo guys. And no, we aren't jealous. No. Really.
 KingYoshi Nope, not yet
Thierry In correct English, it's either 'doesn't care about it', or just 'doesn't care'.
Thierry 'doesn't care it'.. makes little sense.
 MarioFanatic64 Probably not. I don't know what I'm going to do after Endless Earth, but I moat likely won't if be making any new hacks.
 KingYoshi Do you want the original *.brces or the exported *.obj?
 KingYoshi Er... It's just inside the OBJ/DAE I sent you.
 KingYoshi Well, I have the extracted NSMB2 ROM, and I opened and exported the *.bcres in Gericom's Every File Explorer (EFE).
 KingYoshi I don't fully understand your question. If you mean how I got the models from the *.bcres files, I just had to open the *.bcres in EFE.
 KingYoshi If you mean how I got NSMB2 extracted, I haven't done it by myself. Someone else did it for me.
« 345678910111213 »
Sample post

Karma: 1430
Posts: 355
Since: 05-26-15
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");