General information
Name  skawo
Power Normal
Sex Male
Karma 19777
Total posts 1100 (0.27 per day)
Total threads 27 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 04-02-13, 10:15 am (4133 days ago)
Last post 07-11-21, 01:20 am (1111 days ago)
in v1.10 New Super Mario Bros. U DS (NSMB Hacks) » 71900
Last view 04-09-24, 07:59 am (108 days ago)
Browser Firefox 124.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 1879 [View...]
From:  MarioKart7z (367),  HonorableBore (316),  Hiccup (237), Asprok (130),  Helios (104), more...
Total +1s given 49
To:  MeroMero (29), RicBent (5), shibboleet (3),  ray (2),  Arisotura (2), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme NSMB Underground
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Birthday November 7, 1994 (29 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 8
Sprites edited 6
Last edits P Switch (66) on 09-01-16, 09:45 pm
P Switch (66) on 09-01-16, 09:44 pm
Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on) (239) on 08-17-16, 04:55 pm
Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on) (239) on 08-17-16, 04:55 pm
Red Ring (34) on 11-23-15, 11:27 pm
Auto-scrolling controller/manager (218) on 07-07-15, 09:52 pm
Giant Cheep Cheep (207) on 09-11-14, 01:25 pm
Cheep Cheep (31) on 09-09-14, 07:48 pm
Comments about  skawo
« 101112131415
L.P. Developer Team i made a new super mario land hack
L.P. Developer Team i know is not original
L.P. Developer Team but i wont finish this hack rom
L.P. Developer Team plis, if you can make for me a code for bouncing fire ball
 Skylander Happy birthday!
 Keeper happy birthday!
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
M3N Team Happy birthday!!!
 subair Happy birthday!
 MarioFalls happy birthday!
 ItzTacos Happy Birthday!
 Bluey happy bday <3
 Keeper Happy birthday!
MikeyYosh~ happy birfday!
« 101112131415
Sample post

Karma: 19777
Posts: 1100
Since: 04-02-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");