General information
Name  skawo
Power Normal
Sex Male
Karma 19807
Total posts 1100 (0.26 per day)
Total threads 27 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 04-02-13, 10:15 am (4285 days ago)
Last post 07-11-21, 01:20 am (1264 days ago)
in v1.10 New Super Mario Bros. U DS (NSMB Hacks) » 71900
Last view 11-22-24, 06:56 pm (33 days ago)
Browser Firefox 132.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 1881 [View...]
From:  MarioKart7z (367),  HonorableBore (316),  Hiccup (237), Asprok (130),  Helios (104), more...
Total +1s given 49
To:  MeroMero (29), RicBent (5), shibboleet (3),  ray (2),  Arisotura (2), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme NSMB Underground
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Birthday November 7, 1994 (30 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 8
Sprites edited 6
Last edits P Switch (66) on 09-01-16, 09:45 pm
P Switch (66) on 09-01-16, 09:44 pm
Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on) (239) on 08-17-16, 04:55 pm
Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on) (239) on 08-17-16, 04:55 pm
Red Ring (34) on 11-23-15, 11:27 pm
Auto-scrolling controller/manager (218) on 07-07-15, 09:52 pm
Giant Cheep Cheep (207) on 09-11-14, 01:25 pm
Cheep Cheep (31) on 09-09-14, 07:48 pm
Comments about  skawo
« 89101112131415 »
 Helios Hi skawo, I am just wondering, is there anyway to make the snow spikes' snowballs break bricks? Just asking, thanks.
 Helios Ah, lol. I've looked into your 5-A and it looks very confusing. Thanks for your reply tho
 awesomeguy95 Hello there!
 Toasdie Media h
 Ultraboy Hi,can I use newer ds as the base rom for my hack?
 onlypuppy7 i e n j o y
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 Skylander H a p p y B i r t h d a y !
 Bluey heppy birfday
 SLG3 hey, what are you doing in the quarantine
 Shellbarbecue63 I watch your Paper Mario: Pro Mode vids
 Shellbarbecue63 Can you do a vid on my hack? Its ok if you dont
 Keeper Hey skawo, when I was going through NewerDS I noticed some textures had more colours in their palettes as well as more colours in each 4x4 tile. If you don't mind me asking, how did you do that?
 Shellbarbecue63 I hope you go online more often
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
« 89101112131415 »
Sample post

Karma: 19807
Posts: 1100
Since: 04-02-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");