General information
Name  Keeper
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title I do things sometimes
Rank Mole
To next rank 16 posts
Karma 982
Total posts 359 (0.14 per day)
Total threads 12 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 08-07-17, 06:01 am (2595 days ago)
Last post 09-12-24, 09:14 pm (1 day ago)
in poll A new community remix? (Website talk) » 76014
Last view 09-14-24, 02:45 am (14 hours ago)
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there are like 4 nsmbwii airship tileset ports for some reason

nsmb hackers arent funny

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Comments about  Keeper
« 212223242526
 __fp i hate myself and what i did and i cant get over the things i did to certain people (particularly staple)
 __fp feel like i caused some people from the outer circle to spiral into depression and the only remedy really is to do the same thing to myself, because it isnt fair on them
 __fp sorry
 __fp ig i just thought you were pretty capable and were good at noticing things like spam
 __fp yeah nsmbhd seems like the most lenient of all the acmlmboards these days. i guess noticing all the unfixed bugs in the software as well was something i wanted to mention
 __fp could have done it on the github but i would probably have just received a bunch of snark from staple (and to be honest they'd be perfectly justified in that after what i did to them)
 Vadenimo Thanks!
 alpha thanks you very much my friend
 KTRMAmbiance Thank you~~
Snoopy thank you for nsmbba patch
 Staryu Trek Oh Keeper, I've posted in your trivia thread again, adding more information. But it's an edit of my last post, so it won't be shown in Last Posts, so just saying.
 Staryu Trek No, I'm a brand-new user. I was just joking about being a time traveler. I know some things about the board's past because I used to lurk here a lot before registering. The threads viewed by bots as seen in Online Users are quite random and from different
 Staryu Trek time periods. And then there's the Trash Can and the Hall of Fame! (Sorry about that sentence being interrupted. Character limit.)
 Staryu Trek Oh yeah, and the time travel joke originated from ___fp joking that I'm a rereg. It's a shitpost thread
 Staryu Trek I've edited my last post. Could you please read it, Keeper?
« 212223242526
Sample post
I do things sometimes

Karma: 982
Posts: 359
Since: 08-07-17
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");