General information
Name  poudink
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Not Edible
Rank Giant Red Paratroopa
To next rank 3 posts
Karma 3386
Total posts 1447 (0.45 per day)
Total threads 22 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 02-12-16, 01:18 am (3193 days ago)
Last post 01-05-22, 05:23 pm (1038 days ago)
in cancelled New Super Sicko Mario-The Full 3 World Demo (New hacks) » 72722
Last view 09-29-22, 08:36 pm (771 days ago)
Browser Firefox 107.0 on Android
Badges View 15,350,000
Total +1s received 272 [View...]
From:  Keeper (18),  alpha (17),  SLG3 (14),  Ninja NAH (12),  Helios (12), more...
Total +1s given 404
To:  skawo (49), Sherry_ (24), RicBent (23),  MarioFanatic64 (21), newluigidev (19), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Poudink Popinski
Location Canada
Birthday February 11, 2016 (8 years old)
Things I may or may not actually be working on:
*Sky Temple
*Super Mario Galaxy DS
*Super Mario Star Collect
*Teh Big NSMBHD Wiki Update™
*Yootoob Vidyas
*Procrastinating on Above Projects™²

Je peux parler en Français, aussi.

Joined this board in early 2016. Time flies. Since then I can't say I've accomplished much. Star Collect's still not released, 'n stuff. Oh well.

Apparently one of my ublock filters is blocking flag counter. No clue which. No clue why. Whatever.

Sprite database
Total edits 17
Sprites edited 15
Last edits Swinging Lift (Pendulum-like) (119) on 08-24-19, 06:09 pm
Lava Bubble (Podoboo) (54) on 07-28-19, 10:29 pm
Rise or lower while/once on Mushroom Platform lift - mechanical (312) on 01-20-19, 07:27 pm
Warp Cannon (128) on 01-20-19, 07:08 pm
Brick Block containing P Switch (88) on 01-20-19, 07:00 pm
Flip fence (duplicate sprite) (85) on 01-20-19, 06:54 pm
Brick Block containing ! Switch (unused actor) (110) on 01-20-19, 06:39 pm
Brick Block containing ! Switch (unused actor) (110) on 01-20-19, 06:34 pm
Red Ring (34) on 02-25-18, 09:55 pm
Cloud FG effect (315) on 02-25-18, 08:41 pm
Comments about  poudink
« 8910111213
 alpha How i do it
 alpha Thanks you very much
 Keeper Hey poudink, reguarding NMPs, do you think the overlay 0 thing is caused by exporting an NMP from, asy, a european rom with a modified jyotyu tileset? And if so, would reimporting the overlay files from a fresh rom comprimise how the jyotyu tileset was-
 Keeper -intended to function? Also, happy 6 year anniversary since registering to nsmbhd!
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 Keeper the link for Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Remix on the hack wiki requires account access from the file uploader (the link is dead, basically)
 Keeper same for New Super Mario Bros. Summer Special
 Keeper gotcha. i may try out some of those nmp patches with a european rom then. glad to see you're back!
 crook Happy Birthday poudink!
 MarioFalls Happy birthday! hope you return soon.
 crook Happy Birthday!
 Rph Happy birthday!
 Keeper happy birthday poudink!
 __fp the C64 SID is not trash
« 8910111213
Sample post
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 1447
Since: 02-12-16
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.