General information
Name  MarioFanatic64
Power Admin
Sex Male
Title The guy who does things.
Rank Roy Koopa
To next rank 4 posts
Karma 12729
Total posts 2796 (0.59 per day)
Total threads 106 (0.02 per day)
Registered on 07-01-11, 07:06 am (4774 days ago)
Last post 02-26-21, 02:49 pm (1246 days ago)
in What was the very first romhack of nsmb ds? (General Chat) » 70302
Last view 06-21-24, 01:10 pm (35 days ago)
Browser Chrome 126.0.0 on GNU/Linux x86_64 (X11)
Total +1s received 1100 [View...]
From:  Hiccup (110), Asprok (108),  HonorableBore (72),  Helios (51),  Ninja NAH (48), more...
Total +1s given 247
To:  skawo (29),  TRS (16), RicBent (15),  Arisotura (14),  Dirbaio (14), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme NSMB Underground
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location Australia
Birthday March 25, 1995 (29 years old)
Not-so-professional NSMBHD Admin. Working on the Newer Team Original Project. Any likeness to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.
Sprite database
Total edits 8
Sprites edited 4
Last edits Spike Top (219) on 04-23-17, 06:09 am
Spike Top (219) on 04-23-17, 06:04 am
Spike Top (219) on 04-23-17, 05:59 am
Spike Top (219) on 04-23-17, 05:17 am
Spike Top (219) on 04-23-17, 05:15 am
Warp Cannon (128) on 02-14-17, 12:14 pm
Lava Bubble (Podoboo) (54) on 09-25-16, 10:55 am
Checkpoint - vertical (131) on 09-25-16, 10:52 am
Comments about  MarioFanatic64
« 464748495051
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 ItzTacos Happy Birthday!
M3N Team Happy Birthday!!!
 Vadenimo Happy Birthday! ^^
 BL4ZED 4 posts to go! Can't wait to see what's the next rank!!!
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 ItzTacos Happy Birthday!
 Daniel505465 BIrthday
 ItzTacos Happy Birthday!
 MarioFalls Happy birthday!
 Mr. Ztardust Happy Birthday man!!
 ruigi Happy 29th Birthday!
« 464748495051
Sample post
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 2796
Since: 07-01-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.