General information
Name  Bluey
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title obese hacker
Rank Koopa
To next rank 20 posts
Karma 142
Total posts 100 (0.06 per day)
Total threads 22 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 10-19-19, 03:36 pm (1742 days ago)
Last post 12-19-22, 02:02 am (585 days ago)
in Why is there a nsmb 2 section but not a nsmb wii section (Different Dimensional Trash Can™) » 73472
Last view 04-01-24, 10:54 pm (116 days ago)
Browser Safari 17.3.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 on iPhone
Total +1s received 13 [View...]
From:  SLG3 (6),  Super luigi fan (1),  TruelyJohn64 (1),  bbomb64 (1),  Skylander (1), more...
Total +1s given 10
To:  Dirbaio (2),  ItzTacos (2),  skawo (1), gotor (1),  BL4ZED (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage large tummies approaching! -
Theme Assemblage Untidy
Items per page 40 posts, 40 threads
Language en_US
Personal information
Location Michigan
Birthday January 25, 2007 (17 years old)
i am a dumdum glaceon. lol

 Arceus is my god and i worship him. seems nice. i wonder how hes doing

no one loves SKJmin.

Sprite database
Total edits 14
Sprites edited 12
Last edits Camera vertical scrolling (unused actor) (98) on 08-21-22, 11:24 pm
Pipe Piranha Plant (facing up) (23) on 06-18-21, 07:59 pm
P Switch (66) on 11-15-20, 08:18 pm
P Switch (66) on 11-15-20, 08:17 pm
Mega Goomba (21) on 11-15-20, 08:16 pm
Lift spawner (80) on 11-15-20, 08:15 pm
Snailicorn (89) on 11-15-20, 08:15 pm
Amp (109) on 11-15-20, 08:13 pm
Wobble Rock (74) on 11-15-20, 08:13 pm
Hammer Bro. from map (22) on 11-15-20, 08:13 pm
Comments about  Bluey
« 12
 Arceus Thank you ^^
 Skylander Thanks! Credit goes to Itz Tacos!
 Super luigi fan a bluey still need help with co op i could send you the surce code when shadey21 release it
 Keeper nice hack logo
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 ItzTacos Happy birthday!
Bradley17 Hello
Bradley17 Happy Belated B-Day!
 alpha bluey can you tell me how to publish a screenshot like the one you published in new super mario bros the new levels beta 1
 alpha thank you bluey
Bradley17 Hey Bluey!
 Hiccup I see, but why did you tell me in particular.
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
 MarioFalls Happy birthday
 Skylander Ty!
« 12
Sample post
obese hacker

Karma: 142
Posts: 100
Since: 10-19-19
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");