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Posted on 02-27-17, 05:26 am (rev. 3 by newluigidev on 04-11-17, 07:19 am)
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 238/417
Since: 08-17-15
This thread is for requests on ANYTHING, except for tilesets & BGs which need to be drawn. (I suck at drawing ) You can even request ASM, as long as it's simple. (like simple custom sprites & code edits) I will also post my own creations, if I feel like it, and add the requests from others in this post. I will only take 1 request at a time, so don't nag and then get triggered if I don't reply.






Other Files (Logos, In-game images ect)
Posted on 02-27-17, 06:42 am
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2111/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Oh hey, I actually expected this to be an Ask thread.

Thanks for sparing me the hassle of facepalming correctly.
Posted on 02-27-17, 10:10 am

Karma: 577
Posts: 247/332
Since: 04-09-16
can you help me slightly modify the 3D model of the world 1?
Posted on 02-27-17, 08:46 pm
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 239/417
Since: 08-17-15
Posted by mico
can you help me slightly modify the 3D model of the world 1?

Posted on 02-27-17, 09:03 pm

Karma: 577
Posts: 249/332
Since: 04-09-16
then tomorrow you'll know what you need to add in the 3D model, that's okay?
Posted on 02-27-17, 09:42 pm
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 240/417
Since: 08-17-15
Posted by mico
then tomorrow you'll know what you need to add in the 3D model, that's okay?

Fine with me
Posted on 02-28-17, 12:08 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 240/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Can you make a ASM hack which ends the level when a star coin is collected?
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 02-28-17, 12:16 am (rev. 1 by  SuperML on 02-28-17, 12:16 am)

Karma: 773
Posts: 72/256
Since: 12-29-16
Could you make some ASM that would allow more than 5 MvsL levels, and the ability to select these new levels from the MvsL level select screen? Thanks in advance!
Posted on 02-28-17, 01:18 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
This is going to be a good thread.
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Posted on 02-28-17, 02:41 am

Karma: 324
Posts: 104/329
Since: 01-28-17
Posted by newluigidev
...except for tilesets & BGs which need to be drawn. (I suck at drawing )

I would ask for a "Rainbow road tileset" in .nmt format and a "crystal cave" top and bottom bg in .nmb format, but you said you didn't want to draw anything.
Posted on 02-28-17, 03:17 am (rev. 3 by newluigidev on 02-28-17, 03:42 am)
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 241/417
Since: 08-17-15
Posted by poudink
Can you make a ASM hack which ends the level when a star coin is collected?

Complete Level with Star Coin
#include "nsmb.h" void nsub_02006868() { exitLevel(); markLevelAsBeaten(); }

You'll also need these:
Posted on 02-28-17, 05:48 am

Karma: 8
Posts: 2/5
Since: 02-05-17
Would this thing be possible?
Posted on 02-28-17, 05:54 am (rev. 1 by newluigidev on 02-28-17, 06:15 am)
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 242/417
Since: 08-17-15

Quite possible, yes. But, I probably couldn't do it. Sorry
Posted on 02-28-17, 07:14 am

Karma: 8
Posts: 3/5
Since: 02-05-17
Posted by newluigidev

Quite possible, yes. But, I probably couldn't do it. Sorry

It's fine. I don't even know how to apply ASM patches. Might try one day.
Posted on 02-28-17, 12:38 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5558
Posts: 1211/1425
Since: 06-25-13
There's one Soundtrack I always dreamed of having it in a hack but I first want to ask you: Are you able to turn youtubevideos / .mp3's into midi/sseq or only midi files?
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Posted on 02-28-17, 07:33 pm
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 295/798
Since: 04-11-15
Posted by SuperML
Could you make some ASM that would allow more than 5 MvsL levels, and the ability to select these new levels from the MvsL level select screen? Thanks in advance!

I second this asm hack, plz do it thx

Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 02-28-17, 08:01 pm (rev. 1 by newluigidev on 02-28-17, 08:03 pm)
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 243/417
Since: 08-17-15
Posted by Arceus
There's one Soundtrack I always dreamed of having it in a hack but I first want to ask you: Are you able to turn youtubevideos / .mp3's into midi/sseq or only midi files?

Well, there's the WAV player that Dirbaio made (and that skawo used in the cutscene player), but I don't know how to make it replace all of the song formats, so only midi. If you have the midis, I can convert them if you wish.
Posted on 03-04-17, 12:34 pm

Karma: 577
Posts: 253/332
Since: 04-09-16
you can replace this with this?
Posted on 03-04-17, 07:39 pm

Karma: 324
Posts: 111/329
Since: 01-28-17
Posted by SuperML
Could you make some ASM that would allow more than 5 MvsL levels, and the ability to select these new levels from the MvsL level select screen? Thanks in advance!

That would be a good use for the unused levels.
Posted on 03-04-17, 09:02 pm (rev. 1 by newluigidev on 03-04-17, 10:23 pm)
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 248/417
Since: 08-17-15
Posted by mico
you can replace this with this?

Yeah, that's a piece of cake. Do you know where about in the FS they are?
Pages: 12345 »