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Name Sherry_
Power Normal
Sex N/A
Karma 1430
Total posts 355 (0.11 per day)
Total threads 17 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 05-26-15, 04:23 pm (3258 days ago)
Last post 03-05-17, 08:47 pm (2608 days ago)
in Request Anything! (NSMB Hacking Resources) » 55634
Last view 03-14-19, 07:16 am (1870 days ago)
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Email address Private
Theme ABXD 2.0
Items per page 45 posts, 75 threads
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Location Italy
Sprite database
Total edits 6
Sprites edited 4
Last edits Lakitu spawner (183) on 05-28-16, 09:52 am
Red Ring (34) on 05-26-16, 05:43 pm
Lakitu spawner (183) on 05-26-16, 05:16 pm
Squishy cloud platform (323) on 05-22-16, 10:57 am
Warp Cannon (128) on 04-30-16, 12:19 pm
Warp Cannon (128) on 04-30-16, 12:18 pm
Comments about Sherry_
« 12345678910 »
 MarioFanatic64 Thanks!
RicBent The first 4 adresses in the code should be easy to find, but the last two ones for the hooks could be a lot harder. Also, does the ASM hack template work with E roms? I only know about support for U roms...
RicBent You probably did something wrong. It works perfectly fine for me, I just tested that.
RicBent The latest, I guess. And no, I don't think so.
newluigidev Could you by any chance create a castle replacement for World 1 and make it the windmill from bianco hills in Super Mario Sunshine? Thanks if you do.
newluigidev Alright thanks!
RicBent It does. Alo credit would be greatly apprechiated
newluigidev Sorry. I live in AUS and it was getting really late.
RicBent Thare is an array in the code which determines which enpg is loaded for each level.
RicBent Oh, and plese give the code to others please.
RicBent *don't fail
RicBent There is a table in the code file. There you see a bunch of numbers. These are the file ids you can also find in NSMBe
RicBent Yea, beacause in the table in the code only the images for world one are defined.
RicBent Very easy
RicBent Im on mobile at the moment so I cant show it to you with a screenshot. But I will if I'm back at my PC
« 12345678910 »
Sample post

Karma: 1430
Posts: 355
Since: 05-26-15
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");