Thierry |
Posted on 11-23-14, 05:44 pm in fixed Background texture for the World 1 map?
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1247/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by SaturnYoshi The palletes seem to be one down from the name Starts at World1_13. The W1_13_pl pallet is empty, unused, and useless. |
Thierry |
Posted on 11-24-14, 10:53 pm in Help/Question Asking Thread (rev. 2 by Thierry on 10-04-15, 02:28 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1252/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Woah MPG, it sure was very hard to find. You were lucky SaturnYoshi was there.
A quick Google search could have given you the very same answer, by the way. |
Thierry |
Posted on 11-29-14, 02:28 pm in I want to make my own hack (rev. 3 by Thierry on 11-29-14, 02:30 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1270/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Nah, you should start by praticing level editing, yes, but then start editing image files.
Dafuq with the world map. |
Thierry |
Posted on 11-29-14, 09:25 pm in Three blank spaces (rev. 1 by Thierry on 11-29-14, 09:25 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1271/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I will eat Nin.
SaturnYoshi ___ ___, and he is ___. |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-07-14, 08:11 pm in How to run NSMBe on OS X?
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1312/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by Hiccup I think dirbaio made a special version for Mac. You should search for: "mono" (with quote marks). Could you post the error message/s? He did it for 4.4 to 4.7 versions (I have them), but I never found a mono version of any NSMBe5 version. |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-09-14, 11:43 pm in downloading the editor (rev. 1 by Thierry on 12-09-14, 11:44 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1321/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Hey, maybe change the extention from .txt to .zip
(ignore the warning Windows will throw at you) |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-13-14, 06:37 pm in Bombette's Resources (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:10 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1337/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-14-14, 12:36 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (rev. 1 by Thierry on 12-14-14, 12:39 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1338/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Finally you posted it here.
(Thanks to the rule change) |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-16-14, 09:41 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1342/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
The W2 crystals? It's a model replacing the W2 trees model.
Thierry |
Posted on 12-16-14, 09:58 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1343/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by Ruedajv10 Not that crystals, that on the top of the screen, on the ceiling... |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-17-14, 06:39 pm in I'm back... for real this time...
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1345/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I'd tell you to try DeSmuME JIT, but if my mind serve me right, someone said somewhere something like 'nowdays all DeSmuME versions haves JIT'
Thierry |
Posted on 12-31-14, 10:09 pm in Does anybody here like Gateway 3DS? (rev. 2 by Thierry on 12-31-14, 10:13 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1384/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Hmmm can't a person get both games on Gateway and as legal copies?
But indeed, piracy sucks. And I don't like people who mistakes hacking and piracy. Note: Hacking isn't piracy as long as you don't steal stuff/files. And getting cracked games without to have real copy of them is piracy. |
Thierry |
Posted on 01-04-15, 05:47 pm in No freezing during power-up/-down animation hack
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1401/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
We should add it to the beta replica.
Thierry |
Posted on 01-09-15, 05:00 pm in p switch problem (rev. 3 by Thierry on 01-09-15, 05:33 pm)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1423/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Edit: Definitedly a interesting bug IMO. I will tell you a easy way to fix it:
Open the Map16 of the Tileset 0, Take the first tile in the tile graphics, 'Draw' over the two first empty 16x16 objects in the map16 with this tile, like this, Save and test. EDIT2: Wait no, paste the tile over the 9 empty tiles |
Thierry |
Posted on 01-25-15, 02:26 pm in Music Exporting
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1445/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I guess you are using the old buggy version.
You might want to check this: Have anyone got any latest VGMTrans builds? |
Thierry | |
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1453/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Your link wouldn't work for me until I changed the key and then indeed it worked.
Thierry |
Posted on 02-02-15, 05:49 pm in release Super Mario: Endless Earth
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1456/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Hmm what if he did this then?:
Thierry |
Posted on 02-10-15, 10:51 pm in Volcano BG problem (rev. 2 by Thierry on 02-11-15, 12:25 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1473/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Nah, a BG isn't a tileset, it doesn't work exactly the same way.
EDIT: Purple = animated tiles EDIT 2: Here. I has to simplify the clouds a lot, but you can rearrange the clouds tiles by yourself if want to. |
Thierry |
Posted on 02-12-15, 02:12 pm in need suggestion zoom or not?
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1478/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
How much does the zoom sprite dezooms in your level?
Thierry |
Posted on 02-12-15, 09:49 pm in [suggestion Add a built-in world map editor ] (rev. 2 by Thierry on 09-20-15, 04:37 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 1482/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Old thread by ray.
Some sort of editor, still in beta. Check the thread for how to use it. EDIT: New thread by RicBent. |