Thierry |
Posted on 02-01-17, 01:47 am in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2065/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
The tune of the former vid is just clever. I like it.
Thierry | |
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2072/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
T h e f a c t t h a t y o u c a n ' t d o a n y b o w e l m o v e m e n t a t a l l i s p a t h e t i c .
Thierry |
Posted on 02-14-17, 08:18 pm in Castle Courtyard
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2092/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I think they did it on purpose anyways. Unless they're real dense.
Thierry |
Posted on 02-14-17, 10:06 pm in Castle Courtyard
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2093/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Why would the Newer team need one joint account?
Also most of them are in contact with the staff (or simply are staff) so indeed they'd know beforehand. |
Thierry |
Posted on 02-25-17, 11:39 am in stupid thingy How to post a picture on a post.
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2107/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Heh. It was one of the first things I wondered how to do, back then.
Basically, if you want to post images for people to see, you have to upload them. Then, you can either link them, this way: Code: [url][/url] Or embed them, this way: Code: [img][/img] This board's uploader is a fitting place to upload stuff. Try uploading in the image section. Once you uploaded a image, copy its link. Now, there are more stuff you can do using BBcode. Using [imgs] tags for big images to be resized by styling, using [url] tags for links to contain whatever you want, this way: [url=]text goes here[/url] text goes here You can even use HTML if you like it better. But you might as well learn more on your own, by trial and error. I hope I didn't go overboard with my 'basic explanation'. |
Thierry |
Posted on 02-28-17, 10:21 pm in Convert a .mid file to sseq? (rev. 1 by Thierry on 03-02-17, 04:52 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2115/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Sure. Here, try inserting this into the TRIDE slot.
battlerock_tower.sseq Might as well upload the SDAT I used to test it. sound_data.sdat |
Thierry |
Posted on 03-01-17, 01:25 am in New Super Mario Land
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2117/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
____ Let's play a game: find the slight tiling error. Also I kind of hope you'll complete it. IIRC noone completed an actual SML remake on NSMB. I even took part of one project trying to, once. But the lead quickly disappeared. |
Thierry |
Posted on 03-07-17, 02:15 am in Roast me
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2127/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by StapleButter your imagination seems to have gone down the shitter. actually, this is everyone. :3 well, I won't complain. at least this didn't become a trend... on here. Also screw you. Dishwashers are the future. They're proof we are advancing. |
Thierry |
Posted on 03-07-17, 10:12 pm in Roast me
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2129/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Thierry |
Posted on 03-12-17, 03:03 pm in NSMBHD Cafe!
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2134/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I want to buy your incredible image editing skills.
Even tho I already bought you. |
Thierry |
Posted on 03-31-17, 10:19 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2142/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
hello broken record. why'd you have to stick that text into your header?
also the leak wasn't actually spread to the public. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-01-17, 02:01 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2146/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
They likely are. There's no real need to fake stuff. It could probably be easily possible to, however.
Anyway, if this is a legit powerup, I wonder if it breaks part of the gameplay. In SMW, it did. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-01-17, 11:07 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!! (rev. 2 by Thierry on 04-02-17, 01:00 am)
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2150/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by SuperML I'm pretty sure this second leak is also a prank, but correct me if I'm wrong :p I thought so too, until the mods here tried to convince us otherwise in a way different manner than for the prank. Oh yeah, and theorically you could grab anything contained in the leaked patch, from level files to sound data, if it's there. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-01-17, 11:17 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2151/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
It is.
I actually bothered to play the patch. It's purely a second, better planned prank. As to the dude not being skawo, it's lies. Well then, back to watching movies. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-02-17, 01:19 am in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2154/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
MF64 will pull a SquidEmpress and pretend to be dead.
img[src=""] {display: none;}
//I so smart lolmao
Thierry |
Posted on 04-12-17, 09:50 am in Roast me
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2162/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
permission or not, a rereg is a rereg.
if you're responsible, ban yourself. |
Thierry | |
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2163/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
You're going to need the obj import/export plugins.
I don't have these atm. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-13-17, 12:57 pm in Roast me
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2165/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Posted by MarioFanatic64 Posted by Ezradekezra Your fault. *sigh* Your lack of creativity and legitimate roasts is actually starting to annoy me, and not in the fun way. I gotta agree with that, but on the other hand... Posted by MarioFanatic64 Posted by Thierry I think the human race as a whole is largely responsible for that. ..the whole world is your fault. You're a failure as a god and as silverware. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-29-17, 07:43 pm in New Super Peppe Bros.
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2177/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
this is more of a kid's playground than a hack.
sorry, but this is not the kind of thing people are going to want to play. |
Thierry |
Posted on 04-29-17, 11:06 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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Karma: 6341 Posts: 2178/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
I think he customized way more than that.