Posted on 02-01-17, 01:47 am in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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The tune of the former vid is just clever. I like it.
Posted on 02-02-17, 01:52 pm in Roast me (rev. 1 by Thierry on 02-02-17, 04:45 pm)
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T h e   f a c t   t h a t   y o u   c a n ' t   d o   a n y   b o w e l   m o v e m e n t   a t   a l l   i s   p a t h e t i c .
Posted on 02-14-17, 08:18 pm in Castle Courtyard
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I think they did it on purpose anyways. Unless they're real dense.

Posted on 02-14-17, 10:06 pm in Castle Courtyard
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Why would the Newer team need one joint account?

Also most of them are in contact with the staff (or simply are staff) so indeed they'd know beforehand.
Posted on 02-25-17, 11:39 am in stupid thingy How to post a picture on a post.
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Heh. It was one of the first things I wondered how to do, back then.

Basically, if you want to post images for people to see, you have to upload them.

Then, you can either link them, this way:


Or embed them, this way:


This board's uploader is a fitting place to upload stuff. Try uploading in the image section. Once you uploaded a image, copy its link.

Now, there are more stuff you can do using BBcode. Using [­imgs] tags for big images to be resized by styling, using [­url] tags for links to contain whatever you want, this way:

[url=]text goes here[/url]

text goes here

You can even use HTML if you like it better. But you might as well learn more on your own, by trial and error.

I hope I didn't go overboard with my 'basic explanation'.
Posted on 02-28-17, 10:21 pm in Convert a .mid file to sseq? (rev. 1 by Thierry on 03-02-17, 04:52 am)
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Sure. Here, try inserting this into the TRIDE slot.


Might as well upload the SDAT I used to test it.


Posted on 03-01-17, 01:25 am in New Super Mario Land
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Let's play a game: find the slight tiling error.

Also I kind of hope you'll complete it. IIRC noone completed an actual SML remake on NSMB.
I even took part of one project trying to, once. But the lead quickly disappeared.
Posted on 03-07-17, 02:15 am in Roast me
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Posted by StapleButter
your imagination seems to have gone down the shitter.

actually, this is everyone. :­3

well, I won't complain. at least this didn't become a trend... on here.

Also screw you. Dishwashers are the future. They're proof we are advancing.
Posted on 03-07-17, 10:12 pm in Roast me
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your fault.
Posted on 03-12-17, 03:03 pm in NSMBHD Cafe!
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I want to buy your incredible image editing skills.

Even tho I already bought you.
Posted on 03-31-17, 10:19 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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hello broken record. why'd you have to stick that text into your header?

also the leak wasn't actually spread to the public.
Posted on 04-01-17, 02:01 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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They likely are. There's no real need to fake stuff. It could probably be easily possible to, however.

Anyway, if this is a legit powerup, I wonder if it breaks part of the gameplay. In SMW, it did.
Posted on 04-01-17, 11:07 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!! (rev. 2 by Thierry on 04-02-17, 01:00 am)
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Posted by SuperML
I'm pretty sure this second leak is also a prank, but correct me if I'm wrong :p

I thought so too, until the mods here tried to convince us otherwise in a way different manner than for the prank.

Oh yeah, and theorically you could grab anything contained in the leaked patch, from level files to sound data, if it's there.
Posted on 04-01-17, 11:17 pm in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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It is.

I actually bothered to play the patch. It's purely a second, better planned prank.

As to the dude not being skawo, it's lies.

Well then, back to watching movies.
Posted on 04-02-17, 01:19 am in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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MF64 will pull a SquidEmpress and pretend to be dead.

img[src=""] {display: none;} //I so smart lolmao

Posted on 04-12-17, 09:50 am in Roast me
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permission or not, a rereg is a rereg.

if you're responsible, ban yourself.
Posted on 04-12-17, 11:19 am in sm64dshacknext A Next SM64DS Hack
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You're going to need the obj import/export plugins.

I don't have these atm.
Posted on 04-13-17, 12:57 pm in Roast me
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Posted by MarioFanatic64
Posted by Ezradekezra

Your fault.

Your lack of creativity and legitimate roasts is actually starting to annoy me, and not in the fun way.

I gotta agree with that, but on the other hand...

Posted by MarioFanatic64
Posted by Thierry

your fault.

I think the human race as a whole is largely responsible for that.

..the whole world is your fault. You're a failure as a god and as silverware.
Posted on 04-29-17, 07:43 pm in New Super Peppe Bros.
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this is more of a kid's playground than a hack.

sorry, but this is not the kind of thing people are going to want to play.
Posted on 04-29-17, 11:06 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
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I think he customized way more than that.