Posted on 05-01-13, 06:43 am
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3283/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Use sprites Red Coin Ring (34) and Red Coin (106).
Posted on 05-27-13, 07:50 pm

Karma: 20
Posts: 1/6
Since: 05-23-13
=== English ===

(Sorry for my English I am Spanish and English are not much use google translator)

Hi I'm BlackSnake and I have a problem. I'm doing my own NSMB hack and am editing texture textures to edit Mario model, edit the regular Mario and Mario flower, texture load the game right out to pick the flower that Mario's head and cap will be pink and black body try to modify the graph have if there was bad but it was all right as I can do to make it look normal Mario Mario flower textures well without problems. And also edited the face, hat, etc..

If anyone is interested I am doing a remake with original graphics super Mario bros NES editing models and stuff if anyone wants to send a private message.

=== Español ===

Hola soy BlackSnake y tengo un problema. estoy haciendo mi propio hack de NSMB y estoy editando texturas al editar la textura del modelo de Mario, edite la de Mario normal y la de Mario flor, al cargar el juego la textura sale correcta hasta que al coger la flor la cabeza de Mario y la gorra se be rosa y el cuerpo negro intente modificar el archivo haber si había algún gráfico mal aunque estaba todo correcto como puedo hacerlo para que se vea Mario normal y Mario flor bien sin problemas de texturas. También e editado la cara, la gorra etc.

Si a alguien le interesa estoy haciendo un remake con gráficos originales del súper Mario bros NES editando modelos y esas cosas si alguien quiere colaborar manden un mensaje privado.
Posted on 06-12-13, 08:33 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 871
Posts: 283/1315
Since: 11-12-12
I think the Mario colors are partly programmed so yeah, code
Posted on 06-12-13, 08:55 pm
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 266/699
Since: 09-24-12
In fact, the problem with Fire Mario is that if you change the original Mario's palette, then you'll screw up Fire Mario. So it would be hard to change it(but I think some guys did manage to change it).
Posted on 08-06-13, 05:24 am

Karma: 8
Posts: 3/10
Since: 08-05-13
I have a few questions right now and will likely have more.

1) Is there a way to make the lava and/or poisonous water rise and fall like the water can? For that matter, how do you control the movement of the water (beyond making it follow the same pattern as it did in 6-2 of the original, if not necessarily with the same height)?
2) Do events carry across levels? Like, if I activate an event in area 1 of a level, can I put something in area 2 (or a different view of area 1) that will depend on that event?
3) I noticed that some of the sprite subsets seem to be unused, or at least unlisted. There is no set 2-8, 5-3, 5-4, 6-1, or 10-7. Is there a known reason for this? And is there any way to use those values, either for custom sprite sets or alternate versions of existing ones (if, for instance, you wanted to use the sprites from sets 7-3 and 7-5 simultaneously by making set 5-3 a clone of 7-3)?
Posted on 08-06-13, 06:26 am
Knifed by Sakuya

Karma: 428
Posts: 24/289
Since: 07-03-13

You can make the water and lava rise up by clicking on the box of it.
It shows you this
Rise up how many Tiles: [Insert number]
And to make it rise down. Theres another one too.
Flandre Scarlet Layout done by  Lunarius
Posted on 08-06-13, 12:42 pm
Red Koopa

Karma: 331
Posts: 25/131
Since: 05-11-13
I have a question:

I would like to edit the Red coin ring.
I browsed to it,but when I clicked
on the file...
That happens...

So,what I did wrong?
Or is it not possible?
I'm out of Hacking. Of ALL HACKING...
I don't know how long, but there are so many reasons why I have no time to be here for a (long) while or to hack some game
sry guys...
Posted on 08-06-13, 12:58 pm
Full mod

Karma: 1183
Posts: 672/785
Since: 06-28-11
I believe that's because of this bug. You can try editing that file with an old version of the editor and it might work.
Posted on 08-06-13, 02:37 pm

Karma: 8
Posts: 7/10
Since: 08-05-13
You can make the water and lava rise up by clicking on the box of it.
It shows you this
Rise up how many Tiles: [Insert number]
And to make it rise down. Theres another one too.

Yeah, I know you can make it go one direction (though it seems to sort of glitch if you make it go down), but can you make it alternate between rising and falling?
Posted on 08-06-13, 03:08 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 3600/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Posted by Piranhaplant
I believe that's because of this bug. You can try editing that file with an old version of the editor and it might work.

Yeah, it's that silly bug with InlineFiles again.
It's fixed in the Java port
Posted on 08-14-13, 05:02 pm

Karma: 8
Posts: 9/10
Since: 08-05-13
Is there some oddity with how movement of the stone blocks is handled? I have a copy of sprite 298 that i'm trying to make go 3 tiles down, but it keeps going farther. It is 3 tiles wide (I was using 2, but that made it show up as having a 3x3 selection field...?) and has spikes on the bottom. And while we're at it, what's the difference between sprite 298 and sprites 71 and 72 besides the fact that the latter aren't set-specific?
Posted on 04-19-14, 10:37 pm
Passed away in 2017

Karma: 999
Posts: 5/380
Since: 03-04-14
Is there a Tile Behaviour which bounces the player?

I could not…
Posted on 04-21-14, 07:04 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 4014/4458
Since: 06-08-11
There's none.

I remember one hack that made noteblocks with invisible springboards on top of invisible ground. I think it was Clone Tag Team. It didn't work quite well because you could grab the springboards, but that's probably your only option if you want bouncy stuff

Posted on 04-24-14, 03:19 pm (rev. 2 by imamelia on 04-24-14, 03:41 pm)

Karma: 8
Posts: 10/10
Since: 08-05-13
I have a few questions:

- 1) Can entirely new Map16 tiles be added to the game? For instance, I'd like to have a ? block containing a blue shell, as well as edge tiles with a pixel or two of pipe sticking out of them (to prevent cutoff). I would assume the latter is just a GFX change (unless there is not enough palette space), but I don't know how much extra ASM coding the former would require.

- 2) Do paths (progress or otherwise) still work properly if you have them loop around? I know 7-7 in the original NSMB had paths that were not straight lines, but they never crossed over.

- 3) Has anyone ever coded multiple midpoints into the game?

- 4) Where is the background bottom layer that corresponds to top layer 36?

- 5) Has there ever been a hack to fix the unused larger variant of the Wiggler?

Also, the last four questions I asked still apply.
Posted on 04-24-14, 04:06 pm
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 13
Posts: 148/214
Since: 03-04-13
- 1) Can entirely new Map16 tiles be added to the game? For instance, I'd like to have a ? block containing a blue shell, as well as edge tiles with a pixel or two of pipe sticking out of them (to prevent cutoff). I would assume the latter is just a GFX change (unless there is not enough palette space), but I don't know how much extra ASM coding the former would require.

You have to learn ASM to do this. I think it's not that hard.

- 2) Do paths (progress or otherwise) still work properly if you have them loop around? I know 7-7 in the original NSMB had paths that were not straight lines, but they never crossed over.

I think it should work. Well, just test it.

- 3) Has anyone ever coded multiple midpoints into the game?


I hope I could help you
Posted on 04-27-14, 04:21 pm
Passed away in 2017

Karma: 999
Posts: 6/380
Since: 03-04-14
Is there a sprite which lets you to adjust the screen to a higher size? I mean, like "zooming out".
I.e.: instead of 16x12, it would be 20x14.

I could not…
Posted on 04-27-14, 09:57 pm (rev. 1 by LakituGames on 04-27-14, 10:30 pm)

Karma: 120
Posts: 18/31
Since: 03-27-14
Posted by NSMBHN
Is there a sprite which lets you to adjust the screen to a higher size? I mean, like "zooming out".
I.e.: instead of 16x12, it would be 20x14.

Yes, there is, actually. Sprite 84 will do this.

There are some restrictions, however. The aspect ratio is locked at 4:3 and the width must fall in the range of 8-24 tiles (inclusive). So, 20x14 would not be possible, since it has an aspect ratio of 10:7.

Check the sprite database for more info.

EDIT: also, this thread is vital to using it
Posted on 04-28-14, 12:10 am
Passed away in 2017

Karma: 999
Posts: 7/380
Since: 03-04-14
Yes, there is, actually. Sprite 84 will do this.

I don't understand its settings/values. :/

I could not…
Posted on 04-28-14, 08:36 am

Karma: 120
Posts: 19/31
Since: 03-27-14
Posted by NSMBHN
Yes, there is, actually. Sprite 84 will do this.

I don't understand its settings/values.

I still don't completely understand it either. Here's a lengthy explanation.
Posted on 04-28-14, 11:57 am (rev. 3 by  MarioSunshine on 04-28-14, 12:00 pm)
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 792/950
Since: 11-13-11
Sprite 84 setting brief description.


Amount of time used to zoom.

If delay is high, it will take more time to zoom either in or out. I think it is in milliseconds measurement, so be freely to use some value in tens (or even hundreds).

Zoom width:

For activation zone. See this.

Ignore this if you aren't really into that.

Zoom height:

For activation zone. Same as width.

Zoom left:

Zooming will be triggered as you move past this sprite to the left.

The value entered is how wide the screen is after zooming take place, measure in tiles.

For the height, calculate using a ratio of 4:3.

Default zoom level is 16, same as default screen width - 16 tiles.).

Please use between 8-24 tiles.

And to make the world better, use the multiples of 4. (In case you enter different number than multiples of 4, the game will just proportion width and height in a ratio of 4:3. So if you enter 21, you will get 21x15.75 screen. Some part of tiles in height would be reveled.)

Zoom right:

Zooming will be triggered as you move past this sprite to the right. Other things are same as Zoom left.

Hope this helps.


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

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