Posted on 05-16-14, 03:33 pm

Karma: 156
Posts: 59/159
Since: 05-06-14
well, do as you want, no problem for me, if the background i made is used, then i'm happy
Posted on 05-16-14, 03:35 pm
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There is no rock in the beta screenhot.

I prefer to keep both of the bgs. Simple solution.

Posted by Simpson55
why do you think the bushes on rocks are better?on the picture, there's absolutly no rocks and the level is appently in world 1, not 6, and even if it was in world 6, the world 6 theme was "machine"

The World 6 is Mountains.
Posted on 05-16-14, 03:39 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 156
Posts: 60/159
Since: 05-06-14
The World 6 is Mountains.

and now i'm wondering if the volcanoes and bushes background wasn't for the world 4 since there's a volcanoe on bushes ...
Posted on 05-16-14, 04:24 pm (rev. 1 by  Hiccup on 05-16-14, 04:25 pm)

Karma: 2799
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Since: 06-26-11
I think trying to recreate that version of World 6 with absolutely no info other than the word "machine" and a image of an some sort of iron ball, is a bit far fetched.

Not saying that you were suggesting that.
Posted on 05-16-14, 04:29 pm (rev. 1 by  Simpson55 on 05-18-14, 02:27 pm)

Karma: 156
Posts: 61/159
Since: 05-06-14
But we don't have more informations about the world 6 before the release, i know a beta reconstitution is supposed to be the exact same as the beta but we'll have to imagin a lot of things because the E3 demo has only 4 levels, the field, the fortress, the desert and the sea
EDIT: i was ripping some things on the only good quality picture of the alpha release and i noticed something...

on the two pictures, the background, the ground, the bushes and the rocks placement is the same.
so we can conclude the level is made only with these blocks and coins, as in the alpha, the levels were simple fields repeated all the time.
Posted on 05-19-14, 11:08 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12764
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Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Simpson55
But we don't have more informations about the world 6 before the release, i know a beta reconstitution is supposed to be the exact same as the beta but we'll have to imagin a lot of things because the E3 demo has only 4 levels, the field, the fortress, the desert and the sea
EDIT: i was ripping some things on the only good quality picture of the alpha release and i noticed something...

on the two pictures, the background, the ground, the bushes and the rocks placement is the same.
so we can conclude the level is made only with these blocks and coins, as in the alpha, the levels were simple fields repeated all the time.

No we can't. I think it's much more likely what we're looking at here is the exact same location. There must be a Mega Mushroom block placed somewhere before this spot.
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My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 05-20-14, 07:58 am (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by Simpson55
The World 6 is Mountains.

and now i'm wondering if the volcanoes and bushes background wasn't for the world 4 since there's a volcanoe on bushes ...

Oh, yes, un the beta. I forgets it sometimes. But we shouldn't even boher to make anything about the World 6, we don't have any info or screenhot about it.
Posted on 05-20-14, 08:45 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12764
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Since: 07-01-11
I honestly doubt there'll be more than 3 Worlds of content in this hack. There's just not enough information to go on when remaking something that wasn't even released.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 05-20-14, 09:13 am (rev. 4 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 44
Posts: 8/16
Since: 03-28-13
We could try making unseen beta styled graphics that might had looked like before.

By the way, I had made a mockup of bottom screen that might had looked like before.

Has anyone has managed to get the beta/prototype/E3 cartridge or rom?

Also, Has Anyone has noticed that the hills are the edits of the bush? The hills has the exact same texture as the bushes do, but it's more lighter.
Posted on 05-20-14, 09:24 am (rev. 1 by Thierry on 05-20-14, 09:24 am)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by GamePixel
Has anyone has managed to get the beta/prototype/E3 cartridge or rom?

Never, I guess. Because it got never released at this stage of development.
Posted on 05-20-14, 03:34 pm (rev. 4 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 156
Posts: 62/159
Since: 05-06-14
But we don't have more informations about the world 6 before the release, i know a beta reconstitution is supposed to be the exact same as the beta but we'll have to imagin a lot of things because the E3 demo has only 4 levels, the field, the fortress, the desert and the sea
EDIT: i was ripping some things on the only good quality picture of the alpha release and i noticed something...

on the two pictures, the background, the ground, the bushes and the rocks placement is the same.
so we can conclude the level is made only with these blocks and coins, as in the alpha, the levels were simple fields repeated all the time.

No we can't. I think it's much more likely what we're looking at here is the exact same location. There must be a Mega Mushroom block placed somewhere before this spot.

I don't think there were a block, firstly because the blocks in the alpha were even not functioning and also because in the footage mario became big with no power-up
By the way, I had made a mockup of bottom screen that might had looked like before.
you know how to change the functioning of the world selection screen?
Has anyone has managed to get the beta/prototype/E3 cartridge or rom?
I heard that the beta discs and cartridges of mario games were sold to the developers, but i'm not sure, maybe nintendo keep it. At least it maybe still exists, and the prototype version of the 1988 game, super mario bros. 2 was sold on ebay only in 2005...
And also, i found a better version for the mushrooms and bushes picture
Posted on 05-23-14, 08:52 am (rev. 1 by  XXLuigiMario on 05-23-14, 09:29 am)

Karma: 28
Posts: 10/15
Since: 09-17-12
Wow! It's been a while since I've been around here and now all of the sudden everyone's working on this
Posted on 05-24-14, 10:48 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 156
Posts: 63/159
Since: 05-06-14
I finally found what i was looking for since some weeks! when i watched the demo of NSMB (i was really younger ), i took some photos (no video ), unfortunatly, i deleted all of them, exept one,at the begining of the level, and the quality is not very good, all my cameras are rubbish
but this photo reminds me some things, firstly, the begining of the level was full of mushrooms, and on the top of two of them, there were a lot of koopas, secondly, there was a pipe canon which propels mario on a mushroom with a lot of coins . and i also remember that when you got three mushrooms, mario becomes giant.
Posted on 05-25-14, 07:27 am

Karma: 392
Posts: 163/247
Since: 12-18-12
WOW! great find and i already rip some from the beta, here:
Posted on 05-25-14, 09:11 am (rev. 3 by  Simpson55 on 05-25-14, 10:46 am)

Karma: 156
Posts: 64/159
Since: 05-06-14
it's cool! for the beta bushes and plains, it's fine, but for the desert, i aldready did it, for the bottom screen elements, the pallette is too small to include it in the game , the underwater background is better than my rip but we'll have to separate it in two parts, foreground and background,for the NSMB nintendo presents, i don't know where we can put it , and for the grass tileset, it's cool too, there's now to make the rest of the tileset, and for the beta boxes, i just submitted this on mfgg, but we can't make an animated 32x32 block without ASM hacking
EDIT: underwater backgrounds:

i deleted all of them

no no no! i found it, there's nothing special that we don't know but i post it:

title screen, I thought it would be useful but i remember it is present in one of the beta gameplay video

the bottom screen, apparently nothing special, and that's all for NSMB, the other photos are for the sims 2, nintendog, mario kart ds and mario party 7
Posted on 05-25-14, 01:05 pm (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 392
Posts: 164/247
Since: 12-18-12
so much thing i want to say actually but this screenshot:

the tiles from this screenshot is actually small because mario is in giant form
also, spoiler:
Posted on 05-25-14, 01:10 pm

Karma: 156
Posts: 65/159
Since: 05-06-14
For the desert backgrounds (alpha 2 and beta E3) i made, you must ask to thierry, i sent him the files and i lost the original
Posted on 05-26-14, 07:04 am

Karma: 392
Posts: 165/247
Since: 12-18-12
Here the updated grassland and alpha2 desert BG :
this file will look like this if you import the NMB file
and this will look like this
Posted on 05-26-14, 09:10 am (rev. 1 by GamePixel on 05-26-14, 09:11 am)

Karma: 44
Posts: 10/16
Since: 03-28-13
you know how to change the functioning of the world selection screen?

I don't really know how to change the world selection screen. Unforatuely this will take quite a long time to ASM hack the World selection.
But, IT is possible to do this. But it's not going to be easy, as you know.
Posted on 05-26-14, 03:45 pm (rev. 1 by  Simpson55 on 05-26-14, 03:46 pm)

Karma: 156
Posts: 66/159
Since: 05-06-14
i don't even know why it's important to remake the world selection screen as the beta have no world maps