Posted on 06-04-14, 09:40 am (rev. 3 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)

Karma: 392
Posts: 178/247
Since: 12-18-12
i hope this image are a bit help:

thierry saying you just make custom beta block to make it fit like the beta, well if you want to make it again, i think this image can help you (even if it was not a good rip from videos) i hope you remake the beta block!
the source from this image:
1.beta star coin icon placement
2.different 1-up card in 1-up toad house
3.late-build block animation from video (i hope simpson55 remake it )
4.beta fire flower icon in late-build world map
also the big image version of the late-build nsmb us manual v1:
Posted on 06-04-14, 10:49 am (rev. 1 by  Simpson55 on 06-04-14, 12:58 pm)

Karma: 156
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Since: 05-06-14
i made the block
Posted on 06-04-14, 11:54 am (rev. 3 by  snake block on 06-04-14, 12:11 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 834/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Well I'm gonna rip the world icons. And probably just remake them from own ideas because no pictures for them.

but if they are already different or ripped then i quit contributing

EDIT: I ripped the ? block.

Posted on 06-04-14, 12:13 pm (rev. 3 by Thierry on 06-04-14, 12:32 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
I am gona insert the animation.

Oh, and I am working on the toad house stuff.

Posted by hamza62240
Well I'm gonna rip the world icons. And probably just remake them from own ideas because no pictures for them.

but if they are already different or ripped then i quit contributing

I was going to do it!

I have better stuff than you have, for doing this.
Posted on 06-04-14, 03:41 pm

Karma: 392
Posts: 179/247
Since: 12-18-12
i think this is the rip of what we talking about right... now?
well, i made the late-build block item in 1-up toad house!
Posted on 06-04-14, 03:49 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 06-04-14, 03:49 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
I will insert this.


Posted on 06-04-14, 03:52 pm (rev. 3 by  snake block on 06-04-14, 04:59 pm)

Karma: 1589
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Since: 02-12-13
Okay, I'm gonna do the other ones.

Let me >.<

I'm sick of getting ninja'd each time just to find that my submissions are also ninja'd.

EDIT: I dunnit, I dunnit. World 2 world icon. Made with imagination.

Gonna do moar!
Posted on 06-04-14, 08:41 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:00 am)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13

Oh god that was long!
Posted on 06-04-14, 09:03 pm
All aboard the RandomTests train!

Karma: 789
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Since: 05-01-12
Posted by Thierry
Oh god that was long!

And yet, you forgot to change "World 1" to be written completely in uppercase letters. As well as tower/castle icons.
Posted on 06-04-14, 09:04 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 08-21-14, 02:15 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
I didn't forget, I just have other stuff to do (homeworks, stuff, internet shit stuff...). Makes it well longer.
Posted on 06-04-14, 09:20 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 844/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Why not add my World 2 world icon? We HAVE to custom it because there's no pics for the other w icons.
Posted on 06-04-14, 09:48 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 06-04-14, 10:17 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
Yours is too big.

Max is 32x32.


Almost done!
Posted on 06-04-14, 10:35 pm

Karma: 1589
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Since: 02-12-13

I shortened it.
Posted on 06-04-14, 10:50 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 06-04-14, 10:54 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
I will improve a little bit the white circle around it, is it okay?

I won't touch to the pyramids.

By the way, I did what I was able to do.

Posted on 06-05-14, 09:34 am (rev. 2 by  mrrikihino on 06-05-14, 10:18 am)

Karma: 392
Posts: 180/247
Since: 12-18-12
i make it a bit look like it:
and you wanna know something?
the beta pyramid BG is actually a pyramid from super mario 64 ds desert level!
you guys are awesome! you can remake all the stuff even if its not a screenshot!
can you guys make all the beta world icon?
and about those world 1 text, you doesnt have to remake it, because the screenshot use the japan version of New Super Mario Bros. so, all the alphabet in japan version is all big letter (this is regional differences) you can take the world 1 text from japan new super mario bros rom
Posted on 06-05-14, 11:21 am (rev. 3 by  snake block on 06-05-14, 12:00 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 847/1290
Since: 02-12-13

I was the first one to remake something without a screenshot.

And yes, I am gonna make all the world icons. Now that I have the circle template (thanks, Riki Hino!).

EDIT: Well, I'm gonna use Thierry's circle... Riki, your circles are well....too thin. And maybe tall. And the blueness is too blue.

EDIT4: Done.

<--- Updated World 2 Icon

<--- World 3 Icon
Posted on 06-05-14, 03:16 pm

Karma: 392
Posts: 181/247
Since: 12-18-12
this is the sheet that i don't know how to recreate the world icon...
i resize the us manual pic (i don't know if it fit )
Posted on 06-05-14, 04:09 pm (rev. 2 by Thierry on 06-05-14, 04:10 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
What about making the world icons 32x32 so I can insert its?

I will manage to get the Used/unused pallet right, but I cannot insert 28x30 sized image. I don't want to be mean, but I won't resize/improve every little contribution. People would think I'd be stealing crédits.
Posted on 06-05-14, 05:40 pm

Karma: 156
Posts: 90/159
Since: 05-06-14
why is it french?
Posted on 06-05-14, 06:09 pm
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
This one wasn't from me, I only shown it to show the differences.