Pages: 1
Posted on 06-06-17, 02:03 am (rev. 6 by Paul721 on 12-05-17, 07:37 am)

Karma: 225
Posts: 1/16
Since: 06-06-17
Hello, everybody. Today, I present to you my SM64 ROM hack, Super Mario: Power Star Expedition. Information and screenshots can be found below.

- 10 brand new main courses and 9 brand new secret courses;
- new textures (from MKWii, NSMBW, SMG2, etc.);
- new music;
- some model replacements and retextures;
- some custom objects;
- 3 new hub worlds; and
- new backgrounds.

Fully completed main courses: 0/10 (Total model progress for main courses: 9%)
Fully completed secret courses: 0/9 (Total model progress for secret courses: 17%)
Music: 80%
Fully completed hub worlds: 0/3 (Total model progress for hub worlds: 5%)
Backgrounds: 95%
Custom objects: 5%
Model replacements: 5%
Retextures: 10%

Screenshots (from SketchUp Make 2016)

Course 3: Hot, Hot Desert (about 50% done)

Course 6: Spooky Ghost Mansion (about 25% done)

Course 10: Heavy Metal Factory (about 25% done)

Area 2 of Goomba Skylands (about 15% done)

Secret Sky Level (about 5% done)


Main courses (names may change)
Course 1: Autumn Forest
Course 2: Goomba Skylands
Course 3: Dark, Flooded Cave
Course 4: Hot, Hot Desert
Course 5: Spooky Ghost Mansion
Course 6: Chilly Snow Land
Course 7: Dark, Abandoned Village
Course 8: Galactic Spaceway
Course 9: Volcanic Valley
Course 10: Scorching Lava Factory

Secret courses (names may change)
- Metal Cap Magma Mine
- Vanish Cap Cove
- Wing Cap Rainbow Road
- King Whomp's Freezing Lake <- This is the first Bowser level.
- Bowser's Spooky Castle <- This is the second Bowser level.
- Bowser's Castle in Space <- This is the final Bowser level. Also, this level will contain two Power Stars.
- Secret Beach level
- Secret Sky level
- Playful Candy Land

Thank you for reading.
Posted on 06-06-17, 02:08 pm (rev. 4 by  Arceus on 06-06-17, 02:09 pm)
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5568
Posts: 1229/1425
Since: 06-25-13
You can put your screenshots in (img) tags and in a spoiler so it's easier to see them without opening another site
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Posted on 06-06-17, 09:12 pm

Karma: 225
Posts: 2/16
Since: 06-06-17
I linked the images because I thought that using the (img) tags would make the post too large. Also, some Internet forums want users to link their images, so I thought this forum was the same. Anyway, I fixed it now.
Posted on 09-25-17, 08:17 am

Karma: 225
Posts: 3/16
Since: 06-06-17
Well, I figured that I should post an update for the very few people who care about this project, so here it goes.

So, this project is just over a year old now. That's actually really hard to believe. Unfortunately, in that time, I got very little done. At the moment, I currently have 3 incomplete main level models, 6 incomplete side course models, and some other minor things done. That's it. If you look at the main post, though, you will notice that there are screenshots from more than 3 of the main courses. Well, that's because most of those models have now been scrapped. Specifically, I scrapped courses 1, 4, 8, and 9. So the only old courses that remain are 3, 6, and 10. By the way, I don't have a release date for this. I'm hoping to finish this by next year, but that probably won't happen.

Anyway, I'll just leave this screenshot of the secret sky level here (this is the level I'm currently working on):

This level will contain three parts, one being a sky area, which is what you see above, another will be a dark cave area, and the last one will a sky/rainforest area. Also, I will finish the UV mapping later. Finally, the only thing not made by me in that screenshot is the cloud next to the starting platform; it's actually from Super Mario Galaxy.

So, uh, yeah, that's everything I wanted to say. If you want, you can post feedback. I would really appreciate it.
Posted on 09-26-17, 09:52 am

Karma: 379
Posts: 217/226
Since: 08-17-11
Looks really nice so far. Almost looks more like it belongs in 3D land. Keep up the great work!
Pro lurker

My Hack (whoops link is fixed now):
Posted on 09-30-17, 02:06 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12749
Posts: 2620/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Hey man, don't be disheartened by the lack of responses. Your work looks pretty great! Keep it up.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 10-08-17, 04:17 pm

Karma: 225
Posts: 4/16
Since: 06-06-17
Thank you for those kind words, guys. I really appreciate it. Also, here's a screenshot of a subarea in Goomba Skylands (yes, I changed the name):

I know it's not a lot to look at right now, but I am aiming to post screenshots more frequently, so you should expect screenshots like this that don't reveal a lot. It's actually a good way to show that I'm still working on the hack without spoiling too much. Oh, and that platform took forever to model, by the way.
Posted on 10-08-17, 04:23 pm

Karma: 755
Posts: 143/265
Since: 01-03-16
That looks really cool man!
It's like the perfect of Galaxy and Sunshine in one.
"I strikingly thought you would know how but it clearly seems you have no knowledge of hacking" - MiiU 2017
Posted on 10-31-17, 08:58 pm
W1 out :)

Karma: 544
Posts: 8/229
Since: 10-22-17
I really hope you can finish this. It looks really great!
previously (un)known as BooChewbaca
Posted on 11-28-17, 03:31 am (rev. 1 by Paul721 on 12-17-17, 11:27 pm)

Karma: 225
Posts: 5/16
Since: 06-06-17
Thank you, kind people. So, anyway, I made some more progress in course 10. Here are some screenshots:

I know the course isn't too different, but I kind of just wanted to post some screenshots, so there they are. Also, this level already has over 9,000 triangles in it somehow, and I'm not even halfway done. That kind of worries me, as I believe SM64 can only support up to 20,000 triangles. But, I can probably delete quite a few polygons for the collision map, so hopefully there won't be an issue.

EDIT: There are a few random things off to the side in this model, and some of them will not be used, so that gives me even more triangles to work with. I'm not really sure why I wanted to write this, but whatever.
Posted on 11-28-17, 06:36 am
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 698/778
Since: 03-25-16
Wow :o That's really cool!
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 11-28-17, 11:58 am
Red Koopa

Karma: 348
Posts: 52/124
Since: 06-19-17
Wow...... Sorry Skawo, this is gonna be better than Another Super Mario 3D.

It looks like a level straight out of Galaxy!

Could you please update the progress %? I really want to know how far you've come.
Posted on 11-30-17, 07:03 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1654
Posts: 528/831
Since: 04-11-15
>Better than ASM3D

That was for SM64 Ds, This is for SM64 (N64)
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 11-30-17, 09:38 pm
Red Koopa

Karma: 348
Posts: 55/124
Since: 06-19-17
Ohh... just as I was getting excited...
Posted on 11-30-17, 10:29 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 457/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Posted by Ninja NAH
Ohh... just as I was getting excited...
Better than ASM3D isn't really anything special anyway. It was good but nothing mind blowing. I can even do a small list of hacks that are going to be better than ASM3D: Shining Stars DS, Journey Lane, SM256 and SMSW.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 12-05-17, 07:13 am (rev. 1 by Paul721 on 12-05-17, 07:36 am)

Karma: 225
Posts: 6/16
Since: 06-06-17
Thank you for the feedback, guys. And yes, this is a Super Mario 64 (for the N64) hack. If this were a Super Mario 64 DS hack, I would have wrote "SM64DS ROM Hack" in the title. Also, even though you have established that this is an SM64 hack, I still do appreciate the compliment about this being "better than ASMB3D". However, my goal is not to be "better than" any hack; I merely want to make the highest quality hack I can. I am not competing with anyone.

Oh, and the progress pretty much is up to date, but I suppose it could be updated a bit more; I'll do that now.
Posted on 12-17-17, 11:55 pm (rev. 2 by Paul721 on 12-18-17, 05:13 am)

Karma: 225
Posts: 7/16
Since: 06-06-17
I was debating whether or not I should show screenshots of the final Bowser level, and, well, I decided that I should show them. Here they are:
I think I UV mapped everything in this level so far, so that's cool, I guess.

Oh, and here is a screenshot of the Metal Cap stage (only a bit of UV mapping done here):
Once again, feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the ground texture in the Metal Cap level will be scaled up quite a bit, because it obviously repeats way too many times.
Posted on 01-06-18, 09:18 am (rev. 1 by Paul721 on 01-06-18, 09:23 am)

Karma: 225
Posts: 8/16
Since: 06-06-17
Well, I have some bad news: I'm probably going to cancel this project.

It really seems like I am getting absolutely nowhere with it, and I feel like if I were to finish it, it would take a couple more years, and I don't think I'm willing to spend that much time on this project. I mean, I started working on this over a year ago, and all I have are a few incomplete models. I am not saying that I don't enjoy making models for this hack, because I actually do, but I just can't seem to get a single one complete, and I have lost a lot of motivation because of that.

Also, I just started to work on my New Super Mario Bros Wii hack again, and I am really enjoying that, and it is easier to get things done.

Finally, just to be clear, I don't know for sure if this hack will die, but it is more than likely to happen. So, if it does happen, I may polish some or all of the incomplete models a bit and release a patch (if enough people want me to do so). Anyway, I think I covered everything; thank you for reading. I hope you understand.
Posted on 01-07-18, 12:26 am
W1 out :)

Karma: 544
Posts: 35/229
Since: 10-22-17
I understand that. Loosing motivation can hit you and its hard to get it back. Its kind of sad to loose all the work done but pausing or stopping the hack is better than loosing all fun in hacking and making a bad game.
GL for your NSMBWii hack btw ;-)
previously (un)known as BooChewbaca
Posted on 03-15-18, 06:33 am

Karma: 225
Posts: 10/16
Since: 06-06-17
This hack has changed to Super Mario: Red Star Expedition. The thread can be found here.
Pages: 1