General information
Name RicBent
Power Admin
Sex Male
Title Mariomaster
Karma 8573
Total posts 1681 (0.36 per day)
Total threads 67 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 06-09-12, 02:37 pm (4629 days ago)
Last post 06-30-23, 09:55 am (591 days ago)
in Shy Guy enemy in the original NSMB DS game? (Level Editing) » 74285
Last view 01-21-25, 08:36 am (20 days ago)
Browser Safari 18.0.1 Safari/605.1.15 on Mac OS X 10_15_7
Badges View 10,900,000 View 14,900,000 View 2,850,000 View 7,000,000
Total +1s received 750 [View...]
From:  Hiccup (77),  Helios (53), Asprok (51),  SuperML (26), Sherry_ (24), more...
Total +1s given 105
To:  Arisotura (23),  Dirbaio (14),  skawo (14),  MarioFanatic64 (9),  MeroMero (9), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage RicBent's Whatever -
Theme ABXD 2.0
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name Bent
Location Germany
Birthday July 2, 1999 (25 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 11
Sprites edited 9
Last edits Snow Spike (273) on 05-11-18, 02:45 pm
Coin (57) on 10-08-17, 08:49 pm
Bowser Jr. (220) on 08-17-17, 09:49 am
Seaweed (96) on 08-13-17, 06:11 pm
Hanging bouncing ? block (191) on 12-15-14, 07:37 pm
Event Controller - "If" (Uses zones) (168) on 09-16-13, 03:24 pm
Event Controller - "If" (Uses zones) (168) on 09-16-13, 03:23 pm
Swelling Ground (141) on 11-27-12, 04:45 pm
Swelling Ground (141) on 11-27-12, 04:43 pm
Hammer Bro spawn point (22) on 10-04-12, 01:36 pm
Comments about RicBent
« 1234567891011 »
 SaturnYoshi I know but something on my computer needs updateing to run them .
 Someone Hello! Im new here.
Thierry Hi Mariomaster !
 ray Lol ach was Ging mit am anfang auch immer so^^ Wirst es schon irgendwann schaffen xD
 RiksKing For NSMB I have a really nice idea for a hack, but my graphical hacking skills are too bad to really do what is in my mind xD
 RiksKing But I'm mostly working on my SM64DS hack lately
 RiksKing Also, because I've not been working on your hack lately, I'll try to search the Birabuto hack for you. (I hope I didn't throw it away lol)
 RiksKing Yeah, I know. I've spend half an year on actually music hacking. And it still doesn't work all the time
 RiksKing I hope you have more luck
 Freeze "wired" heißt verkabelt. "weird" heißt seltsam/komisch. Hab bemerkt dass du den selben Fehler öfters gemacht hast, deshalb sag ichs dir jetzt.
 Freeze Ne,  Dirbaio hat das abgelehnt.
 Freeze Er meint, dass wir den Overlay Table finden sollten in der ROM, der die info beinhaltet, wie ein BG repeatet wird.
 Freeze Und er hat es nicht gefunden. ---> ich kann nicht weitermachen
vds5491 Thanks
« 1234567891011 »
Sample post

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1681
Since: 06-09-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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