General information
Name mariogalaxythree
Power Normal
Sex N/A
Title King of Composers
Rank Flurry
To next rank 1 post
Karma -24
Total posts 274 (0.06 per day)
Total threads 24 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 03-15-13, 08:59 pm (4346 days ago)
Last post 11-05-14, 09:00 pm (3746 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 05-29-15, 08:36 pm (3541 days ago)
Browser Firefox 38.0 on Windows XP
Badges View 2,000,000
Total +1s received 12 [View...]
From:  Tiger21820 (3),  Dirbaio (3),  MarioFanatic64 (2),  Keeper (1), Salt Water (1), more...
Total +1s given 5
To: Ninjifox (1),  Freeze (1), Vinnyboiler (1),  Arceus (1),  Arisotura (1)
Contact information
Email address None given
Theme Old Metal
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about mariogalaxythree
« 123456
 Arisotura Nah, it would take most of its meaning out.
 gridatttack You jelly that you cant :>
 gridatttack Deal with it
 gridatttack I can make yours if you want
 P-Wing The feather dosnt exist anymore.
 gridatttack lol negative karma
 snake block No he didn't. He's the SYSTEM. I hosted my board on HIS SERVER.
 snake block Yes you did.
 snake block If you didn't, how come the board became back to normal after you were banned?
 snake block You didn't hack the board.
 P-Wing Stop hacking.
 NeverEndingGamer I can ask you anything? Hm..What is....The meaning of life?
skyluigi I know. I just removed it.
Playstistem Happy Easter
 Lunarius I don't know if I should CSS block him…
« 123456
Sample post
King of Composers

Karma: -24
Posts: 274
Since: 03-15-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");