General information
Name  Arceus
Power Local mod
Sex Male
Title We do what we must because we can
Karma 5569
Total posts 1426 (0.34 per day)
Total threads 41 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 06-25-13, 11:08 am (4197 days ago)
Last post 11-07-24, 12:09 pm (44 days ago)
in Hacks for sale (General Chat) » 76126
Last view 12-04-24, 06:55 pm (17 days ago)
Browser Firefox 133.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 491 [View...]
From:  Helios (40),  Hiccup (34), Asprok (34),  Kankerkoekjesdief (22),  CreativiPie (17), more...
Total +1s given 69
To:  MeroMero (12),  MarioFanatic64 (7),  Arisotura (7),  Freeze (4),  skawo (4), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location Germany
Birthday February 4, 1998 (26 years old)
My Hacks
- New Super Mario Castle [Finished]
- Super Mario Bros. - The New Worlds [Finished]
- Super Mario Castle 2 [Finished]
- Pokémon Shining Diamond [Finished]

My Youtube channel
Sprite database
Total edits 37
Sprites edited 27
Last edits Swinging/able pole (233) on 02-25-18, 05:24 pm
Petey Piranha (229) on 02-25-18, 05:24 pm
Camera vertical scrolling (unused actor) (98) on 02-25-18, 05:23 pm
Unused Purple Mushroom Platform Lift (tilts if stepped on) (slower) (203) on 02-25-18, 05:23 pm
Toad House block (302) on 02-25-18, 05:20 pm
Star Coin (235) on 03-18-16, 04:19 pm
Hammer Bro. spawn point (22) on 11-26-14, 10:07 pm
Pipe Piranha Plant facing up (23) on 11-15-14, 06:39 pm
Blockhopper (275) on 10-31-14, 07:26 pm
Input controller - "And" (If X AND Y, do Z) (164) on 10-24-14, 10:58 pm
Comments about  Arceus
« 44454647484950515253 »
 newsuperhackboys Holy crap! This is coming from a guy who isn't a big fan of me (which is fine) but I am really happy to hear that my reviews are better than saying "Looks Amazing". I guess am becoming less noobish.
 newsuperhackboys Also in case you are wondering, the reviews are some what inspired by pinet's reviews
newluigidev Yeah I did
Luigui3060 I already talked to him and he would not steal any more things and I would also like to know who made you the W1-1 music of your canceled hack Super Mario Bros The New Worlds 2 sorry for my bad english ?
Jakratzhu Happy birthday!
Jakratzhu Why? xD
Jakratzhu Arceus, I'm doing a 100% of your NSMB castle rom but the flagpole in 1-5 is missing. Please fix it
Thierry please enable the signature separator if you're gonna put all those links into your sig.
overmariofan Ich habe dich mal auf YouTube gesehen und ich hätte nie gedacht das du ein Deutscher bist ???
overmariofan Ich muss aber sagen das z.b New Super Mario Bros The New Worlds richtig gut ist dafür das du 19 bist
overmariofan Wie hast du überhaupt neue Musik in New Super Mario Bros DS reinbekommen
overmariofan Na auch wie ich wieder hier hin verirrt?
overmariofan Wow 6 User on
overmariofan Hast du nen discord?
 Helios Happy Birthday
« 44454647484950515253 »
Sample post
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5569
Posts: 1426
Since: 06-25-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

Super Mario Bros. - The New Worlds | Full release
Super Mario Castle 2 | Full release

My Youtube channel
Best friends forever