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Name  Helios
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title 将来いつかきっと帰って来る、またね
Rank Red Cheep-cheep
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Karma 752
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Registered on 06-28-17, 08:31 am (2663 days ago)
Last post 07-12-20, 11:26 pm (1552 days ago)
in Logo, Box Art and Icon Shop! (NSMB Hacking Resources) » 68989
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real life stuff bothering me, don't expect hacks to get anywhere soon, sorry

So first off, advertisements.

Amazing 9-level hack

FULL set of levels based on NewerDS

Who could've thought of this!? Better than NSMBU DX

*ahem* bio starts here

  • I know a bit of C++ and Python.
  • I speak Cantonese, Mandarin and minimal Japanese. こんにちは
  • I despise NSMB2.
  • The USSR anthem is a banger.

return 0;
Sprite database
Total edits 7
Sprites edited 6
Last edits Auto-scrolling controller (218) on 02-26-18, 03:29 pm
Spiny (37) on 02-18-18, 06:04 pm
? Switch (107) on 02-18-18, 06:01 pm
Grounded Piranha Plant (120) on 02-18-18, 06:00 pm
Unused Purple Mushroom Platform Lift That Tilts if stepped on (slower) (203) on 02-18-18, 05:59 pm
Vertical camera offset (unused actor) (100) on 12-31-17, 07:27 am
Auto-scrolling controller (218) on 12-28-17, 02:05 pm
Comments about  Helios
« 123456 »
 Ndymario Yay....aww
RicBent "Sorry for breaking a rule, but you are breaking a rule". Yeah, no
 tumblegamer hello newcomer-ish
 Ndymario Back in 1k karma club
 Gabriel M. It's not my real birthday lol
rakan2017 hi
 Ndymario Thanks!
 Slackot Yes, I do sometimes
 Slackot I’ve just been busy with life, you know? Hopefully this summer I can go back to here and see some of you again!
 Arceus You could at least read it, now it's gone together with that tard ^^
RicBent Nobody was really interested -> Not really.
RicBent Tho it is able to do what it is supposed to do.
 Arisotura too late, apparently
Thierry >plugin
lol as if
TheTimebreaker the antivirus programm doesn't want to get japanized
« 123456 »
Sample post
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 752
Posts: 222
Since: 06-28-17
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

Check out these awesome hacks! Beyond DS is now my major hack!