It doesn't have to hurt me to have an opinion on it. And why do I care? You yourself answered that question: it was a thoughtless move. I'm personally doubting you as an admin, maybe made a local mod would've been better.
It makes me realise how little you care about some constructive criticism and that you don't take me seriously. Alright then, I guess I won't argue with you any longer, nor will I point out why you shouldn't be an admin.
And congratulations on trying to be patient, but you don't know the reasons for my sudden disappearance, so don't go assuming that I didn't care or stuff.
However, that post I addressed was the only reason I needed to end this discussion. Also, don't rearrange the conversation to make you look in a better spot.
I didn't say it was offensive, nor did I feel offended, it just demonstrated your lack of interest. Was it not serious, but a joke? Didn't look as obvious to me, but still.
I wouldn't say our relationship is “bad”, we just had a conflict over something because we don't agree. It's not the first time I go through something like this.