General information
Name RicBent
Power Admin
Sex Male
Title Mariomaster
Karma 8573
Total posts 1681 (0.37 per day)
Total threads 67 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 06-09-12, 02:37 pm (4586 days ago)
Last post 06-30-23, 09:55 am (548 days ago)
in Shy Guy enemy in the original NSMB DS game? (Level Editing) » 74285
Last view 12-28-24, 01:34 am (1 day ago)
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Total +1s received 750 [View...]
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Email address Public
Homepage RicBent's Whatever -
Theme ABXD 2.0
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
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Personal information
Real name Bent
Location Germany
Birthday July 2, 1999 (25 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 11
Sprites edited 9
Last edits Snow Spike (273) on 05-11-18, 02:45 pm
Coin (57) on 10-08-17, 08:49 pm
Bowser Jr. (220) on 08-17-17, 09:49 am
Seaweed (96) on 08-13-17, 06:11 pm
Hanging bouncing ? block (191) on 12-15-14, 07:37 pm
Event Controller - "If" (Uses zones) (168) on 09-16-13, 03:24 pm
Event Controller - "If" (Uses zones) (168) on 09-16-13, 03:23 pm
Swelling Ground (141) on 11-27-12, 04:45 pm
Swelling Ground (141) on 11-27-12, 04:43 pm
Hammer Bro spawn point (22) on 10-04-12, 01:36 pm
Comments about RicBent
« 4142434445464748495051 »
Posted by Mariomaster
what? No, the site where you posted isn't already down.
You misunderstood  poudink's post.
Asprok For me, it was perfectly understandable, and  skawo answered him. Either way, that wasn't a good reason to delete his post.
Asprok It doesn't have to hurt me to have an opinion on it. And why do I care? You yourself answered that question: it was a thoughtless move. I'm personally doubting you as an admin, maybe made a local mod would've been better.
Asprok As for the image, I accidentally wrote <1-- instead of <!--, so it didn't disappear when I edited my profile a while ago.
Asprok That means you didn't quite analyse that post correctly, hence it was thoughtless to delete it.

Also, why the heck would you remove the code for my bio's spoiler?
Asprok This is not the only matter for my doubts, mind you.
Asprok But you could always improve, and I know you will. After all, your power escalated quickly. :P Rather quickly, perhaps.
Asprok Be patient, I've been busy.
Posted by Mariomaster
(yeah, sue me for that Asprok)
Really? That's rather immature of you.
Asprok It makes me realise how little you care about some constructive criticism and that you don't take me seriously. Alright then, I guess I won't argue with you any longer, nor will I point out why you shouldn't be an admin.

See ya.
Asprok And congratulations on trying to be patient, but you don't know the reasons for my sudden disappearance, so don't go assuming that I didn't care or stuff.
Asprok However, that post I addressed was the only reason I needed to end this discussion. Also, don't rearrange the conversation to make you look in a better spot.

Now this conversation is truly over.
Asprok I didn't say it was offensive, nor did I feel offended, it just demonstrated your lack of interest. Was it not serious, but a joke? Didn't look as obvious to me, but still.
Asprok No, I was not offended, I hardly get offended by anything. If I got offended, I may just may cringe and leave, which I didn't do in this case.
Asprok I wouldn't say our relationship is “bad”, we just had a conflict over something because we don't agree. It's not the first time I go through something like this.
« 4142434445464748495051 »
Sample post

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1681
Since: 06-09-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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