Latest News
So, yes, now this website has a nice blog-like main page, where all the latest news are displayed! This is good news because now I'll probably post more news and updates. Maybe we can feature your awesome ROM hacks when you release them, or links to tutorials, or whatever.
Do you like it? Do you have any improvements? Please comment!
| 9 comments. Last by Dirbaio. » | Post a comment |
Yup. Yay svn merge.
Let me know if anything is broken.
New features:
Ninja detection on quick reply fixed
Extended the reports table for an upcoming thing
Can no longer edit deleted posts (you could do that by having editpost open before the post was deleted)
Giant chains of Re: Re: Re: Re: are folded into a single “Re*N:”
Some more attack vectors
More generic bot names to tell them from guests
Missing headers on editprofile
Board informs you when you’re running a browser so old it’s no longer funny.
| 7 comments. Last by Dirbaio. » | Post a comment |
I've completely redesigned the uploader. Now it's much more organized into categories, and private and public files are clearly separated.
I've added some categories, but if you think of another one that would be good, just tell me 
Also, please add a description for files you upload, and upload them in the right category. I'd like the uploader to be a useful resource by itself, rather than a huge unorganized file heap. Thank you 
(And no, there's no way to move/rename the files already uploaded. I'll clean up the mess in the Misc category when I can)
| 0 comments. | Post a comment |
You all know that this board, like most AcmlmBoards, lets users have a post layout. This is great, yeah.
But we have to keep a quality standard on layouts, or people will just choose to browse the board with layouts disabled, and then they won't see your awesome shiny layout because of the other guy's eye-hurting layout.
So, some recommendations:
- Test your layout with ALL the themes.
- DO NOT change the text color without also changing the BG color. The text color you choose might make the text unreadable with other themes.
- Try not to use huge logos to advertise your stuff.
- Try not to use dynamic content (not cache-able) like signatures that update automatically. Or, if you do, make sure your host is fast so that pages still load fast.
- Above all, use common sense.
Also, on image hosting:
Choose carefully the image hosting service to use.
Some have a really shitty policy of requiring users to register. (Yes, imageshack, i'm looking at you)
Lately, they're requiring either users to register or me to register this domain. If not, instead of the images, you see a freakin' frozen frog picture telling you to register.
That's a really shitty policy, and they deserve to die for that. I therefore recomend everyone NOT TO USE IMAGESHACK! If you do, many people won't be able to see your images, even if you can. Be warned.
BTW: I'm looking at a way to allow users to attach images and files to posts. That way there will be no need for shitty image hosting.
| 4 comments. Last by luckwii. » | Post a comment | |
Welcome to The NSMB Hacking Domain!
We're a small community dedicated to hacking the Nintendo DS game New Super Mario Bros. We make new levels, tilesets, backgrounds...
To get started, download NSMB Editor and start making your own levels and tilesets! You're welcome to register and get in touch with us in the NSMB Hacking forums!
Some more things you'll find here:
Have a nice stay!
General ROM Hacking » sm64dswip Super Mario 64 DS - Tale of the Diamond Stars
Staryu Trek, 03-31-25, 07:21 pm
» 76516
General Chat » Super Mario Wonder
Staryu Trek, 03-31-25, 02:48 pm
» 76515
General Chat » Super Mario Wonder
SpaceWaffle, 03-31-25, 08:18 am
» 76514
NSMB Hacking Resources » Someone help me change the music
Staryu Trek, 03-31-25, 06:36 am
» 76513
NSMB Hacking Resources » The free-to-use SSEQ thread
Swervy466, 03-31-25, 02:52 am
» 76512
NSMB Hacking Resources » Someone help me change the music
Swervy466, 03-31-25, 02:03 am
» 76511
General ROM Hacking » sm64dswip Super Mario 64 DS - Tale of the Diamond Stars
Staryu Trek, 03-30-25, 07:13 pm
» 76510
NSMB Hacks » v3.1 Super Mario Bros. - The New Worlds
Staryu Trek, 03-30-25, 06:57 pm
» 76509
NSMB Hacking Resources » graphics
Mr. Ztardust, 03-30-25, 04:13 pm
» 76508
NSMB Hacking Resources » graphics
Keeper, 03-30-25, 12:57 pm
» 76507