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Pages: « 234567
Welcome to the new board! Posted by  Dirbaio
06-25-11, 01:28 pm
First, welcome to the new forums.
I hope you like them and I hope that this will mark a new era in the NSMB Hacking scene too...

Some things I want YOU to know:
  • This board is independent, hosted by me, managed by me.
  • This means that we're starting over: If you left the old forum because you were banned, you did not like or whatever, you're welcome again here.
  • However, this is only a second opportunity. As always, if you act like an idiot, you'll probably be banned here too.
  • As always, the rules apply: Don't post ROM's (hacked or not. patches are fine), be respectful with others, don't spam, etc etc.
  • Question threads are allowed now! because we have subforums. Post them in the right subforum please.
  • Post threads for your hacks in this subforum!

    Umm. I'll probably post announcements for more stuff.
8 comments. Last by  Arisotura. »Post a comment
Pages: « 234567

Welcome to The NSMB Hacking Domain!

We're a small community dedicated to hacking the Nintendo DS game New Super Mario Bros. We make new levels, tilesets, backgrounds...

To get started, download NSMB Editor and start making your own levels and tilesets! You're welcome to register and get in touch with us in the NSMB Hacking forums!

Some more things you'll find here:

Have a nice stay!
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