alpha |
Posted on 04-21-21, 01:21 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 158/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
If it's incredible, I thought I was going to look bad but I stayed the first time, from what I see, you plan to import it into your hack, thanks for using my friend model
_________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
Posted on 04-21-21, 04:34 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 73/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Yes, sometimes things come better than expected
This is my life motto |
alpha |
Posted on 04-21-21, 09:57 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 159/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
And by the way, the tutorial I gave you helped you, friend
Did you know that you could include nsmbw music to your hack, I have never tried but this can help, I do not understand anything, but maybe you do understand, friend tutorial on how to change music tutorial to place the music of nsmbw, I don't know if it's a tutorial the only thing I know is that this thing that lets you do it I think it's called nitrowav or something like that, well check it yourself here it is, friend well I think it's very complicated, watch the video that is inside the thread and you will be impressed, friend _________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
Posted on 04-22-21, 07:12 am
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 74/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Yes I've seen the music hacking tutorial, but it's longer than the Bible jk
But when I get the time, I'll read it. |
Keeper |
Posted on 04-22-21, 08:28 am
I do things sometimes Karma: 1037 Posts: 164/366 Since: 08-07-17 |
I havent done music hacking yet so correct me if im wrong, but i think that tutorial is outdated now. Pretty sure you can use Nitro Studio to mess with the music n' stuff
Posted on 04-22-21, 09:02 am
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 75/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Oh, I didn't knew that. Maybe I can use that Program
alpha |
Posted on 04-22-21, 04:54 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 161/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
I tried to use it, but I don't know if it uses the internet, the installation, I don't have internet for now, I only use my phone for now, I saw a more explanatory tutorial by thetimebreaker, here it is, it is more helpful than that, I have never worked with music but It's a problem to understand anyway this I understood better so let's get to work nitro studio is more reliable than vgm trans, but I know how to work with the tracks, well this tutorial teaches a lot of things, so I hope it helps you guys _________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
poudink |
Posted on 04-22-21, 07:59 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible Karma: 3386 Posts: 1250/1447 Since: 02-12-16 |
alpha |
Posted on 04-22-21, 09:35 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 162/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
Someone has a version of nitro studio, that works, I can't get one that works for me, just download the one from the guide that I left and it was not allowed to install, it said that "the github address cannot be found" something like that and it was not allowed install I do not know why, someone knows
_________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
poudink |
Posted on 04-22-21, 10:15 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible Karma: 3386 Posts: 1251/1447 Since: 02-12-16 |
alpha |
Posted on 04-23-21, 01:27 am
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 163/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
ok thanks, i will tell you if i make any achievements
_________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
Posted on 04-23-21, 07:01 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 76/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Well, honestly, I'm only gonna make my own music hack when I finish the levels. I think it's better that way
Posted on 04-26-21, 01:06 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 100/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Can anyone tell me why Dirbaio gave up on NSMB?
Keeper |
Posted on 04-26-21, 01:11 pm
I do things sometimes Karma: 1037 Posts: 165/366 Since: 08-07-17 |
Posted by poudink He's just not into NSMB hacking anymore. Can't really blame him. I mean he started in what, 2009? Long time ago. Sometimes people just get burnt out or wanna move on. I mean, none of us are gonna be nsmb hacking forever probably. |
Posted on 04-26-21, 01:15 pm (rev. 1 by BL4ZED on 04-26-21, 01:16 pm)
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 101/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Oh, yes you're right on that
Bruh, looks like I have "activity syndrome" |
alpha |
Posted on 04-26-21, 02:05 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve
Karma: 931 Posts: 184/750 Since: 02-01-21 |
I don't know why you have it, something similar has never happened to me, maybe it's because of the posts you wrote today
_________________________ The star project that shows my brilliant mind |
ItzTacos |
Posted on 04-26-21, 02:35 pm
Posted by BL4ZED Bruh, looks like I have "activity syndrome" The forum gives you that tag automatically when you reach a certain amount of posts per day _________________________ Youtube - GitHub - NSMB Central |
Skylander |
Posted on 04-26-21, 02:54 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King Karma: 2150 Posts: 1247/1379 Since: 04-24-18 |
Even I take a break from nsmb hacking sometimes. I get too burned out. Lately it’s because my grandpa fell ill and I don’t have much time between my job and making YouTube content to do much to either NSMBU DS or Alphas hack
_________________________ Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel |
Keeper |
Posted on 04-26-21, 03:01 pm
I do things sometimes Karma: 1037 Posts: 166/366 Since: 08-07-17 |
oh man, you have a lot on your plate. Is your grandpa doing alright?
Posted on 04-26-21, 03:05 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire Karma: 545 Posts: 102/498 Since: 03-18-21 |
Posted by ItzTacos
The forum gives you that tag automatically when you reach a certain amount of posts per day OK. Yesterday I had it like alpha has now: "actually active" Posted by Skylander Even I take a break from nsmb hacking sometimes. I get too burned out. Lately it’s because my grandpa fell ill and I don’t have much time between my job and making YouTube content to do much to either NSMBU DS or Alphas hack Sorry for your grandpa man . But you're right: sometimes things get boring (even NSMB, sometimes). But I'm only here for a month now and I'm loving doing hacks and this website and the people in it have been incredibly helpful to me, so I wanna thank everybody here for the help |