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Platforms and ropes
Event controllers
Bosses and cutscenes
Camera controllers
Useless sprites
Effects and decorations
Enemies - Overground
Enemies - Underground
Enemies - Water
Enemies - Snow
Enemies - Fire
Enemies - Castle
Enemies - Ghost House
Enemies - Desert

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 326 total

The above bar needs more green. HELP US MAKE IT HAPPEN! NOW!
ID Class ID Name Last edited by
0 21Crash Sprite Arisotura (rev. 30)
1 21Crash sprite Dirbaio (rev. 0)
2 21Crash spritesonic125 (rev. 0)
3 21Crash sprite Dirbaio (rev. 0)
4 21Crash spritemcmikkel (rev. 0)
5 21Crash sprite Dirbaio (rev. 0)
6 21Crash sprite Dirbaio (rev. 0)
7 21Crash sprite Dirbaio (rev. 0)
8 21Crash sprite yoshimario (rev. 0)
9 21Crash spritemariofan653 (rev. 4)
10 325Nothing Hiccup (rev. 0)
11 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
12 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
13 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
14 325Nothingunknown object (rev. 0)
15 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
16 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
17 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
18 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
19 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
20 22Defunct Actor 22
New DB and NSMBe ver. here: value at nybble 0. https://github.com/MammaMiaTeam/NSMB-Editor
 Hiccup (rev. 34)
21 239Mega Goomba
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
 Hiccup (rev. 19)
22 69Hammer Bro. from map
Loads from: list at nybble 10: 0=Level Start,1=Midway point
Can spawn Mega Mushroom: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
Disable downward jump: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1
 Bluey (rev. 35)
23 23Pipe Piranha Plant (facing up)
Number of fireballs: list at nybble 10-11: 0=0,1=1,17=2,33=3,49=6. 1+ is unused, but some are used in NSMBWii. also, test.
 Bluey (rev. 18)
24 24Pipe Piranha Plant (facing down)
Number of fireballs: list at nybble 10-11: 0=0,1=1,17=2,33=3,49=6. 1+ is unused, but some are used in NSMBWii.
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
25 25Pipe Piranha Plant (facing right)
Number of fireballs: list at nybble 10-11: 0=0,1=1,17=2,33=3,49=6. 1+ is unused, but some are used in NSMBWii.
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
26 26Pipe Piranha Plant (facing left)
Number of fireballs: list at nybble 10-11: 0=0,1=1,17=2,33=3,49=6. 1+ is unused, but some are used in NSMBWii.
 Hiccup (rev. 15)
28 35Bob-omb
Behaviour: list at nybble 4: 0=Default,4=Pipe generator,2=Self-destructs (240 frames),8=Self-destructs (241 frames). 8 is used by ones thrown out of the Monty Tank.
Pipe generator direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Left,3=Right
 Hiccup (rev. 28)
29 115Princess Peach
Ignore cinematics: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Used in 1-Castle battle, at least
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 7)
30 43Monty Tank
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
32 36Goal Pole's flag
Secret exit: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Upright with Pipe Cannon: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 2. Mario will grab the flag upright initially, instead of upside down, when fired from a Pipe Cannon. 1 seems to be the same as 0.
 Hiccup (rev. 37)
33 237Trampoline (portable springboard)
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Larger: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Unused. (Can get stuck in walls)
 onlypuppy7 (rev. 33)
34 151Red Coin Ring
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. It can trigger anything, but it's usually used to trigger Red Coins.
Disable timer: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Shift 8 pixels right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. If set, the Red Ring will respawn if you change areas and come back.
Switch Tile States: list at nybble 7: 0=No,1=Like a P Switch,2=Like a ! Switch,4=Red Blocks only,5=Like a P Switch + Red Blocks,7=All switchable tiles. Switches the state of all two-state tiles; invisible blue coins appear, red coin outlines become collectable, red switch blocks become solid.
ID Activation mode: list at nybble 8: 0=During timer,2=After timer. Works only if Target ID is not equal to 0 and Disable timer is not set.
 KingYoshi (rev. 24)
38 41Boo
Faster: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Unused.
 crook (rev. 12)
39 114Castle boss controller
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3
Boss: list at nybble 11: 6=Bowser,0=Mummipokey,4=Cheepskipper,3=Mega Goomba,2=Petey Piranha,5=Monty Tank,1=Lakithunder,7=Dry Bowser
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Does this actually exist or work? It seems to ignore this value and use zone 0.
Win Cutscene: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. Shows Bowser Jr and Peach. Used by the game when boss is defeated
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 18)
41 265Bowser bridge switch (skull switch)
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. Triggers Bowser, Dry Bowser and Giant Bowser falling animation.
Destroys bridge: list at nybble 11: 1=1 tile below switch,0=2 tiles below switch
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 13)
42 44Chain Chomp/Log
Number of C. Chomps: value at nybble 11. 0 is unused. 2 CRASHES the game and is used in Unused Level 3, but is otherwise unused. Values above 2 also crash and are completly unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 33)
43 45Chain Chomp (unused sprite) Hiccup (rev. 19)
45 268Respawnable Hidden Block
Horizontal detection for solid tile: list at nybble 7: 0=Left,1=Right
Horizontal distance from solid tile: value at nybble 8
Vertical detection for solid tile: list at nybble 9: 0=Up,1=Down
Vertical distance from solid tile: value at nybble 10
 Hiccup (rev. 15)
46 104Event controller - activates Spiked Ball when touched by Snake Block
Spiked Ball ID: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
47 129Lakithunder
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 8)
48 50Aquatic bubble current (up)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Dirbaio (rev. 14)
49 51Aquatic bubble current (down)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 9)
50 52Aquatic bubble current (right)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 11)
51 53Aquatic bubble current (left)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 8)
52 54Buzzy Beetle
Spawn as: list at nybble 11: 0=Default,1=Ceiling walker,2=Shell,3=Upside-down shell
 MeroMero (rev. 2)
53 55Dry Bones Hiccup (rev. 3)
54 57Podoboo (Lava Bubble)PyroPodoboo (rev. 20)
55 58Bullet Bill spawner
Shooting behaviour: list at nybble 11: 0=Doesn't spawn,1=Fires at Mario,2=Fire from sprite placement. 2=Fires from sprite vertical placement. Horizontal placement will always be to the right of the screen.
Maximum random up-shift: value at nybble 10. 0=1. The Bullet Bill, upon spawning, will shift up from a range of pixels between 1 and the value specified.
Enable Zone ID check: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1. It seems like this must be enabled.
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Spawns from the right edge of screen when player is in zone.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
56 65Fire Bar
Rotation: list at nybble 8: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
Enable second bar: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Radius: value at nybble 11
Faster: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Completes a turn exactly 4/3 times as fast if checked.
 KangWH (rev. 12)
58 131Bowser
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Bridge ID: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
59 68Hammer Bro.Zeus1204 (rev. 17)
60 325Nothing Dirbaio (rev. 2)
61 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
63 132Dry Bowser
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Bridge ID: value at nybble 0-1
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 11)
64 73Whomp
Doesn't move: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Bigger: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 MeroMero (rev. 7)
65 135Cheepskipper
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
68 161Lift moving up and down
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 1+(N11 mod 8).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Asprok (rev. 24)
69 162Lift moving left and right
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Asprok (rev. 19)
70 164Rotating log lift (unused actor)
Longer: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
71 165Stone wall moving up and down
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 1+(N11 mod 8).
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N8 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Asprok (rev. 28)
72 166Stone wall moving left and right (actor 166)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N8 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 24)
73 169Wobbly metal lift
Maximum tilting: list at nybble 11: 3=7.5°,2=15°,1=30°,0=60°
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 12)
74 170Wobble Rock Bluey (rev. 6)
75 171Seesaw lift
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 10)
76 172Scale lift
Left side rope height: value at nybble 9
Right side rope height: value at nybble 10
Distance between steps: value at nybble 11
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 13)
78 174Lift moving one way once stood on
Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Right,3=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Speed: list at nybble 5: 2=15 pixels/sec,1=30 pixels/sec,0=60 pixels/sec
Travelling distance: list at nybble 6: 0=Unlimited,1=114 Blocks,2=232 Blocks,3=348 Blocks,4=464 Blocks,5=580 Blocks,6=696 Blocks,7=7112 Blocks,8=8128 Blocks,9=9144 Blocks,10=10160 Blocks,15=11176 Blocks,16=12192 Blocks,17=13208 Blocks,18=14224 Blocks,19=15240 Blocks
Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 29)
79 175Three platform rickshaw lift (rotates in place by self)
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Longer steps: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
80 177Lift spawner
Offscreen pos.: list at nybble 4: 0=Keep moving,1=Wait for Mario. Used in the MvsL level. This controls what the lift (spawner, surely?) does while off screen, best I can tell. Position is affected, but speed stays the same.
Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Right,3=Left. 2 (Right) and 3 (Left) are unused.
 Bluey (rev. 16)
81 325Nothing Hiccup (rev. 6)
82 179Rotating rectangle lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=90° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift 8 pixels down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 25)
84 49Zoom
Delay: value at nybble 4-5
Zone width: value at nybble 6. 0=infinite.
Zone height: value at nybble 7. 0=infinite.
Zoom left: value at nybble 8-9. This value will match the width (in tiles) in-game. By default the game uses a width of 16 tiles, with this sprite you can use any width between 8 and 24 included. Don't forget the game always uses a ratio of 4 tiles in width for 3 tiles in height, so to keep the best aspect you might want to put in this field a value that is divisible by 4.
Zoom right: value at nybble 10-11. Ditto. Setting this to a value equal to nybbles 8-9 (the previous field) is recommended.
 MarioKart7z (rev. 19)
85 47Flip fence (duplicate sprite) Hiccup (rev. 18)
86 6Rotating triangle lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=120° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift 8 pixels down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 36)
87 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
88 245Brick Block containing P Switch
Triggering event ID: value at nybble 0-1. If not set, the switch will always show. If set, the switch will only show while this event ID is activated. Slightly buggy if used with multiple use as the switch will pop back up immediately, which looks a bit strange and also causes Mario to be pushed into the air. No "real" glitch.
Target event ID: value at nybble 2-3
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,2=Unknown 2,3=Unknown 3,4=Loads at midway. If 1, the switch will be movable by environment stuff, such as dropping down when bricks below it are destroyed, or riding along a conveyor belt. If 4, the switch will only show if the level has been started from a midway point.
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay,15=Unknown,6=Unknown 6. This will set how long the switch takes to pop up after the timer expires on a multiple use switch.
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. If this is checked, the switch will be facing down. Upside down switches cannot fall.
 poudink (rev. 14)
89 91Snailicorn Bluey (rev. 3)
92 75Unagi (eel)
Direction: list at nybble 7-11: 0=Doesn't spawn,1=Stays in place,16=Left,65536=Right. use with the Auto-scrolling controller sprite, to avoid the bug of when the unagi appears as a glich
 alpha (rev. 8)
93 77Arrow signboard
Direction: list at nybble 10: 0=Left,1=Left-down,2=Down,3=Right-down,4=Right,5=Right-up,6=Up,7=Left-up
Mirrored: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
Smaller: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1
Shift position: list at nybble 8-9: 0=No shifting,16=8 pixels right,1=8 pixels down,17=8 pixels right and down
 MeroMero (rev. 13)
94 90Swooper
Size: list at nybble 10-11: 0=Small,1=Big,32=Small (shift 1 tile down),33=Big (shift 2 tiles down). Somewhat buggy when putting values between 2 and 17 inclusive as the sprite and the hitbox become completely disjointed.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
96 301SeaweedRicBent (rev. 5)
97 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
99 183Four platform rickshaw lift
Stick on line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Enable Trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 KingYoshi (rev. 22)
100 271Vertical camera offset (unused actor)
Activate the sprite from: list at nybble 4: 0=Below,1=Above
Length: value at nybble 9. From 0 to 15. Sprite position is always the leftmost tile.
Height: value at nybble 10-11. From 0 to 255. If Height is set for example at 60, Mario will have to jump 60 pixels above the sprite's AOE for said effect to take place.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
101 20Event controller - view enter
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. This event will be activated when the view loads.
Time activated: value at nybble 4-5. This value only works if switch mode is set to activate event, and sets a duration that the target ID will be activated for.
Switch mode: activates target: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Disable sprite: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask . Makes the sprite skip its function and delete itself. Unused in NSMBW.
 Hiccup (rev. 32)
102 103Spiked Ball
Direction: list at nybble 9-10: 0=Left,1=Right,2=Towards player,16=Towards player - from right of them only,17=Towards player - from left of them only
Speed: list at nybble 11: 0=Slope only,1=60 pixels/sec,2=90 pixels/sec,3=120 pixels/sec
Bounce on walls faster: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Destroyer ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. The spiked ball won't spawn while the ID is activated. 0=disable
Destroyer ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. This one will have no effect if Destroyer ID 1 is equal to 0.
Spiked Ball ID: value at nybble 7. For use with Spiked Ball Activator (46)
 Hiccup (rev. 24)
103 79Dorrie
Path ID: value at nybble 4
Starting node: value at nybble 10-11. 255=Appear Always, 0=Appear at level start, Anything else=Appear from midway
Size: value at nybble 6. Size is 1+(N6 mod 4).
Direction: list at nybble 5: 0=Right,1=Left,2=Towards background,3=Away from background. 2 and 3 don't function properly. 1, 2 and 3 are Unused.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Starts facing away from background and turns to actual direction when activated. If set to zero, Dorrie won't start until touched by Mario. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Starts facing away from background and turns to actual direction when activated. If set to zero, Dorrie won't start until touched by Mario. Unused.
 MeroMero (rev. 9)
104 225Tweester (Tornado) Hiccup (rev. 8)
105 226Whirlpool
Invisible when inactive: list at nybble 11: 0=No,1=Yes
Ed_IT (rev. 5)
106 80Red Coin
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. When an object with this Event ID is activated (usually a red Coin ring) this Coin will appear.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. When an object with this Event ID is activated (usually a red Coin ring) this Coin will appear.
Red Coin counter ID: value at nybble 11. If you have multiple sets of red Coins in a level, each set must have a unique ID or they will not be counted properly.
 MeroMero (rev. 10)
108 246! Switch
Triggering event ID: value at nybble 0-1
Target event ID: value at nybble 2-3. By default, this switch will turn yellow outlines into uncollectible golden coins and red outlines into red coins which act like golden coins; snake block tiles will be collectible as coins and the block-shaped outlines will turn into red blocks.
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,4=Loads at midway
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay,15=Unknown
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
Asprok (rev. 28)
109 110Amp
Shift position: list at nybble 10: 0=None,1=½ block right,2=½ block down,3=½ block right and down
Behind fence: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Bluey (rev. 11)
110 247Brick Block containing ! Switch (unused actor)
Triggering event ID: value at nybble 0-1. If not set, the switch will always show. If set, the switch will only show while this event ID is activated. Slightly buggy if used with multiple use as the switch will pop back up immediately, which looks a bit strange and also causes Mario to be pushed into the air. No "real" glitch.
Target event ID: value at nybble 2-3
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,2=Unknown 2,3=Unknown 3,4=Loads at midway. If 1, the switch will be movable by environment stuff, such as dropping down when bricks below it are destroyed, or riding along a conveyor belt. If 4, the switch will only show if the level has been started from a midway point.
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay,15=Unknown,6=Unknown 6. This will set how long the switch takes to pop up after the timer expires on a multiple use switch.
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. If this is checked, the switch will be facing down. Upside down switches cannot fall.
 poudink (rev. 11)
112 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
113 112Cheep Chomp ItzTacos (rev. 5)
114 234Burner (Small)
Direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Right,1=Left,2=Up,3=Down
 Hiccup (rev. 10)
115 185Giant Spiked Ball
Direction: list at nybble 9-10: 0=Left,1=Right,2=Towards player,16=Towards player from right only,17=Towards player from left only
Speed: list at nybble 11: 0=Slope only,1=60 pixels/sec,2=90 pixels/sec,3=120 pixels/sec
Bounce on walls faster: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. If set to true when it collides with a wall it will roll the other direction.
Destroyer ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. The spiked ball won't spawn while the ID is activated. 0=disable
Destroyer ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. This one will have no effect if Destroyer ID 1 is equal to 0.
PyroPodoboo (rev. 22)
116 81Skeeter (Water Bug)
Mobility: list at nybble 11: 0=Moves around,1=Stays in place
 MeroMero (rev. 9)
117 261Map Flying ? Block
Loads from: list at nybble 10: 0=Level start,1=Midway point
Can spawn Mega Mushroom: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
Starting direction: list at nybble 9: 0=Left,1=Right
Looping pattern: list at nybble 6: 0=Fly off screen,1=Center of Loop,2=Edge of Loop
Flying pattern: list at nybble 8: 0=Back and forth,1=Forward 4/back 8,2=Stays in place
 Hiccup (rev. 11)
118 235Burner
Direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Right,1=Left,2=Up,3=Down
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
119 228Swinging Lift (Pendulum-like)
Length: list at nybble 4: 0=4,2=8,3=12,4=16,5=20,6=24,7=28,8=32,9=36,10=40,11=44,12=48,13=52,14=56,15=60. Length formula is N4 × 4.1 acts like 0. Big sizes should not be used, as they don't display unless the pivot is on-screen.
Amplitude: list at nybble 5: 0=0°,1=11.25°,2=22.5°,3=33.75°,4=45°,5=56.25°,6=67.5°,7=78.75°,8=90°,9=101.25°,10=112.5°,11=123.75°,12=135°,13=146.25°,14=157.5°,15=168.75°
Oscillation period: list at nybble 6: 0=0 frame,1=1024 frames,2=512 frames,3=341.3 frames,4=256 frames,5=204.8 frames,6=170.7 frames,7=146.3 frames,8=128 frames,9=113.8 frames,10=102.4 frames,11=93.1 frames,12=85.3 frames,13=78.8 frames,14=73.1 frames,15=68.3 frames
Starting position coefficient: value at nybble 7. For full details on the starting position formula, refer to this post: http://nsmbhd.net/post/43562/
 poudink (rev. 14)
120 99Grounded Piranha Plant Helios (rev. 10)
121 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
122 100Big Grounded Piranha Plant BeingAwesom (rev. 12)
123 101Venus Fire Trap (Grounded)PyroPodoboo (rev. 14)
124 102Big Venus Fire Trap (Grounded) (Unused)PyroPodoboo (rev. 19)
126 230Drawbridge lift
Length of side: value at nybble 4. Used: 9.
Closed time: value at nybble 5. Used: 1.
Open time: value at nybble 6. Used: 1.
Maximum angle: list at nybble 7: 1=11.25°,2=22.5°,3=33.75°,4=45°,5=56.25°,0=67.5°,7=78.75°,8=90°,9=101.25°,10=112.5°,11=123.75°,12=135°,13=146.25°,14=157.5°,15=168.75°. Note : 6 acts like 0. Used: 33.75°.
Moving: list at nybble 8: 0=No,1=Yes,3=Yes. Used: 3. Unknown how/if >0 values differ.
Primary position: list at nybble 11: 0=Up,1=Down. For use with the Trigger ID. This is the position the platform assumes when the event is off. The primary position is always up when a Trigger ID is not being used.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Enables/disables movement. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
127 186Big four platform rickshaw lift (rotates on spot by self)
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Unused.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
128 269Warp Cannon
Destination world: list at nybble 4: 1=World 1,2=World 2,3=World 3,4=World 4,5=World 5,6=World 6,7=World 7,8=World 8. Worlds 1-4 have no icons. Cannon will appear as "W5" for them.
 poudink (rev. 11)
129 266Boss Key Location Hiccup (rev. 6)
131 158Checkpoint - vertical MarioFanatic64 (rev. 6)
133 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
134 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
135 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
136 98Pokey
Height: value at nybble 11. Height formula is 2+(n mod 8) with n being the value of this nybble
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
137 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
138 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
139 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
140 93Boss Key
Blocks horiz. scroll: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Not necessarily useful, (and slightly glichy) but it scrolls the camera the defined amount of pixels. high numbers crash the game
 Hiccup (rev. 15)
141 231Swelling ground
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Direction: list at nybble 5: 0=Up,1=Down
 Hiccup (rev. 14)
142 232Tightrope
Length: value at nybble 4. If both length and height are set, it will be diagonal.
Height: signed value at nybble 5
 WhatTheHack (rev. 4)
143 251Spiked ? Block (unused actor 251)
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Couterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Powerup,2=1 up,3=1-up,4=Powerup (throw down),5=Crash,6=Mushroom (throws down),7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini Mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Powerup,15=Powerup (spawns like from inventory)
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
144 252Spiked ? Block
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Counterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Mushroom/flower,2=1UP,3=1UP,4=Mushroom/flower,5=Crash,6=Mushroom,7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Mushroom/flower,15=Mushroom/flower spawning like touchscreen
 Hiccup (rev. 24)
145 253Spiked ? Block (unused actor 253)
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Counterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Powerup,2=1 up,3=1-up,4=Powerup (throw down),5=Crash,6=Mushroom (throws down),7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini Mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Mushroom/Flower,15=Mushroom/Flower spawning like touchscreen
 Hiccup (rev. 21)
146 187Ground-pound panelThierry (rev. 5)
147 188Bump from below platform (Mario Bros. style platform)
Length: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
148 83Goomba
Spawn Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Normal,1=Spinning,2=Pipe. 1 used for Mega Mario ground pound. 2 used for Pipe Enemy Spawner.
Pipe spawn direction: list at nybble 10: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Left,3=Right. 'Pipe' spawn type must be enabled
Will Smith (rev. 16)
150 95Koopa Paratroopa
Starting direction: list at nybble 8: 0=Down/Left,1=Up/Right
Starting position: list at nybble 9: 0=Midway,1=Start Bottom-Left,2=Start Top-Right
Direction: list at nybble 10: 0=Jumping,1=Left-right,2=Up-down. Changes the behavior pattern going side to side or up and down.
Color: list at nybble 11: 0=Green,1=Red,2=Blue,3=Blue (stays on ledges). Red Koopas stays on ledges, the blue ones when defeated can drop a blue shell.
 Red Flying Troopa (rev. 11)
151 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
152 86Event trigger block
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3
 MeroMero (rev. 8)
153 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
154 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
155 87Special exit controller (warp entrance)
Warp mode: list at nybble 7: 0=Set to this or to 8 if dest. is in another area,1=If climbing vine,3=Set to this or to 1 if dest. is in current area,8=Wavy transition
Destination area: value at nybble 6. Set to 0 when warping to the same area.
Destination entrance: value at nybble 11
Length: value at nybble 9
Height: value at nybble 10
Allows Mega Mario: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Use this ID fo the warp to activate with the ID, and then deactivate after being used.
Disable sound: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1. Disables sound if warping to other area but crashes if destination is in same area and "Set to this or to 8 if dest. is in another area" is selected.
 BL4ZED (rev. 28)
156 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
157 88Fire Bro. GreyMask (rev. 7)
158 89Boomerang Bro. Hiccup (rev. 5)
159 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
160 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
161 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
162 189Mushroom Platform lift (tilting and bobbing)
Bob / Colour: list at nybble 6: 0=No,2=Yes,8=No (green),10=Yes (green). Green is unused.
Stalk height: value at nybble 7. Max 7. Add tiles under it.
Length: value at nybble 8
Tilt angle: value at nybble 9
Speed: value at nybble 10-11
VGR (rev. 29)
163 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
164 137Event controller - "AND" (If X AND Y, do Z)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 0-1
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 4-5
Trigger ID 3: value at nybble 6-7
Trigger ID 4: value at nybble 8-9
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3
Usage Mode: list at nybble 10: 0=Single Use,1=Multi Use,2=Only while All Events are Active (this can be used again and again- also might need better wording. Determines, if and how often the relevant Event IDs will be triggered. Events with Values '0' (Single Use) or '1' (Multi Use) will keep their status, unless deactivated/reactivated manually.
Switch Mode: list at nybble 11: 0=Activates Target (Switches Event State),1=Deactivates Target (Switches Event State)
 Hiccup (rev. 32)
165 138Event controller - "OR" (If X OR Y, do Z)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 0-1
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 4-5
Trigger ID 3: value at nybble 6-7
Trigger ID 4: value at nybble 8-9
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. This sprite allows up to 4 inputs to trigger the same output ID. All input IDs must be set to relevant values. Do not leave any IDs as 0 - if you have less than four, you can enter the same ID into several spaces.
Usage Mode: list at nybble 10: 0=Single Use,1=Multi Use,2=Only while All Events are Active. How does 1 work?
Switch Mode: list at nybble 11: 0=Activates Target (Switches Event State),1=Deactivates Target (Switches Event State)
 Hiccup (rev. 21)
166 139Event controller - "RANDOM" (If X, do Y or Z)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3. This event causes one of the four random IDs to trigger.
Random target ID 1: value at nybble 0-1
Random target ID 2: value at nybble 4-5
Random target ID 3: value at nybble 6-7
Random target ID 4: value at nybble 8-9
Usage mode: value at nybble 10. Determines, if and how often the relevant Event IDs will be triggered. Events with Values '0' (Single Use) or '1' (Multi Use) will keep their status, unless deactivated/reactivated manually.
Switch mode: list at nybble 11: 0=Activates target,1=Deactivates target
 Hiccup (rev. 29)
167 140Event controller - chainer (If X, do Y)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 0-1. When this event ID is activated, the target event ID will be activated or deactivated (depending on the mode).
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. When activated, this event ID will be switched (activated or deactivated), depending on the chosen mode. Note: Deactivating a deactivated event will activate it. Activating an already activated event will deactivate it.
Activation delay: value at nybble 4-5. If the delay is set to 0, the event will be activated instantly. If not, it will wait a specific amount of time before activating. Info: A Value of 6 is approximately 1 tick (1 second on the game's clock).
Disable sprite: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask . Does nothing/self destructs.
Usage mode: list at nybble 10: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Only while
Switch mode: list at nybble 11: 0=Activates target,1=Deactivates target
 Hiccup (rev. 41)
168 141Event controller - "IF" (uses zones)
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. This event ID will be activated when the specified conditions are met.
Player zone ID: value at nybble 4-5. Set to 255 to make it watch everywhere for Mario to meet the condition.
Enemies zone ID: value at nybble 6-7. Set to 255 to make it watch everywhere for enemies to be defeated.
Required player power-up: list at nybble 8: 0=Any,1=No power-up,2=Super Mushroom,3=Fire Flower,4=Mega Mushroom,5=Mini Mushroom,6=Blue Shell,7=Starman. Event will only be triggered if Mario's power-up matches the specified, or this is set to 0.
Required player state: list at nybble 9: 0=None,1=Touching ground,2=In air,3=On vine. 0 - event is only triggered if a player is inside the Mario location. 1 - event is only triggered if a player is touching the ground while inside the Mario location. 2 - the event is only triggered if a player is jumping or otherwise not touching the ground inside the Mario location. Measurements always correspond to Mario's feet (lowest pixel).
Usage mode: list at nybble 10: 0=Single Use,1=Multi Use,2=Only while. 0 - event is only triggered once, when the Mario status and enemy status are satisfied. 1 - event is triggered each time the Mario status and enemy status are satisfied, but does not revert to the opposite state unless forced to by another controller. 2 - event is only triggered while Mario status and enemy status are satisfied.
Switch mode: list at nybble 11: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state). If this option is set to "Deactivates target", the activation modes will be reversed; for example, activation mode 2 will deactivate the event while you're touching the zone, and reactivate it when you leave. Note on locations for enemies that have "Deactivates target" set: The opposite effect of the controller becomes active, when Mario gets close enough to the sprite (to load it into memory). The opposite effect of the controller is always active, though. The event is deactivated while the enemy enemy of the location is alive, and will reactivate when it dies. As stated before, this special behaviour is only valid for enemy-'deactivated' locations.
Thierry (rev. 50)
170 325Nothing Hiccup (rev. 5)
172 325Nothing Hiccup (rev. 2)
173 196Swinging/able rope
Mario controls sway: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Length in tiles: value at nybble 11. Maximum = 8.
Sway on own +/-: value at nybble 10. These values go from 0 (none) to F (almost horizontal). At a 4 tile (0 value length) they increase 1/2 tile at the bottom per number.
 MeroMero (rev. 4)
174 195Mushroom Platform lift (Moving, tilting & bobbing)
Use tracks: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Unused.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 5
Color: list at nybble 6: 0=Red,1=Green. Green is unused.
Stalk Height/Shift: value at nybble 7
Width: value at nybble 8
Tilting angle: value at nybble 9
Bop speed: value at nybble 10
Tilting speed: value at nybble 11
 MeroMero (rev. 49)
175 233Bouncy bricks (Unused)
Behaviour: list at nybble 4: 0=Stretch up & down,1=Depress while stood on,2=Solid. Glitchy with Mini Mario, he just falls through the bricks when they wobble.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
176 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
177 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
178 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
179 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
180 96Climbing Koopa
Walking direction: list at nybble 10: 0=Horizontal,1=Vertical
Fence position: list at nybble 9: 0=In front,1=Behind
Faster: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Color: list at nybble 11: 0=Green,1=Red
 MeroMero (rev. 9)
181 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
182 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
183 59Lakitu spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
Spiny type: list at nybble 10: 0=Normal,1=Rolling egg
Z Order: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Changes Z order so Spiny appear behind Lakitu when thrown. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
184 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
185 60Cheep Cheep random spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Let spawn random generated Cheep-Cheep in the selected Zone.
Green (chases Mario): checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Faster & out of water: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Makes some swim faster and makes them cover whole screen, not just part with water
 KingYoshi (rev. 9)
186 84Paragoomba Hiccup (rev. 2)
187 198Balance lift
Loads from: list at nybble 6: 0=Level start,1=Midway point
Disappears: list at nybble 8: 0=No,1=Yes,2=When Mario's off. Disappears after a few seconds. 1 and 2 are unused.
Starts w/o player: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 2
Directions/Arrows: list at nybble 11: 0=Left Up Right,1=Left Down Right,2=Left Up Right,3=Left Right
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
188 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
189 202Pipe Cannon
Angle / Force: list at nybble 11: 0=Far right,1=Far left,2=Medium right,3=Medium left,4=Straight up,5=Very far right. 1 is unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 23)
190 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
191 250Hanging Bouncing ? Block
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 0-1. Unused. Starts moving when this is activated. Turning off event doesn't affect it.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 2-3. Unused. Starts moving when this is activated. Turning off event doesn't affect it.
Drop / Swing Amount: value at nybble 6
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Fire Flower,2=Super Star,3=1-Up Mushroom,4=Fire Flower,5=Mini Mushroom,6=Blue Shell,7=Mega Mushroom,8=Super Mushroom. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
192 92Coin Spawner (unused actor)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 0-1. Coins disappears after a few seconds, with no regard to event status.
Speed of coins: value at nybble 8-9. How fast the coins are "thrown".
No. of coins: value at nybble 10-11
Music Spawn Mode: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask
 Hiccup (rev. 28)
193 56Super Dry BonesPyroPodoboo (rev. 5)
195 2720 Stick to bottom length activator left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Pix. past limit: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit. This will shift 12 tile screen down from icon position.
Death below limit: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Must be empty map block, no tiles below. Mario image must fall out of screen.
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
196 2730 Stick to bottom length activator right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Pix. past for limit: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit. This will shift 12 tile screen down from icon position.
Death below limit: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Must be empty map block, no tiles below. Mario image must fall out of screen.
 Hiccup (rev. 1)
197 206Tile Creator/Destroyer (Tile God)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Length: value at nybble 10. 0 and 1 are the same: 1 block.
Height: value at nybble 11. Ditto.
Block type: list at nybble 8: 0=Red block,1=Brick block,2=Blue coin,3=Stone block,4=Wood block,5=Nothing,6=Right facing red pipe top edge,7=Broken red pipe top right edge,15=Used block. If you destroy a tile with 3 (blue coin), it will destroy the tile with no shards. (8 through 14 are duplicates of previous options.))
Pattern: list at nybble 7: 0=Solid,1=Checkerboard,2=Reverse checkerboard. All other than 0 (solid) are unused.
Effect/action: list at nybble 9: 0=Off/destroy first,1=On/create first
Permanent: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask . If this is checked it will not react to the event turning off.
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 21)
198 274In air vertical scroll stop left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Shift up (in pixels): value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Allow disable: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
ID: value at nybble 9
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
199 275In air vertical scroll stop right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Shift up (in pixels): value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Allow disable: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
ID: value at nybble 9
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
200 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
201 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
202 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
203 105Unused Purple Mushroom Platform Lift (tilts if stepped on) (slower)
Width: value at nybble 10
 Arceus (rev. 23)
204 106Fire Snake
jump: value at nybble 1. do not use on solid walls, game error
PyroPodoboo (rev. 9)
205 107Flame Chomp spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
206 207Ghost house goo Hiccup (rev. 4)
207 29Mega Cheep Cheep
Slower: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1. Unused.
Green (chases Mario): checkbox at nybble 11 with mask
PyroPodoboo (rev. 11)
208 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
209 70Sledge Bro. Hiccup (rev. 4)
210 33MvsL Battle Star (Big Star)
Star ID: value at nybble 10-11. These must be the same number of stars as in the original level. Each star must have a unique ID, starting from 1. If not, the game will hang. Also, if the ID is set to 0, it doesn't spawn, but the game doesn't crash (as seen in SMB 1-1)
 Ndymario (rev. 17)
211 143Blooper
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask
 Hiccup (rev. 13)
212 2Blooper Nanny (unused actor 144)
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
213 145Blooper Nanny that shoots out Baby Bloopers
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
214 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
215 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
216 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
217 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
219 147Spike Top
Direction: list at nybble 10-11: 0=Right,1=Left,16=Up (spike on left),17=Down (spike on right),32=Left (upside down),33=Right (upside down),48=Down (spike on left),49=Up (spike on right)
 MarioFanatic64 (rev. 12)
221 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
222 85Micro Goomba
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Shift ½ block down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
PyroPodoboo (rev. 18)
223 47Flip fence Arctus Platner (rev. 8)
224 48Big flip fence Hiccup (rev. 6)
225 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
226 117Scuttlebug
Don't wait for player: value at nybble 4. Doesn't wait for player to get near to drop/move down. Used by Scuttlebug Spawner.
Drop height: value at nybble 10
Behaviour: list at nybble 11: 0=Hangs on web,1=Drops on ground,2=Drops on ground (different stomp). 1=ignores nybble 10. 2=same as 1 but it falls off screen when stomped instead of getting squished; unused.
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 16)
227 118Moneybag GreyMask (rev. 7)
228 257Roulette Block
Extra item: list at nybble 11: 0=Blue Shell,1=Mini Mushroom. Higher than 1 is unused.
 KingYoshi (rev. 10)
229 119Petey Piranha
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Arceus (rev. 8)
230 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
231 278Water
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. On ID 2 the water will rise, but have to be activated again with a stop command to lower.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. On ID 1 the water will rise then lower. (This is wrong, Hiccup thinks[E version])
Water lowering's delay: value at nybble 4. Any value other than 0 will override both Input IDs.
Water rising's delay: value at nybble 5. Any value other than 0 will override both Input IDs.
Opacity: value at nybble 6-7. Modulo 32. 0 is transparent. 31 has the highest opacity. Does not do anything or does not exist for Lava and Poison Water.
Tiles to move: value at nybble 8-9
Speed: value at nybble 10-11. Modulo 128. If lower than 128 then the water will rise, if greater or equal than 128 the water will lower. Lowering water does not work properly. If you want lowering water, rise it with a enter-view event, then "unrise" it or get the code hack that fixes the problem.
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
233 184Swinging/able pole
Height: value at nybble 11. Height is 4+(N11 mod 8).
Sticks on line: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Starting direction: list at nybble 9: 0=Right,1=Left
 Arceus (rev. 19)
235 67Star Coin
Target ID: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 2-3: value at nybble 2-3. Defunct Target ID? Used in some levels uselessly.
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask
Unknown 7: value at nybble 7
Behind fence: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Number: list at nybble 9: 0=Star Coin-1,1=Star Coin-2,2=Star Coin-3
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Shift ½ block down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
236 181Rotating square lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=90° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift ½ block down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 KingYoshi (rev. 29)
237 120Broozer Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 9)
239 191Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on)
Distance: value at nybble 9. N9-N10 is the actual distance this mushroom will move.
Stalk height and move direction: value at nybble 10. If N9-10>0, this mushroom will go up, else it'll go down.
Width: value at nybble 11
Returns to original position: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask . The mushroom will return to its original position once Mario/Luigi gets off it.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 1-2
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 3-4
 skawo (rev. 21)
240 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
241 262Bill Blaster Turret (Direction changing Bullet Bill launcher)
Empty spots: binary editor at nybble 8-9. individual bits indicate empty spots
Cannons to flip: binary editor at nybble 10-11. individual bits indicate flipped cannons
Height: value at nybble 7. Height is 1 + (N7 mod 8)
Delayed firing: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 10)
242 193Blue Mushroom Platform (Expanding/contracting)
Short when Expanded: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1
Start Expanded: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Stalk Height: value at nybble 11
 KingYoshi (rev. 7)
243 123Roof Spiny
Faster: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Unused. Likely a copypaste from the Spiny.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
244 194Bouncy Cloud
Stalk height: value at nybble 11
Shift position: list at nybble 10: 0=No shifting,1=8 pixels left,2=8 pixels right
Cloud Width: value at nybble 1
The Boyy (rev. 15)
245 204Corked Pipe + foot pump
Destination area: value at nybble 6
Destination entrance: value at nybble 11
Horizontal distance between pump and tube: value at nybble 10
Vertical distance between pump and tube: value at nybble 8
Shift 21 tiles left: list at nybble 9: 1=Yes,0=No
Shift 16 tiles down: list at nybble 7: 1=Yes,0=No
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
246 208Floating barrel
Starts a bit submerged: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
247 61Sushi spawner (shark spawner)
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
249 209Track-controlled wall-jump lift
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Speed: list at nybble 5: 0=60 pixels/sec,1=90 pixels/sec,2=120 pixels/sec,3=180 pixels/sec
Movement trigger: list at nybble 6: 0=On its own,1=When touched at least once
Length: value at nybble 11. Width is 4+(N11 mod 4)
Height: value at nybble 8. Height is 4+(N8 mod 4)
 Hiccup (rev. 12)
250 148Crowber Hiccup (rev. 4)
251 76Mega Unagi
Visible facing right: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Required, or he will not move.
Visible facing left: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
PyroPodoboo (rev. 7)
252 249Banzai Bill Blaster
Shooting direction: list at nybble 9: 1=Left,2=Right,0=Both. 1 and 2 are unused.
Unknown (11): value at nybble 11. Stored by the game for ulterior use but seems to never be called, still needs testing.
 Hiccup (rev. 9)
253 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
254 149Kab-omb
Chases Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. This makes him chase Mario if hit by a fireball/Raining Debris. If not set, he will run left and right. 0 (unchecked) is unused.
 KingYoshi (rev. 3)
255 280Jungle FG Effect (Unused Actor)
Swimmable: checkbox at nybble 4-5 with mask
Scroll Up/Down: signed value at nybble 10-11. If swimmable, the image doesn't move. If negative value it scrolls down, if positive value it scrolls up.
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
256 210Rotating carry-through-wall turntable-like lift
Direction: list at nybble 6: 0=From left to right,1=From right to left
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
257 30Coin trail Cheep Cheep
Swims left: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 8. Unused.
Avoids Mario: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Also swims faster. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 9)
258 150Spike Bass (unused sprite) Hiccup (rev. 18)
259 281Poisoned Water
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 6: value at nybble 6. Nybbles 6 and 7 don't seem to have an effect. But they are used ingame. Nybbles 4 and 5 could still do something.
Unknown 7: value at nybble 7
Tiles to Rise: value at nybble 8-9
Speed: value at nybble 10-11. Modulo 128. If lower than 128 then the poisoned water will rise, if greater or equal than 128 the poisoned water will lower.
 MeroMero (rev. 10)
260 220Fast Spike Pillar - Down
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=With delay
Distance: list at nybble 6: 1=7 tiles,3=10 tiles,2=14 tiles,0=16 tiles. Time travel is the same no matter the distance.
Forward delay: value at nybble 7-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 10-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
261 221Fast Spike Pillar - Up
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=With delay
Distance: list at nybble 6: 1=7 tiles,3=10 tiles,2=14 tiles,0=16 tiles. Time travel is the same no matter the distance.
Forward delay: value at nybble 7-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 10-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
262 222Fast Spike Pillar - Left
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=With delay
Distance: list at nybble 6: 1=7 tiles,3=10 tiles,2=14 tiles,0=16 tiles. Time travel is the same no matter the distance.
Forward delay: value at nybble 7-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 10-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
263 223Fast Spike Pillar - Right
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=With delay
Distance: list at nybble 6: 1=7 tiles,3=10 tiles,2=14 tiles,0=16 tiles. Time travel is the same no matter the distance.
Forward delay: value at nybble 7-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 10-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
264 62Mega Ground Pound's sky drops improver
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
265 152Phantom Hand (Pointing hand)
Phantom Hand ID: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 9)
267 325Nothing- (rev. 0)
268 124Underwater bounce bubble
Shift position: list at nybble 10-11: 0=No shifting,17=2 pixels left,33=4 pixels left,49=6 pixels left,65=8 pixels left,81=10 pixels left,97=12 pixels left,113=14 pixels left,129=16 pixels left,145=18 pixels left,161=20 pixels left,177=22 pixels left,193=24 pixels left,209=26 pixels left,225=28 pixels left,241=30 pixels left,16=2 pixels right,32=4 pixels right,48=6 pixels right,64=8 pixels right,80=10 pixels right,96=12 pixels right,112=14 pixels right,128=16 pixels right,144=18 pixels right,160=20 pixels right,176=22 pixels right,192=24 pixels right,208=26 pixels right,224=28 pixels right,240=30 pixels right. Unused.
Destroyer ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused.
Destroyer ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 13)
270 211Smashed pipe sprite
Color/type?: value at nybble 6
Facing?: value at nybble 7. 0-9 destroy?
Length: value at nybble 10-11
xKitten (rev. 2)
271 154Crowber spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9. Crobers will spawn when Mario is inside this zone.
 Hiccup (rev. 11)
272 212Snowy branch
Branch side: list at nybble 11: 0=Right,1=Left
 Hiccup (rev. 4)
273 155Snow SpikeRicBent (rev. 3)
274 200Sinking-snow pile
Length: value at nybble 11. Game will crash if set to 0!
 Hiccup (rev. 4)
275 259Blockhopper
Item: list at nybble 9: 0=Nothing,1=Coin,2=Mushroom/Flower,3=1-Up,4=Coin,5=[See comment],6=Coin,7=Mushroom/Flower,8=Mushroom/Flower,9=Mushroom (weird),10=Mushroom,11=Coin,12=Mushroom/Flower,13=Mushroom/Flower,14=Flower,15=Coin. 5=Star (weird) [US]; Flower [JP]; Mini Mushroom [EU]; Blue Shell [KS]; Mushroom/Flower [CH]. 0, 4 and 5 are unused.
Brick Head: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. Makes Blockhopper a bit like the Pile Driver Micro-Goombas in SMB3. Same behaviour as far as I can tell. Unused.
Height: value at nybble 11. Higher values will slow down the game. There is a limit, of something.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
276 277Scroll and Mario stop sideways
Retro scroll: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Horizontal ,2=Vertical
Tile height up: value at nybble 9-10. You can calculate by map Y coordinates.
Direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Stop from scrolling right,1=Stop from scrolling left
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
277 125Arrow sign
Z order: list at nybble 4: 0=Model,1=Tileset,2=Foreground,3=Background. 0, 2 and 3 are unused.
Direction: list at nybble 5: 0=Up,1=Up/right,2=Right,3=Down/right,4=Down,5=Down/left,6=Left,7=Up/left
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
278 199Groundpound-able ghost house goo
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: value at nybble 10
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
279 213Flipper (one-way gate)
Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Faces up; opens from left,1=Faces up; opens from right,2=Faces down; opens from left,3=Faces down; opens from right,4=Faces right; opens from bottom,5=Faces right; opens from top,6=Faces left; opens from bottom,7=Faces left; opens from top. Nybble 8+ is 2 tiles higher opens from left, and can't be touched by Mario.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
280 282Horizontal camera offset
Pixel zone below: value at nybble 6-7. This is how many pixels below the sprite that the sprite can be activated in.
Pixels to full offset: value at nybble 8-9. This is how many pixels Mario needs to move past the sprite until it reaches the full horizontal offset.
Pixel offset +=left: signed value at nybble 10-11. Default value is 2 tiles (32 pixels) either way from center
 Hiccup (rev. 2)
281 126Squiggler
Pipe exit facing: list at nybble 11: 0=Up,1=Down,3=Left,2=Right. 2 and 3 are unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
282 197Swinging/able vine
Swing angle: value at nybble 10
Length: value at nybble 11
Dont restrict angle: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 4)
283 157Porcupuffer spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
Use Restricted Movement: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. Unused.
Restricted Movement Distance: value at nybble 11. Unused.
Underwater Version: checkbox at nybble 1 with mask
The Boyy (rev. 15)
284 127Splunkin (pumpkin)
Explodes at start: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. At spawn. Unused.
Stefan The Coconut (rev. 19)
285 63Scuttlebug spawner
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
 MeroMero (rev. 7)
286 142Event controller - multi-chainer (if X, do Y through Z)
Starter ID: value at nybble 0-1. The activator will start running when this event ID is triggered.
Finisher ID: value at nybble 2-3. The activator will trigger all events from the start event ID to this event ID. If 0, the sprite will trigger every single event from the starting from the starter ID. This may need testing, though.
Delay: value at nybble 4-5
Usage mode: list at nybble 10: 0=One time use,1=Multiple use,2=Reset after use
 Hiccup (rev. 16)
287 64Enemy-in-Pipe Generator
Enemy: list at nybble 10: 0=Goomba,1=Bob-omb
Direction: list at nybble 11: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Left,3=Right
Slower Spawn Rate: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Unused (From NSMBW)
 Dirbaio (rev. 4)
288 325Nothing Dirbaio (rev. 0)
289 82Platform Block (expandable block)
Turn used at 4th hit: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Turns into used blocks. Unused. All values above 1 seem to produce same result as 1.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
290 260Flying ? Block
Item: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Mushroom/flower,2=Starman,3=1UP,4=? switch,5=P-switch,6=Red ! switch,7=Vine with Mario clone,8=Mini mushroom. Spawned switches are multiple use and physics-affected. "Vine with Mario clone" doesn't work with Luigi.
Starting position: list at nybble 9: 0=Left,1=Right
Looping pattern: list at nybble 6: 0=Fly off screen,1=Center of loop,2=Edge of loop
Flying pattern: list at nybble 8: 0=16 tile,1=Forward 4/back 8,2=Stay in place
Gets pointed to by Phantom Hands: list at nybble 4: 1=Yes,0=No
Phantom Hand ID: value at nybble 7. Pointing hands only.
Trigger ID: value at nybble 0-1. Switch appears when on (but only appears after emptying it out of the block).
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3. Switches ID on when switch pressed.
Clone Settings: value at nybble 5. See nybble 7 of Actor 21
 BL4ZED (rev. 20)
291 243Brick Block containing ? Switch
Trigger ID: value at nybble 0-1. If not set, the switch will always show. If set, the switch will only show while this event ID is activated. Slightly buggy if used with multiple use as the switch will pop back up immediately, which looks a bit strange and also causes Mario to be pushed into the air. No "real" glitch.
Target ID: value at nybble 2-3
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,4=Loads at midway,2=Unknown [see note]. If 1, the switch will be movable by environment stuff, such as dropping down when bricks below it are destroyed, or riding along a conveyor belt. If 4, the switch will only show if the level has been started from a midway point. Value 2 is used in 2-3, it may have something to do with the target ID.
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay,15=Unknown. [Check this nybble]. This will set how long the switch takes to pop up after the timer expires on a multiple use switch. Value 15 may have something to do with the timer. Maybe it pops up just after target ID is deactivated after activation with timer?
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. If this is checked, the switch will be facing down. Upside down switches cannot fall.
 poudink (rev. 16)
292 263Event Activated Door
Input ID: value at nybble 2-3
Dest. area: value at nybble 9
Dest. entrance: value at nybble 10-11
 Dirbaio (rev. 1)
293 283Touching ground vertical scroll stop left
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Visible Y pix. past: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Disable Y pix. past: value at nybble 8-9. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
294 284Touching ground vertical scroll stop right
Type: list at nybble 4: 0=Bottom limit,1=Top limit
Visible Y pix. past: value at nybble 10-11. Pixels able to be seen past limit.
Disable Y pix. past: value at nybble 8-9. Can only be set to a max of 31 pixels. Past that move the sprite.
 Hiccup (rev. 1)
295 128Mummipokey
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
 MeroMero (rev. 5)
296 163Lift moving left and right (unused actor 163)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
297 167Stone wall moving left and right (actor 167)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Start Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N11 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 10: value at nybble 10. Used in-game, useless.
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
298 168Stone wall moving left & right or up & down
Horizontal movement: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Spikes: list at nybble 5: 0=None,1=Top,2=Bottom,3=Top and Bottom,4=Right,5=Left,6=Right and left
Start delay: value at nybble 6
End delay: value at nybble 7
Tiles to move: signed value at nybble 8. Negative numbers = down/left. Positive numbers up/right. NOT diagonal for example - ticking "Horizontal movement" and "Tiles to move" to minus -7 will make it move left one block. For vertical movement -8 is no move movement -7 is down one -6 is down two ect
Speed: list at nybble 9: 0=Slowest,1=Medium,2=Fast,3=Fastest
Height: value at nybble 10
Length: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
299 214Snake Block
Path ID: value at nybble 10. If you don't have a matching ID, the game will freeze.
Loads from: list at nybble 9: 0=Level start,1=Midway point
Starting node: value at nybble 6-7
Last node behaviour: list at nybble 4: 0=Nothing (keeps shape),1=Falls apart (doesn't keep shape),2=Comes back and forth,3=Skyrockets (keeps shape),4=Falls apart (keeps shape). Game will freeze if N4 mod 8 is 5 or 6. For 3 it skyrockets for 44 blocks and 7 pixels then disappears.
Length: value at nybble 8
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 19)
300 215Haunted lift
Y-Shift (pixels): value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
301 134Toadsworth
Type: list at nybble 11: 0=1UP,1=Enemy,2=Item,3=Mega mushroom,4=Background chooser. 1 makes glitchy blocks that do nothing. Never use it.
 Hiccup (rev. 3)
302 264Toad House block
Bonus game: list at nybble 4: 0=1-Up Minigame,1=Background Chooser
Unknown 7: value at nybble 7. 1 is used when big roulette block is spawned by Toadsworth
Shift position: list at nybble 10: 0=No shifting,1=8 pixels right
Block ID: list at nybble 11: 0=1,1=2,2=3,3=4,4=5,5=6
 Hiccup (rev. 14)
303 130Ball 'n' Chain
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
Starting position: list at nybble 11: 0=Right,1=Up,2=Left,3=Down
 MeroMero (rev. 11)
304 216Spike Pillar - down
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=Forward with delay
Forward delay: value at nybble 6-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 9-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 9)
305 285Final Castle Create Loop
ID: value at nybble 10-11
Length: value at nybble 8-9. Actual width is found by reversing the nybbles and subtracting 15
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
306 286Final Castle Wrong Path
ID: value at nybble 11
Height: value at nybble 10. Sprite is positioned at the bottom
 Hiccup (rev. 1)
307 217Spike Pillar - up
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=Forward with delay
Forward delay: value at nybble 6-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 9-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
308 218Spike Pillar - left
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=Forward with delay
Forward delay: value at nybble 6-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 9-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
309 219Spike Pillar - right
Speed: list at nybble 4: 3=Doesn't move,2=Slowest,0=Medium,1=Fastest
Start: list at nybble 5: 0=Forward,2=Backward,8=Forward with delay
Forward delay: value at nybble 6-8. 60 frames = 1 second.
Backward delay: value at nybble 9-11. 60 frames = 1 second.
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
310 287Fog FG effect
Direction: list at nybble 4: 0=Left-down,1=Left-up,2=Right-down,3=Right-up
Opacity: value at nybble 5-6. Modulo 32. 0 is transparent, 30 is almost opaque, 31 is completely red.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 poudink (rev. 6)
311 291Snow FG effect 1
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 2)
312 192Rise or lower while/once on Mushroom Platform lift - mechanical
Distance: value at nybble 9. N9-N10 is the actual distance this mushroom will move.
Stalk height and move direction: value at nybble 10. If N9-10>0, this mushroom will go up, else it'll go down.
Width: value at nybble 11
Returns to original position: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask . The mushroom will return to its original position once Mario/Luigi gets off it.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 1-2
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 3-4
 poudink (rev. 14)
313 292Snow FG effect 2
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 5)
314 293Snow FG effect 3
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
315 288Cloud FG effect
Direction: list at nybble 4: 0=Left-down,1=Left-up,2=Right-down,3=Right-up
Opacity: value at nybble 5-6. Modulo 32. 0 is transparent, 30 is almost opaque, 31 is completely red.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 poudink (rev. 10)
316 289Water FG effect 1
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 6)
317 290Water FG effect 2
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 5)
318 294Fire FG effect 1
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
319 295Fire FG effect 2
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 3)
320 296Fire FG effect 3
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 MeroMero (rev. 4)
321 297Light FG Effect 1
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 Hiccup (rev. 11)
322 298Light FG Effect 2
Swaying start position: value at nybble 4. Also doubles as a direction value (Modulo 4) if nybble 10 and/or nybble 11 are not null. 0 is left-down, 1 is left-up, 2 is right-down and 3 is right-up.
Swaying distance: value at nybble 5. 0 is static.
Swaying speed: value at nybble 6. 0 is static, 15 is the fastest.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 Hiccup (rev. 12)
323 201Squishy cloud platform
Length: value at nybble 11. Cloud extends from sprite position to the right.
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 9)
324 299Grassland Clouds FG effect
Direction: list at nybble 4: 0=Left-down,1=Left-up,2=Right-down,3=Right-up
Opacity: value at nybble 5-6. Modulo 32. 0 is transparent, 30 is almost opaque, 31 is completely red.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 poudink (rev. 7)
325 300Small Grassland Clouds FG effect
Direction: list at nybble 4: 0=Left-down,1=Left-up,2=Right-down,3=Right-up
Opacity: value at nybble 5-6. Modulo 32. 0 is transparent, 30 is almost opaque, 31 is completely red.
Mixed shift: value at nybble 7. Shift horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal scrolling: value at nybble 8. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical scrolling: value at nybble 9. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 10. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
Vertical speed: value at nybble 11. 1 is the slowest, 16 is the fastest.
 Hiccup (rev. 10)