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Posted on 11-17-16, 12:17 am in Roast me
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Posted by TruelyJohn64
Your life is like your profile picture.

An outdated unfunny meme.

I tried to call the cops, but they keep telling me the line is "for emergencies only."
Posted on 12-20-16, 08:06 pm in Theme?
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Anybody interested in doing a contest? It's been forever since we've had one.
Posted on 04-01-17, 12:08 am in i have leak the newer super mario ds!!
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you misspelled mariofantastic64
Posted on 11-03-12, 11:08 pm in 2-world demo New(er) Something Mario Something (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 02:33 am)
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Since: 10-22-12
No news on 2-1, but I have redone the grassland tileset. Here's what it looked like before:

Here's what it looks like now:

Posted on 11-26-12, 07:07 pm in I have a life-changing decision to make...
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Since: 10-22-12
...and I need your help! Tonight I'm going to make a milkshake, but I don't know which flavor ice cream to use. My choices are vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry shortcake (strawberry with pieces of pound cake and some sort of frosting stuff).

Choose wisely. The fate of my evening depends on it.
Posted on 04-14-13, 04:59 am in An NSMB contest on SMWC (rev. 2 by  TRS on 04-17-13, 04:12 am)
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12
So here's what I've got so far:

- Create an NSMB level. Except for the restrictions listed in this post, anything goes.
- If you choose, you may work with a partner.
- Restrictions:
--- You must edit level 1-1.
--- Your level must include a midway point.
--- Your level must include all three star coins.
--- Your level cannot be Kaizo. (?)
--- You may only submit one entry.
- The following will cause your level to be disqualified:
--- Your level does not meet the restrictions above.
--- Your level is an obvious joke level. (I shouldn't really have to define joke level, right?)
--- Something in your level causes the game to crash. (Note: This should only apply to crashes that are solely the fault of the level designer, and should not apply to general NSMB glitches. This should be reworded.)
--- You are found to be working or have worked with more than one partner. Asking for or providing feedback or beta testing does not count as working with someone.

- Entries will be due two months after the start of the contest, due to C3 (a major site event) and being not SMW.
- There will be three judges: myself, Dirbaio, and one as-of-yet undecided SMWC member.
--- SMWC members can apply to be the third judge by sending in an application, which consists of the potential judge's scoring of a sample level provided in the rules and submissions thread. One judge and one backup judge will be selected this way.
--- NSMBHD members can apply as well, to be considered as backup judge in case Dirbaio is unable to judge.
- Scoring will be done using the following breakdown. Descriptions of each category will be provided in the rules and submissions thread:
--- Level Design: out of 20
--- Appeal: out of 10
--- Functionality: out of 10
- In case of ties for first, second, or third place, the judges as a group will decide which of the tied levels is most deserving of the spot. The chosen level will keep that spot, and the tied level(s) and all entries of lower rank will be moved down a place.
- Judges are not allowed to submit entries, but backup judges are. In the event that a backup judge submits a level, then becomes a judge, that level is immediately disqualified.

- Important resources will be linked in the rules and submissions thread.
--- NSMBe (editor)
--- DeSmuME (emulator)
--- NSMBHD's resource and tutorial forums,
--- A basics tutorial.

- Prizes
--- Monetary prizes will be split $15/10/5/5/5 amongst the top 5 placing entries.
--- Prizes in the form of trophies will be distributed to the top 3 placing entries. (Dirbaio has said that image badges are possible, so this can be done on both sites.)

Definitely discuss things. Nothing is finalized yet.
Posted on 06-30-13, 04:49 am in The best pony (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 02:35 am)
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12

Posted on 08-24-13, 08:46 pm in Connect X
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12
why would you post this
Posted on 08-28-13, 10:21 pm in Hey People
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12
I don't know you so you must be terrible.
Posted on 09-24-13, 12:51 am in yesfinally NSMB Level Design Contest - Results Thread (rev. 1 by  TRS on 09-24-13, 12:57 am)
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Since: 10-22-12
So, long story short, I have not had a good last couple of weeks or so. My computer crashed near the beginning of the month and I lost my judging files. So I'm going to not leave anyone waiting any longer than I have to.

As a way of apologizing for the long wait, I am extending prizes to eighth place.

So, let's get right to it. Here are the results:

1st - Gridatttack (72/80)
2nd - Pikerchu13 (71/80)
3rd - MrRean (65/80)
3rd - Riolu180 (65/80)
5th - Silver Scarlet (58/80)
5th - Baby Bowser (58/80)
7th - Py_hacker (54/80)
8th - Lespna712 (30/80)
9th - Dark Mario Bros (18/80)
10th - Gabriel Yanni (DQ)
10th - GlitchMr (DQ)

Links to individual judges' results:

Excel file with both

If you won a prize, be sure to PM me. Prizes can be claimed via Steam, Amazon, or basically any place that lets you send online gift cards with custom amounts or accepts donations (if you choose to donate to someone else); basically, if you're not sure, ask me.

Prizes are as follows:
1st place - $15
2nd place - $10
3rd-8th place - $5

Again, I apologize for this long wait. I apologize especially to the judges.
Posted on 10-17-13, 05:04 am in Look at my cat, my cat is amazing
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 300/653
Since: 10-22-12
Your cat loads slowly.
Posted on 11-03-13, 06:51 pm in Rips from Newer NSMB Titles (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 02:38 am)
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 327/653
Since: 10-22-12
Have a thing:

NSMBU Forest

DOWNLOAD HERE. Uses four palettes.
Posted on 11-09-13, 09:30 pm in The Scope Project (rev. 1 by  TRS on 11-09-13, 09:30 pm)
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12
I don't understand what you're trying to do with this. The linked page and the first post says this will be "a handheld gaming console on your computer screen", with a paid app store. In addition to what Garmichael stated above, his raises some questions:

1. What exactly does "a handheld gaming console on your computer screen" mean?
2. What distinguishes this from already existing PC content delivery platforms? (e.g. Steam, Origin)
3. Is there a market for this? Have you done market research?
4. What are you using to process app store payments?
5. For paid apps, what is the split between how much developers make and how much "Scope" makes?
6. Will you have a return policy?

This project is stated to be finished by 1/1/2014, which is in fewer than two months. For this to be successful, you need to have easily communicative answers to all of these questions right now. Can you answer these questions?
Posted on 12-15-13, 11:09 am in RULES FOR POSTING A HACK -- READ THIS BEFORE POSTING HERE! (rev. 1 by  TRS on 12-15-13, 11:11 am)
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 350/653
Since: 10-22-12
Just a note to  MarioFanatic64: new hack threads do not require trailers. They simply require at least one video. You're trying to enforce a rule that does not exist.
Posted on 01-21-14, 04:18 pm in test please ignore
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 367/653
Since: 10-22-12
posting in legendary thread postcount++
Posted on 07-12-14, 09:53 pm in Can't scroll past the first screen (rev. 1 by  TRS on 07-12-14, 10:08 pm)
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 409/653
Since: 10-22-12
Posted by TRS
Posted by Tierage
Maybe there's a tile that forbids the camera from entering in there on accident?

Forgot to mention, sorry. I've already checked for that. There are no blocks that should not be there.

Wait, no. I'm dumb.

I was accidentally using object 1 (which stops scrolling) in the second screen instead of object 0 (blank tile).

Problem is solved. Thanks all.

(why did I get a +1 for this)
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 460/653
Since: 10-22-12
Very true, but all conversation after that implied having to hex edit the overlay, not the rom. I've been confused for the past 2 pages for that reason.
Posted on 08-11-14, 12:03 am in suggestion Be able to remove +1's
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 483/653
Since: 10-22-12
Posted by py_hacker
I really, have NO IDEA how nobody thought about this already. Unless they keep forgetting and never posted about it.

Well, there was another thread about it, but it was a year ago, so yeah.
Posted on 08-11-14, 01:50 am in suggestion Be able to remove +1's
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Karma: 3042
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Since: 10-22-12
There's a three-year gap in between the threads I linked.
Posted on 09-03-14, 05:52 am in Rips from Newer NSMB Titles (rev. 2 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:04 am)
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Karma: 3042
Posts: 501/653
Since: 10-22-12
I've gotten a couple of requests for this, so I figured I'd post it sooner rather than later:

NSMBU Beta Pipes


Included are I_dokan.nsbtx (regular pipes) and I_mamedokan.nsbtx (mini pipes).

To use: Open your ROM and go to the "ROM File Browser" tab. Navigate to root->polygon_folder. To overwrite the original files, click on (but don't open) the file you want to overwrite. Hit "Replace", then find the file you want to replace it with and click "Open".

I believe those two files are the only ones needed to use these pipes properly. If there may be other files that I'm missing, please let me know.

EDIT: NSMB2 rips are still a thing. I just wanted to take a break first.
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