Posted on 05-19-18, 12:30 am (rev. 1 by  cros107 on 05-19-18, 12:30 am)
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 718/778
Since: 03-25-16
Are you the one who made that one (the first?) nsmb kaizo hack? Because from the screenshot it looks like exactly the kind of level design that hack has lol
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 05-19-18, 02:21 am (rev. 3 by Jakratzhu on 05-19-18, 05:07 am)
cyka blyat

Karma: 92
Posts: 116/118
Since: 06-10-14
Posted by cros107
Are you the one who made that one (the first?) nsmb kaizo hack? Because from the screenshot it looks like exactly the kind of level design that hack has lol

Yes, but then I dropped it. I remade it into one level, and I'm working on it today. That level that I linked above is the same hack I was working on. It's not that hard actually but requires around 50ish frame perfect jumps, rng manipulation and good knowledge of some glitches that you probably didn't even know exist. (They only work in circumstances where one would have to edit a level; thus, I don't know how common the glitches are.)

Still, it's a WIP, I want it to be around 30 minutes long, just a challenging level for the player that finds NSMB a little too easy

Here's video completion of what I did so far. I want to complete it first then decor it, so it's pretty ugly as of now. I'm about 1/3 done with gameplay.
In the video, it may seem like some stuff is useless or randomly placed; everything has a use, and there's reasons why I'm not doing ___ (for example, wall kicking when it looks like I can to save time, but in reality, the walls are classified as spikes and can't be bounced from) these things aren't noticed until you play, so if you've got Desmume and spare time, have a try.
The download is above as I pasted previously.

Also, that's a cool SMW castle level at 3 posts above
rush b сука блять
Posted on 05-19-18, 09:59 am
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 719/778
Since: 03-25-16
>50ish frame perfect jumps, rng manupilation and obscure glitches

yeah just a little challenge to boost the difficulty

In all seriousness though this does look cool. Might give it a try, lol.
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 05-19-18, 02:04 pm
cyka blyat

Karma: 92
Posts: 118/118
Since: 06-10-14
Posted by cros107
>50ish frame perfect jumps, rng manupilation and obscure glitches

yeah just a little challenge to boost the difficulty

In all seriousness though this does look cool. Might give it a try, lol.

Thanks! I mean, it's meant to be TAS'd. I guess it's like Mario Must Die, but I tried to make a stage that was challenging to TAS too... I can only imagine how hard it would be for regular players lol

After this one I will make one that's easier and aimed at every day players but still "Kaizo"
rush b сука блять
Posted on 12-19-18, 06:21 pm (rev. 1 by  Arceus on 12-19-18, 10:25 pm)

Karma: 151
Posts: 72/73
Since: 03-24-17
Posted by MeroMero
Some cool things you can do with a little knowledge of ASM:

*no need to quote all videos* ~  Arceus

If you want to test yourselves, here's the download link:
To patch with the European version of NSMB.

The only hack not featured is the Horizontal scrolling for Sprite 255.

Omggg pliss can you fix the link? It don´t work
PD: Also, incredible work!
Posted on 01-16-19, 02:12 am (rev. 3 by  poudink on 01-20-19, 05:28 pm)
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 710/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Here's a very challenging level I made for a contest ages ago. Back then it was criticized for being unfair and too difficult and was disqualified because only one person was able to make the patch work. I have made slight modifications to this version of the level but it's still very much the same level. personally, I'm quite proud of it, but play at your own risk, I guess. Why am I sharing this? I don't know, because I felt like it, I guess.
I have plans to bring this back as a community remix level, after modifications are made to make it a much easier experience.
EDIT2: Link is back up. Features a camera that doesn't suck, a second star coin that actually exists this time and the two files I had forgotten to include (both go in the enemy folder).
EDIT3: I recorded a video of the level:

And yes, I am aware that I screwed up the door.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 02-01-19, 11:42 pm (rev. 1 by  Wither19 on 02-02-19, 04:55 pm)
Red Koopa
idk man

Karma: 41
Posts: 4/133
Since: 02-01-19
Here's a version of 1-1 with a few modifications. This is my first custom level, so it may be a bit boring. But i'd appreciate it if people would try it.
One small step for man, and a flag too, I guess.
Posted on 02-03-19, 08:17 pm (rev. 9 by  Wither19 on 02-03-19, 10:10 pm)
Red Koopa
idk man

Karma: 41
Posts: 6/133
Since: 02-01-19
Presenting "Overhanging Cavern"!

Also, I constantly have to edit single level posts to change the download links for new files because I always find problems in the level.

Problems: (Try to fix these and show me.)
001: Screen will not scroll upward with new elevations not originally on the level.
002: When entering the warp pipe area in the middle of the stage, after completion, you have to go back in to the warp pipe you come out of.
One small step for man, and a flag too, I guess.
Posted on 02-12-19, 01:32 pm
Red Koopa
idk man

Karma: 41
Posts: 17/133
Since: 02-01-19
Posted by Wither19
Presenting "Overhanging Cavern"!

Also, I constantly have to edit single level posts to change the download links for new files because I always find problems in the level.

Problems: (Try to fix these and show me.)
001: Screen will not scroll upward with new elevations not originally on the level.
002: When entering the warp pipe area in the middle of the stage, after completion, you have to go back in to the warp pipe you come out of.
Never mind the problems during this level, but I need to learn for future levels.

One small step for man, and a flag too, I guess.
Posted on 03-25-19, 12:57 am (rev. 1 by  Wither19 on 03-27-19, 01:43 pm)
Red Koopa
idk man

Karma: 41
Posts: 96/133
Since: 02-01-19
Hey NSMBHD! Here's a little something I made for the March level contest over on Ndymario's Discord Server! It's called "Mario's Spring Dream!" Play this to see the happy thoughts in Mario's head... (CUT!!! TOO VAGUE!!!)
One small step for man, and a flag too, I guess.
Posted on 04-23-19, 08:47 pm

Karma: 22
Posts: 14/16
Since: 03-11-19
This is meant to be World 1-1 in a currently private hack, but I decided to share it because the hack is making no actual progress.
Posted on 08-02-19, 04:48 pm (rev. 1 by SomeRandomDude on 08-03-19, 06:44 pm)

Karma: 1
Posts: 1/1
Since: 08-02-19
This level is my first unique (done from scratch) level,it's world 1-5 from a (private) romhack and I wanted to post it here
here's the level:!rqAnECZB!-mDNWBfs-I2NAnzLL3Bj0-bgV6jikoWg70fK_aeXPz8
Posted on 12-22-19, 10:49 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1515/1681
Since: 06-09-12
A level from NSML made in 2015.

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Posted on 08-17-20, 01:32 am

Karma: 427
Posts: 147/147
Since: 07-03-13
Just another quick Super Mario World level remake. See you again in a few years hahahaha

New Super Mario Bros. The Next Levels.
W1: 100% | W2: 100% | W3: 33% | W4: 100%
Posted on 08-17-20, 02:58 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 1093/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Did not expect to see you here again. Nice.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 08-08-21, 11:36 am (rev. 3 by  TraineeLuigie on 08-12-21, 01:55 am)

Karma: 101
Posts: 77/115
Since: 04-23-21

A frame-perfect level based in volcano theme.This is the first time I design a Kaizo level(I don't know what Kaizo exactly means),so there may be some bad design points.
Anyways,this won't be so fun...Just try it on your own risk.If you don't like this,then just stop suffer from it.

EDIT:don't care about the connect pipes bug,I don't know how can I fix it.Sorry about that
oh and btw:
New Super Sicko Mario-Release Page
Posted on 08-09-21, 09:46 am
Red Goomba

Karma: 252
Posts: 39/40
Since: 02-17-18
Hi TraineeLuigie,

I can't open and test your level with NSMBe, I get this error:

Posted on 08-10-21, 06:41 am (rev. 1 by  TraineeLuigie on 08-10-21, 06:54 am)

Karma: 101
Posts: 80/115
Since: 04-23-21
Posted by M3N Team
Hi TraineeLuigie,

I can't open and test your level with NSMBe, I get this error:

I'll try conpile another later.

Edit:This doesn't happens on my clean ROM...
oh and btw:
New Super Sicko Mario-Release Page
Posted on 08-10-21, 11:34 am
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5569
Posts: 1413/1426
Since: 06-25-13
Happens for me too. Your clean rom probably isn't that clean.
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Posted on 08-10-21, 02:04 pm
The boy who always has something up his sleeve

Karma: 931
Posts: 592/750
Since: 02-01-21
me too, I think it uses a pirated ROM or something like that because it is the American one but it is something wrong, get a truly licensed one maybe that is the problem
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