Posted on 02-14-17, 10:06 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 2093/2788
Since: 01-17-13
Why would the Newer team need one joint account?

Also most of them are in contact with the staff (or simply are staff) so indeed they'd know beforehand.
Posted on 02-15-17, 02:19 pm (rev. 2 by RicBent on 02-15-17, 02:27 pm)

Karma: 8573
Posts: 796/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Might have been an error to ban him directly.

But seriously, especially the "Official" in his username suggests that the account was only created to provoke unless he really is a bit let's say childish.

Anyways, will leave him a message that he can come back when he thinks of a better username.

Edit: And I should know of a joint Newer account because you know, I'm member of them.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 02-15-17, 03:19 pm

Karma: 783
Posts: 62/256
Since: 12-29-16
Aren't most of the original NewerSMBW staff not active anymore? (That's what I was told, at least )
Posted on 02-15-17, 10:32 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12759
Posts: 2435/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Some of the Newer Team circa Newer Wii have retired, but the Newer Team has since adopted some new blood, including Mariomaster, newluigidev, and myself.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 02-16-17, 08:25 pm

Karma: 783
Posts: 65/256
Since: 12-29-16 Someone already has a Switch. These pics look pretty legit, if you ask me.
Posted on 02-16-17, 08:54 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1930/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Wouldn't be surprised. The Switch release is just around the corner.

Posted on 02-16-17, 09:42 pm
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 567/778
Since: 03-25-16
And the switch has already been shipped to some developers.
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 02-17-17, 03:31 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 798/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Reminds me of the NES Mini release. Went to MediaMarkt on release, they told me none are left.

A few days later I asked a friend that worked there and he told me that all employees bought them before release and then sold them on eBay for these insane prices.

As you can see these products arrive at stores often way before release.

I also remeber stores putting games one day before release in the shelves.
Got SMB3DW that way 2 days before release.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 02-17-17, 10:03 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12759
Posts: 2439/2796
Since: 07-01-11
The only way to secure a purchase in the gaming market these days is to pre-order, rather early too.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 02-22-17, 12:22 am

Karma: 783
Posts: 67/256
Since: 12-29-16
I agree with what you said, but I've never had trouble getting consoles, but that's because I've never got one on release. Same deal for games, but I always buy those on release.

The Switch, however, has been a nightmare to pre-order (As expected). After a lot of missed chances, I went "fuck it" and decided to camp out at Walmart from when it closes to when it opens the next day.
(Walmart Canada is doing first come, first serve with the Switch)
Posted on 03-03-17, 06:16 am

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1935/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Switch release is today. Anyone got it on launch day?

(Hello from post 55555 :>)

Posted on 03-03-17, 11:36 am

Karma: 783
Posts: 75/256
Since: 12-29-16
I'm currently waiting at Walmart. Store opens at 8.
Posted on 03-03-17, 12:20 pm

Karma: 721
Posts: 202/240
Since: 08-12-13
I've got mine, I picked it up right after work.
I chose to get Zelda from the eShop; very bad idea...
I should have pre-ordered the cartridge version instead.
Posted on 03-03-17, 01:37 pm

Karma: 783
Posts: 76/256
Since: 12-29-16
I just got it!
Posted on 03-03-17, 01:48 pm
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12759
Posts: 2452/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Indeed, the Switch cartridges are not intended for contact with the human tongue.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 03-03-17, 05:08 pm

Karma: 235
Posts: 30/80
Since: 12-31-16
Posted by Yami
I've got mine, I picked it up right after work.
I chose to get Zelda from the eShop; very bad idea...
I should have pre-ordered the cartridge version instead.

Why? Download time? The Switch actually supports ac Wifi, which implies the only reason for a long downloading time is the buyer's Wifi crapiness
Posted on 03-03-17, 05:34 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1937/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by StarTrekVoyager
Posted by Yami
I've got mine, I picked it up right after work.
I chose to get Zelda from the eShop; very bad idea...
I should have pre-ordered the cartridge version instead.

Why? Download time? The Switch actually supports ac Wifi, which implies the only reason for a long downloading time is the buyer's Wifi crapiness

Or you know, server overload when thousands of people are downloading the same game at the same time

Posted on 03-03-17, 06:07 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 808/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Got one today as well.

And the left Joycon is horrible. It desyncs even if the station is only 1 meter away.
Thought the 2.0.0 update fixed stuff, but nope.
After 1/2 hour of TLoZ it started desyncing again.

Also the first thing in TLoZ that happened to me was a Game Over. Right after I left that cave the Joycon desynced and I fell down the cliff
Currently it is almost unplayable from my couch which isn't even 2 meters away from my Switch.

Dunno if they will get this fixed. I really hope so. A massive return campaign could hurt the Switch's image quite a lot.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 03-03-17, 06:17 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1938/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Guess I chose right to wait until december until that kind of stuff is ironed out.

Guess you'll need a pro controller for now.

Posted on 03-03-17, 06:25 pm

Karma: 783
Posts: 77/256
Since: 12-29-16
My left Joy-Con works fine. Guess it's up to luck.