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Posted on 07-31-18, 03:58 pm
Banned: Dupe of Smash Bandiderp

Karma: 0
Posts: 5/6
Since: 07-27-18
I wanna make an interconnected map like Super Mario World's one, I also wanna use the bottom screen as a thing to prepare/use your power ups before the level starts, are any of those possible?
Posted on 07-31-18, 04:48 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 393/1379
Since: 04-24-18
You're asking alot of hacking here... In short words, no. It's practically impossible. But if you are so smart with coding and ASM, maybe there's a way.

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Posted on 07-31-18, 05:43 pm
Banned: Dupe of Smash Bandiderp

Karma: 0
Posts: 6/6
Since: 07-27-18
Posted by Skylander
You're asking alot of hacking here... In short words, no. It's practically impossible. But if you are so smart with coding and ASM, maybe there's a way.

Thanks for the advice, I'll learn and try later, one last question, does the map need to be a model.
Posted on 07-31-18, 08:41 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 395/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Good question! Not sure about that. Now the castles and trees are models, the Ghost house is hardcoded with the map itself

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Posted on 07-31-18, 10:11 pm
Nipper Plant

Karma: 2416
Posts: 358/417
Since: 08-17-15
If you can get the map actor to render as 2D graphics, then you don't need to. Otherwise, yes. All map features are 3D models.
Posted on 07-31-18, 10:17 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1304/1681
Since: 06-09-12
The DS screen wouldn't work well with 2d world maps. I actually had a very simple world map engine going once and the DS resolution is just way too small to have good looking 2d maps. Best way is to go 3d. Also even if you go for 2d maps just recoding the entire map scene is way better than just messing with the actors of the map.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 08-02-18, 04:09 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 659/1447
Since: 02-12-16
I don't see what you mean by that. Super Mario Advance 2 had 2D maps and it was on the GBA at an inferior resolution. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding something.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 08-02-18, 06:47 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1306/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Yeah and the maps in SMA2 look way worse than anything that can be done with 3d models on the ds.

While the 2d Map Quality in NewerWii is almost as good as their 3d counterparts in the original.

The DS is just unable to do enough layers to make interesting maps. In the end you can only do something that would maybe look good for a 16 bit Mario game.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Pages: 1