Posted on 12-04-18, 01:41 am
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 658/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Thanks! Have you played Newer DS? I highly recommend it and it's the best hack of this game ever made!


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Posted on 12-04-18, 07:35 am

Karma: 18
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Since: 12-03-18
Posted by Skylander
Thanks! Have you played Newer DS? I highly recommend it and it's the best hack of this game ever made!
Never heard of it. I thought the best two were this and endless earth from what I've seen so far.
NSMB is the greatest game of all time!
Posted on 12-04-18, 09:05 am, deleted by  Arceus
Posted on 12-04-18, 03:32 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 659/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Endless Earth is really cool! BUT COME ON. NEWER DS IS SO POPULAR.

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Posted on 12-04-18, 05:56 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2495/2735
Since: 01-17-13
this hack uses assets from NewerDS, though. you ought to be aware of that.

one example of said assets is goombas and koopas.
Posted on 12-04-18, 06:25 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 660/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Well, thought I'd post an update. Really been working on this lately.

World 1: Complete (1-2 and 1-5 will get edits)
World 2: Complete (Most levels will get edits)
World 3: 3-A is all that's left
World 4: 4-5 and 4-6 isn't done yet. (4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 will probably get redone.)
World 5: 5-2 is all that's left
World 6: Only 6-1, 2, and A are done.
World 7: 7-1, GH, 2 and 3 are done.
World 8: 8-1, Castle and Final castle are done.

Some levels are going to be redone for top quality gameplay. I want the level designs to flow and really look good. I don't want to settle releasing a hack with crappy levels


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Posted on 12-04-18, 06:26 pm
for MC in range(708):

Karma: 62
Posts: 14/31
Since: 11-26-15
The modern tilesets look pretty good in this game. Although, the red checkmark flag on the lower screen looks kinda strange in my opinion
Posted on 12-04-18, 06:29 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 661/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Nothing more I can really do about it. If Newer DS's code is released by the time this is finished, will add physical checkpoint.

OH, and also, if any of you played the demo, I already said how 1-1 has been redone since, but I also redone 1-3. It's way better now and has the upside down piranhas that Skawo made via ASM.

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Posted on 12-04-18, 06:32 pm
for MC in range(708):

Karma: 62
Posts: 15/31
Since: 11-26-15
I think you might be misunderstand me, or I'm misunderstanding you. I just mean the regular ones already in the game look better than the flat red ones. Referring to the flag that appears when you cross the point on the lower screen - not a physical object like in Newer.
Posted on 12-04-18, 06:56 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 662/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Yeah I know. I know it's basic, but there's nothing really better I can do with it.


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Posted on 12-04-18, 07:04 pm
for MC in range(708):

Karma: 62
Posts: 16/31
Since: 11-26-15
Fair enough. It's really only a minor nitpick anyway. The trailer is really nice, the music sounds like something from NoteBlock.
Posted on 12-04-18, 07:25 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 663/1379
Since: 04-24-18
It's a remix from another youtube video. The trailer is kind of outdated now, as the screenshots tell a newer story

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Posted on 12-04-18, 09:58 pm
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 659/798
Since: 04-11-15
Posted by Skylander
Thanks! Have you played Newer DS? [...] it's the best hack of this game ever made!

Eh. Only an opinion to say it's the best hack of NSMB DS
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 12-05-18, 03:47 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 668/1379
Since: 04-24-18
World 8 map retextured
7-3 and 8-2 are done

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Posted on 12-06-18, 07:37 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 670/1379
Since: 04-24-18
6-Tower is done, so there's 4 left to do. Let me tell you guys something. I hate making towers. I have 0 ideas for them half the time, and they are a pain in the neck. Luckily, the 2nd towers of both world 6 and 8 I have ideas for. As for World 7 and the first in world 8, dead.

Game is almost 70% done. Estimated release is March - May of 2019

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Posted on 12-12-18, 09:29 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 682/1379
Since: 04-24-18
UPDATE TIME. Sorry for the wait.

Been working on World 8 recently. World 8-3,5, and 7 are done. By the way, 7 is an autoscroller. HAHA
The World 8 map has been retextured too! It looks really cool! Now, considering that NSMBU had peach's castle as World 8 and only 4 or 5 levels, I can't do that here. So, I made world 8 with the same NSMBU textures but it's called "Bowser Badlands"

Now, just to tick you guys off, the Red Hot Elevator Ride is making a comeback as the 2nd tower of World 8. lol

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Posted on 12-14-18, 08:34 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 683/1379
Since: 04-24-18
7-7 is done! And yes, another autoscroller. This one is inspired by the beanstalk from NSMBU, except without the beanstalk. I'm using NSMB2's gimmick of that one level with all the vines in blocks that go upward, so this is a level from NSMBU, NSMB2, and NSMBDS all in one. Crazy, right?!

Not much longer now. 1 level left in World 3, which is partially done, 2 in World 4, one in World 5, and a few in World 8. World 7 is making it's way but World 6 is being an absolute drag. I have almost 0 ideas for it

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Posted on 12-15-18, 04:16 pm

Karma: 21
Posts: 11/21
Since: 07-05-17
Wow this is coming along fast. I'm actually pretty excited to play this
Posted on 12-21-18, 01:33 am
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 697/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Even though it is pointless, might as well post an update.

NSMBU DS is at a complete standstill. Nothing has been done. I can make levels, but none of my working PCs has a playable ram. Man I am poor.

Rest assured, I am working hard and fast to get my Vista back up and running. I'm kinda going back and forth from PC to PC with a flash drive editing little things in levels and that's pretty much it.

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Posted on 12-22-18, 02:05 am
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 681/1447
Since: 02-12-16
have you tried no$gba?
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.