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ID Class ID Name Last edited by
33 237Trampoline (portable springboard)
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Larger: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Unused. (Can get stuck in walls)
 onlypuppy7 (rev. 33)
68 161Lift moving up and down
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 1+(N11 mod 8).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Asprok (rev. 24)
69 162Lift moving left and right
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Asprok (rev. 19)
70 164Rotating log lift (unused actor)
Longer: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
71 165Stone wall moving up and down
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 1+(N11 mod 8).
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N8 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Asprok (rev. 28)
72 166Stone wall moving left and right (actor 166)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N8 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Enable trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 24)
73 169Wobbly metal lift
Maximum tilting: list at nybble 11: 3=7.5°,2=15°,1=30°,0=60°
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 12)
74 170Wobble Rock Bluey (rev. 6)
75 171Seesaw lift
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 10)
76 172Scale lift
Left side rope height: value at nybble 9
Right side rope height: value at nybble 10
Distance between steps: value at nybble 11
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 13)
77 173Flimsy Lift (falls once touched)
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 2+2×(N11 mod 4). Everything other than 1 is unused. Certain lengths seem to cause it to shift upwards.
Ed_IT (rev. 21)
78 174Lift moving one way once stood on
Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Right,3=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Speed: list at nybble 5: 2=15 pixels/sec,1=30 pixels/sec,0=60 pixels/sec
Travelling distance: list at nybble 6: 0=Unlimited,1=114 Blocks,2=232 Blocks,3=348 Blocks,4=464 Blocks,5=580 Blocks,6=696 Blocks,7=7112 Blocks,8=8128 Blocks,9=9144 Blocks,10=10160 Blocks,15=11176 Blocks,16=12192 Blocks,17=13208 Blocks,18=14224 Blocks,19=15240 Blocks
Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 29)
79 175Three platform rickshaw lift (rotates in place by self)
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Longer steps: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
80 177Lift spawner
Offscreen pos.: list at nybble 4: 0=Keep moving,1=Wait for Mario. Used in the MvsL level. This controls what the lift (spawner, surely?) does while off screen, best I can tell. Position is affected, but speed stays the same.
Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up,1=Down,2=Right,3=Left. 2 (Right) and 3 (Left) are unused.
 Bluey (rev. 16)
82 179Rotating rectangle lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=90° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift 8 pixels down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 25)
86 6Rotating triangle lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=120° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift 8 pixels down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 MeroMero (rev. 36)
91 182Track-controlled lift
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up/Right,1=Down/Left
Speed: list at nybble 5: 0=60 pixels/sec,1=90 pixels/sec,2=120 pixels/sec,3=180 pixels/sec
Movement trigger: list at nybble 6: 0=On its own,1=Once stood on
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Used as 2 and 6 in Unused Level 1.
 Hiccup (rev. 27)
95 254Spin Block
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3. Swiches and controllers
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Spin Jump: value at nybble 11. does not need to have a value to appear
 alpha (rev. 19)
99 183Four platform rickshaw lift
Stick on line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Enable Trigger ID: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 KingYoshi (rev. 22)
103 79Dorrie
Path ID: value at nybble 4
Starting node: value at nybble 10-11. 255=Appear Always, 0=Appear at level start, Anything else=Appear from midway
Size: value at nybble 6. Size is 1+(N6 mod 4).
Direction: list at nybble 5: 0=Right,1=Left,2=Towards background,3=Away from background. 2 and 3 don't function properly. 1, 2 and 3 are Unused.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Starts facing away from background and turns to actual direction when activated. If set to zero, Dorrie won't start until touched by Mario. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Starts facing away from background and turns to actual direction when activated. If set to zero, Dorrie won't start until touched by Mario. Unused.
 MeroMero (rev. 9)
111 227Floating log
Unknown 4: value at nybble 4. Used as 5 in-game.
Spin: value at nybble 1. it don't need to get a value
 alpha (rev. 9)
119 228Swinging Lift (Pendulum-like)
Length: list at nybble 4: 0=4,2=8,3=12,4=16,5=20,6=24,7=28,8=32,9=36,10=40,11=44,12=48,13=52,14=56,15=60. Length formula is N4 × 4.1 acts like 0. Big sizes should not be used, as they don't display unless the pivot is on-screen.
Amplitude: list at nybble 5: 0=0°,1=11.25°,2=22.5°,3=33.75°,4=45°,5=56.25°,6=67.5°,7=78.75°,8=90°,9=101.25°,10=112.5°,11=123.75°,12=135°,13=146.25°,14=157.5°,15=168.75°
Oscillation period: list at nybble 6: 0=0 frame,1=1024 frames,2=512 frames,3=341.3 frames,4=256 frames,5=204.8 frames,6=170.7 frames,7=146.3 frames,8=128 frames,9=113.8 frames,10=102.4 frames,11=93.1 frames,12=85.3 frames,13=78.8 frames,14=73.1 frames,15=68.3 frames
Starting position coefficient: value at nybble 7. For full details on the starting position formula, refer to this post: http://nsmbhd.net/post/43562/
 poudink (rev. 14)
126 230Drawbridge lift
Length of side: value at nybble 4. Used: 9.
Closed time: value at nybble 5. Used: 1.
Open time: value at nybble 6. Used: 1.
Maximum angle: list at nybble 7: 1=11.25°,2=22.5°,3=33.75°,4=45°,5=56.25°,0=67.5°,7=78.75°,8=90°,9=101.25°,10=112.5°,11=123.75°,12=135°,13=146.25°,14=157.5°,15=168.75°. Note : 6 acts like 0. Used: 33.75°.
Moving: list at nybble 8: 0=No,1=Yes,3=Yes. Used: 3. Unknown how/if >0 values differ.
Primary position: list at nybble 11: 0=Up,1=Down. For use with the Trigger ID. This is the position the platform assumes when the event is off. The primary position is always up when a Trigger ID is not being used.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Enables/disables movement. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
127 186Big four platform rickshaw lift (rotates on spot by self)
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Unused.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. Unused.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 20)
141 231Swelling ground
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Direction: list at nybble 5: 0=Up,1=Down
 Hiccup (rev. 14)
142 232Tightrope
Length: value at nybble 4. If both length and height are set, it will be diagonal.
Height: signed value at nybble 5
 WhatTheHack (rev. 4)
143 251Spiked ? Block (unused actor 251)
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Couterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Powerup,2=1 up,3=1-up,4=Powerup (throw down),5=Crash,6=Mushroom (throws down),7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini Mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Powerup,15=Powerup (spawns like from inventory)
 Hiccup (rev. 25)
144 252Spiked ? Block
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Counterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Mushroom/flower,2=1UP,3=1UP,4=Mushroom/flower,5=Crash,6=Mushroom,7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Mushroom/flower,15=Mushroom/flower spawning like touchscreen
 Hiccup (rev. 24)
145 253Spiked ? Block (unused actor 253)
Rotation: list at nybble 10: 0=Clockwise,1=Counterclockwise
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Powerup,2=1 up,3=1-up,4=Powerup (throw down),5=Crash,6=Mushroom (throws down),7=Coin,8=Coin,9=Crash,10=Coin,11=Mini Mushroom,12=Crash,13=Coin,14=Mushroom/Flower,15=Mushroom/Flower spawning like touchscreen
 Hiccup (rev. 21)
146 187Ground-pound panelThierry (rev. 5)
147 188Bump from below platform (Mario Bros. style platform)
Length: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
162 189Mushroom Platform lift (tilting and bobbing)
Bob / Colour: list at nybble 6: 0=No,2=Yes,8=No (green),10=Yes (green). Green is unused.
Stalk height: value at nybble 7. Max 7. Add tiles under it.
Length: value at nybble 8
Tilt angle: value at nybble 9
Speed: value at nybble 10-11
VGR (rev. 29)
169 255Spin Block (unused Actor 255)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
 MeroMero (rev. 22)
171 256Spin Block (unused Actor 256)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
 MeroMero (rev. 28)
173 196Swinging/able rope
Mario controls sway: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Length in tiles: value at nybble 11. Maximum = 8.
Sway on own +/-: value at nybble 10. These values go from 0 (none) to F (almost horizontal). At a 4 tile (0 value length) they increase 1/2 tile at the bottom per number.
 MeroMero (rev. 4)
174 195Mushroom Platform lift (Moving, tilting & bobbing)
Use tracks: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Unused.
Horizontal speed: value at nybble 5
Color: list at nybble 6: 0=Red,1=Green. Green is unused.
Stalk Height/Shift: value at nybble 7
Width: value at nybble 8
Tilting angle: value at nybble 9
Bop speed: value at nybble 10
Tilting speed: value at nybble 11
 MeroMero (rev. 49)
175 233Bouncy bricks (Unused)
Behaviour: list at nybble 4: 0=Stretch up & down,1=Depress while stood on,2=Solid. Glitchy with Mini Mario, he just falls through the bricks when they wobble.
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
187 198Balance lift
Loads from: list at nybble 6: 0=Level start,1=Midway point
Disappears: list at nybble 8: 0=No,1=Yes,2=When Mario's off. Disappears after a few seconds. 1 and 2 are unused.
Starts w/o player: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 2
Directions/Arrows: list at nybble 11: 0=Left Up Right,1=Left Down Right,2=Left Up Right,3=Left Right
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
189 202Pipe Cannon
Angle / Force: list at nybble 11: 0=Far right,1=Far left,2=Medium right,3=Medium left,4=Straight up,5=Very far right. 1 is unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 23)
191 250Hanging Bouncing ? Block
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 0-1. Unused. Starts moving when this is activated. Turning off event doesn't affect it.
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 2-3. Unused. Starts moving when this is activated. Turning off event doesn't affect it.
Drop / Swing Amount: value at nybble 6
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Fire Flower,2=Super Star,3=1-Up Mushroom,4=Fire Flower,5=Mini Mushroom,6=Blue Shell,7=Mega Mushroom,8=Super Mushroom. Unused.
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
203 105Unused Purple Mushroom Platform Lift (tilts if stepped on) (slower)
Width: value at nybble 10
 Arceus (rev. 23)
223 47Flip fence Arctus Platner (rev. 8)
224 48Big flip fence Hiccup (rev. 6)
233 184Swinging/able pole
Height: value at nybble 11. Height is 4+(N11 mod 8).
Sticks on line: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Starting direction: list at nybble 9: 0=Right,1=Left
 Arceus (rev. 19)
236 181Rotating square lift
Rotation: list at nybble 7: 0=Counterclockwise,1=Clockwise. Does not apply if Nybble 9 is set to 2.
Spinning: list at nybble 9: 0=Constant,1=90° periodically,2=When stood on
Shift ½ block down: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Faster: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Stick to a line: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1. If you want to go right, put clockwise. If you want to go left, put counterclockwise.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 KingYoshi (rev. 29)
238 190Purple Mushroom Platform lift (tilt while stepped on)
Length: value at nybble 10
Unknown value 11: value at nybble 11
 KingYoshi (rev. 9)
239 191Yellow/Orange Mushroom Platform lift (Rising/descending while stepped on)
Distance: value at nybble 9. N9-N10 is the actual distance this mushroom will move.
Stalk height and move direction: value at nybble 10. If N9-10>0, this mushroom will go up, else it'll go down.
Width: value at nybble 11
Returns to original position: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask . The mushroom will return to its original position once Mario/Luigi gets off it.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 1-2
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 3-4
 skawo (rev. 21)
242 193Blue Mushroom Platform (Expanding/contracting)
Short when Expanded: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1
Start Expanded: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Stalk Height: value at nybble 11
 KingYoshi (rev. 7)
244 194Bouncy Cloud
Stalk height: value at nybble 11
Shift position: list at nybble 10: 0=No shifting,1=8 pixels left,2=8 pixels right
Cloud Width: value at nybble 1
The Boyy (rev. 15)
246 208Floating barrel
Starts a bit submerged: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
249 209Track-controlled wall-jump lift
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Speed: list at nybble 5: 0=60 pixels/sec,1=90 pixels/sec,2=120 pixels/sec,3=180 pixels/sec
Movement trigger: list at nybble 6: 0=On its own,1=When touched at least once
Length: value at nybble 11. Width is 4+(N11 mod 4)
Height: value at nybble 8. Height is 4+(N8 mod 4)
 Hiccup (rev. 12)
256 210Rotating carry-through-wall turntable-like lift
Direction: list at nybble 6: 0=From left to right,1=From right to left
 Hiccup (rev. 6)
278 199Groundpound-able ghost house goo
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: value at nybble 10
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
279 213Flipper (one-way gate)
Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Faces up; opens from left,1=Faces up; opens from right,2=Faces down; opens from left,3=Faces down; opens from right,4=Faces right; opens from bottom,5=Faces right; opens from top,6=Faces left; opens from bottom,7=Faces left; opens from top. Nybble 8+ is 2 tiles higher opens from left, and can't be touched by Mario.
 Hiccup (rev. 5)
282 197Swinging/able vine
Swing angle: value at nybble 10
Length: value at nybble 11
Dont restrict angle: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 4)
289 82Platform Block (expandable block)
Turn used at 4th hit: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Turns into used blocks. Unused. All values above 1 seem to produce same result as 1.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
296 163Lift moving left and right (unused actor 163)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
 Hiccup (rev. 22)
297 167Stone wall moving left and right (actor 167)
Tiles to move: value at nybble 9
Start Direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Right,1=Left
Length: value at nybble 11
Height: list at nybble 8: 0=1,1=2,2=4,3=8. Height formula is 2^(N11 mod 4).
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 10: value at nybble 10. Used in-game, useless.
 Hiccup (rev. 18)
298 168Stone wall moving left & right or up & down
Horizontal movement: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Spikes: list at nybble 5: 0=None,1=Top,2=Bottom,3=Top and Bottom,4=Right,5=Left,6=Right and left
Start delay: value at nybble 6
End delay: value at nybble 7
Tiles to move: signed value at nybble 8. Negative numbers = down/left. Positive numbers up/right. NOT diagonal for example - ticking "Horizontal movement" and "Tiles to move" to minus -7 will make it move left one block. For vertical movement -8 is no move movement -7 is down one -6 is down two ect
Speed: list at nybble 9: 0=Slowest,1=Medium,2=Fast,3=Fastest
Height: value at nybble 10
Length: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
299 214Snake Block
Path ID: value at nybble 10. If you don't have a matching ID, the game will freeze.
Loads from: list at nybble 9: 0=Level start,1=Midway point
Starting node: value at nybble 6-7
Last node behaviour: list at nybble 4: 0=Nothing (keeps shape),1=Falls apart (doesn't keep shape),2=Comes back and forth,3=Skyrockets (keeps shape),4=Falls apart (keeps shape). Game will freeze if N4 mod 8 is 5 or 6. For 3 it skyrockets for 44 blocks and 7 pixels then disappears.
Length: value at nybble 8
Slower: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
 Hiccup (rev. 19)
312 192Rise or lower while/once on Mushroom Platform lift - mechanical
Distance: value at nybble 9. N9-N10 is the actual distance this mushroom will move.
Stalk height and move direction: value at nybble 10. If N9-10>0, this mushroom will go up, else it'll go down.
Width: value at nybble 11
Returns to original position: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask . The mushroom will return to its original position once Mario/Luigi gets off it.
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 1-2
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 3-4
 poudink (rev. 14)
323 201Squishy cloud platform
Length: value at nybble 11. Cloud extends from sprite position to the right.
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 9)