Just your average music maker, NSMB hacker, biochem student.
I'm DTF, as in Down To Follow trough with a relationship based on true love and caring for your soulmate
I'm currently workin on a hack called "New Super Mario Bros. In Arms", which is basically NSMB but the gun packed, fuel powered, explosive version of it
Daisy's model has had 24 downloads, but maybe they are the guests, you are the only member who has used it, but that will be the difference of NSMBIA with the other hacks
I have an idea, I will modify the mosaic of the city for you with the best comfort to edit, remember that this does not have slopes, unless you use star road from newerDS which is more comfortable
I have a new phone, yes, but my PC screwed up its motherboard, but my father will lend me his laptop, so I'll come back anyway and send the beta to you ASAP, buddy
You know thierry gave me some advice, yes, I want NSMBTNL to appear on the NSMB Wiki for being the first hack to have a spaceship, but he said you don't have to rush for your hack to be good, just do it patientlyso that your levels are not bad
Yes, it's great, because I was helping a lot of hacks, like new super sicko mario world, because traineluigi wants me to make some music, but I want to compose music to donate to the community and I don't have the slightest idea of transforming it to
MP3, I have the Athletic theme from NSMB2 and maybe you will get underground lava, water theme and snow theme, of course if I compose them you have my permission to use them in your hack, friend