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Posted on 07-03-21, 09:06 am in Strange skull switch question
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

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Since: 03-18-21
No, it only triggers Bowser, Dry Bowser and Giant Bowser falling animations. Even if you set the switch's trigger ID and the tile god's target ID to the same number, it won't work.

Posted on 05-01-21, 08:53 am in Problem About Snake Blocks. (rev. 1 by  BL4ZED on 05-01-21, 09:24 am)
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
Just wait a minute, I'll do a tutorial about snake blocks and then I'll post it here, and I'll see if it can help you

Posted on 06-14-21, 07:43 pm in Going to release a custom World Map tutorial soon!
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
That would be probably just graphics editing but it's pixel by pixel.
Posted on 07-14-21, 02:58 pm in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels (rev. 1 by  BL4ZED on 07-14-21, 02:58 pm)
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
Ok, cool. Another opinion: put blocks 3 "block spaces" away from the ground instead of two, because it's easier to jump above enemies when they're going under blocks.
Posted on 03-22-22, 09:07 am in nsmbw NewerSMBW Little Autumn Adventure
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
Look nice. Not a NSMBW player but I think it is a good concept.
Posted on 08-19-22, 09:36 am in Invent a Word
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
Brogglish — something that's really random and / or kinda fun in some Wayne

Like in 'IShowSpeed is brogglish'
Posted on 04-03-21, 03:44 pm in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
Alpha post the ROM when you end editing the game because it looks awesome
Posted on 04-05-21, 05:21 pm in someone know how to edit the blue koopa
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21
That sure looks cool
Posted on 04-07-21, 02:22 pm in New Super Mario Bros The New Levels
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 25/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by alpha
guys, this logo is good or not

great, right, it was skylander's idea, that it will stay like this, I think it's more remarkable

Thank you for your support BL4ZED, every time I want to finish this hack

No problem, man
Posted on 04-14-21, 01:17 pm in New Super Mario Bros. In Arms - teaser
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
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Since: 03-18-21

I only did a level, so when I finish world 1 I will give a link for the beta
Solo hice un nivel, así que cuando termine el mundo 1 daré un enlace para la beta

Posted on 04-18-21, 08:42 am in What's up?
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 49/497
Since: 03-18-21

I think, we, hackers of NSMB, are the ones that are maintaining NSMB alive and it's our job to continue to do that. We can't make NSMB die!

Posted on 04-18-21, 12:40 pm in What's up?
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 53/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by alpha
Exact friend, if I knew how to work with asm, I would create hack asm like skawo, well I hope that new hack of new members will come out I would like a new member to arrive in order to create a new hack, friend

we can't let nsmb be underestimated, that would suck, seriously if i could work with asm i would create an asm that could put yoshi in the game, that would be a difficult edit, though i think it could be accomplished, no,getting back to the point, we are the new super mario bros hacking domain, we have to revive the community again, cheer up guys

Oh yes, Skawo does really good ASM hacking. We need to work on our hacks so that NSMB doesn't die.
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 69/497
Since: 03-18-21
Looks awesome!
Posted on 04-21-21, 10:57 am in What's up?
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 72/497
Since: 03-18-21
Nice man, I've seen it and it looks awesome!
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 89/497
Since: 03-18-21
Honestly I can't help you, because I don't know the solution. If I knew it, I would help you, sorry
Posted on 04-28-21, 03:39 pm in What's up?
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 122/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by alpha
You are right because I have a lot of creativity to make levels and I can do 2 levels per day if I propose it, in fact I almost finished world 2, beta 4 can be played until the middle of world 6, that's why it isthe penultimate beta, advice when do a level correct it once not to deal with problems later and "forget about the problems" that level has, another tip, edit things and combine them with bright colors for a better impression, also use long work mechanismsto do a kind of comfortable playability, put on good music to attract more audience because people love upbeat music that matches the level, here are my tips to get your trick out fast and well, and congratulations on the red koopa rank, buddy

Yes, basically

I have good ideas for levels too, but the levels aren't done yet
Posted on 05-01-21, 03:12 pm in Problem About Snake Blocks.
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 137/497
Since: 03-18-21
No problem. Show me your level when you finish it
Posted on 05-03-21, 01:13 pm in Problem About Snake Blocks. (rev. 1 by  BL4ZED on 05-03-21, 01:18 pm)
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 146/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by TraineeLuigie
DOIY Warning.
World 1-4 snake blocks in the shape of DOIY.Won't appear in the Public Demo.
That's kinda cool lol.I use it make sum puzzles

Cool, but next time try to resize the image (it's gigantic )
Posted on 05-11-21, 12:40 pm in switchestutorial How to use the Switches
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 188/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by TraineeLuigie
These switches reeeeeeeeally shocked me,so I had to post this to you all...
"?"switch and "!"switch are same(maybe?).I couldn't find what's the different of them,so yeah.
"P"switch can make the BLUE coins visible,but this is the only difference of it for other 2 switches.
Red rings are very good for the level design.They can trigger "EVERYTHING" by modify its trigger mode.
Both of all these things can trigger red coins,if you use the correct ID,then the switch can make the red coins visible.
Actually,I think they can trigger many things by modify other Tile God.I use it for create a parkour start point(by using a "!" switch).thats funny lol
But I don't think that can make players surprise.It can only trigger players shouts "MAMA F****R!"

Bruh I knew that.! Switches also activate that Red blocks and turn snake blocks into coins
Posted on 05-12-21, 04:34 pm in Underrated tips for good level design
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 197/497
Since: 03-18-21
The level normally is easier to ourselves than to the people who never played it before
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