General information
Name  Keeper
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title I do things sometimes
Rank Mole
To next rank 9 posts
Karma 1037
Total posts 366 (0.14 per day)
Total threads 14 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 08-07-17, 06:01 am (2698 days ago)
Last post 11-28-24, 08:54 pm (27 days ago)
in tutorial Replacing TileGod Blue Coins with Normal Coins (NSMB Hacking Tutorials) » 76167
Last view 12-26-24, 12:43 am (11 hours ago)
Browser Firefox 93.0 on Android
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Theme ABXD Classic (rounded)
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
there are like 4 nsmbwii airship tileset ports for some reason

nsmb hackers arent funny

Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Keeper
« 1213141516171819202122 »
 alpha I solved the creeper problem, I'll send you a screenshot later, my friend
 alpha Do you know how I can edit the enemies, like the spike ball, the switches?,!, P, buddy
 alpha i planing do change do the textures,friend
 alpha You want me to send level 1-2, you have many things and it is very cool you should try it, I will send it to you, friend
 alpha sorry this is area 3, friend
 alpha on the other hand, take your advice a lot for example leave the jackpots for skilled players such as lives and star coins, create levels from scratch, which was what I did the most, friend
 alpha You know what files edit the flower's suit and cap, my friend
 alpha what should ,happen so that more people visit nsmbhd, friend
 alpha Well that's fine, although the reason why there is not much publicity is that many people take the hacks from around here, patch them and place the download link outside of nsmbhd, I will try that my hack has a sticky substance I know it will notbe much I
 alpha t helps the community, but that might give it a bit of popularity, as long as someone doesn't put it somewhere else, what I want to do with the flower is basically edit the textures of the fire flower to get, the« electric flower », yes, I just made it up
 alpha I edited the textures 2 days ago and I only managed to change the suit but never the cap, friend
« 1213141516171819202122 »
Sample post
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1037
Posts: 366
Since: 08-07-17
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");