General information
Name  Arctus Platner
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Friend of N64s and DSes
Rank Red Paratroopa
To next rank 9 posts
Karma 516
Total posts 171 (0.05 per day)
Total threads 5 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 07-26-15, 09:47 pm (3288 days ago)
Last post 01-01-18, 02:55 pm (2398 days ago)
in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (NSMB Hacks) » 59696
Last view 04-21-24, 04:53 pm (96 days ago)
Browser Firefox 124.0 on Firefox OS
Badges View 16,050,000
Total +1s received 41 [View...]
From:  Hiccup (12), Asprok (8),  TruelyJohn64 (2),  Kankerkoekjesdief (2), newluigidev (2), more...
Total +1s given 105
To:  skawo (18),  MarioFanatic64 (10),  KingYoshi (9), RicBent (7),  Hiccup (6), more...
Contact information
Email address Private
Homepage Arctic Eagle Games (My WIP Website) -
Theme Grayscale
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
Personal information
Real name Mike
Location Lost Woods
Birthday August 24, 1997 (26 years old)
A random guy with an indescribable urge to post that gif of bigfoot eating a taco.
I like birds, and JRPGs, and Mario Kart.

Favorite Mario Character:

Favorite Mario Games:
Super Mario Bros. 2(Japan)
Super Mario Bros. 3/SMA4
Super Mario World/SMA2
Super Mario 64/Super Mario 64 DS
New Super Mario Bros.(DS-U)
New Super Luigi U
Super Mario Maker
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Mario 3D World

Mario Enemies that scare me the most:
1. Unagi
2. Cheep Chomp/any fish enemy that eats you
3. Boohemoth(Because Reasons)

A random goomba for whatever reason...
Sprite database
Total edits 2
Sprites edited 2
Last edits Flip fence (223) on 02-16-16, 06:37 am
Boo (38) on 08-13-15, 10:45 pm
Comments about  Arctus Platner
« 1234 »
Sherry_ The thread fact
 gridatttack Please change the font color. It's hard to read.
RicBent Could you please change the overall look of your layout? It's a bit eye hurting du to the way to bright colors (There is a rule against that in the FAQ)
 Tob Thank you for the Birthday wishes!
 BlackYoshi485 Hey buddy, how's ya goin' ?
 remix10tailed Aileen? Is this you?
 remix10tailed Srry. Your minipic is similar to her's.
Cosmic Eternity Thanks for the +1. I appreciate it, especially as I'm a new user to this place. (^^)
 poudink Welcome!
 poudink Shit, I meant happy birthday
 Arctus Platner Eh, that's fine, not many people welcomed me when I first joined last year anyway.
 cros107 Happy birthday arctus!
Asprok Happy birthday!!
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
Sherry_ Happy Birthday, enjoy this day
« 1234 »
Sample post
Red Paratroopa
Friend of N64s and DSes

Karma: 516
Posts: 171
Since: 07-26-15
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

My Youtube Channel
Never use a flash drive unless you are transferring files...