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Karma: 1589
Posts: 1125/1290
Since: 02-12-13
what the


no seriously what
Posted on 05-13-16, 06:10 pm in game Hit and heal an user

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1145/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Posted by gridatttack
never ending 'game'.

OOOOO...oooo.... meh

Hit Limited-Lime gaming, heal Hypernova99
Posted on 06-04-16, 11:16 am in New Super Mario Bros. Sorry Nothing (rev. 1 by  snake block on 06-04-16, 11:20 am)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1170/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Did someone just get paid for figuring out how the editor works? Figuring out how the editor works? Can someone just kill me already?!

Also, why the hell are you making up extremely cringe names for your team, for absolutely no reason? Yoshi the egg. Take another look at that name and tell me it makes sense. Also, 16 X 16. Sir RESEARCH-A-LOT. MR. MARIO MAKER.
Posted on 07-30-16, 07:34 am in release More Super Mario "Bras." DS

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1185/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Skynet Land. Burned Butt Land. Damn Mushroom. Illuminati Lakitu.

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1191/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Um. Did I what?
Posted on 08-05-16, 03:46 pm in NSMBHD Adventure Game

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1192/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Hamza gives SKJmin his $666000000.

He has a jarring realization, that he isn't an admin. And that they were Zimbabwean dollars.
Posted on 08-06-16, 07:56 pm in The NSMB Community Remix needs you!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1199/1290
Since: 02-12-13
1. Have a theme for your level.
- Having a bland, and boring level with no real flair or theme to it is never good. Have some kind of 'gimmick', maybe. Perhaps I'm using the wrong word here, but what I mean is, use some of the many platforms you can find in the game. Or perhaps think of something using switches?

An example would be to have a level revolving around say, 4 platform spinners. Or spinning shapes, or ? switches, p-switches, or maybe a sewer revolving around the ground-pound panels? Employ your imagination, and be as free as you can be with the game's limitations.

Don't go TOO overboard, though. That can end badly...

2. Add 'twists' as the level goes on
- Here's something I do, and enjoy doing when it comes to level design. As the levels go on, you can throw in twists. Differing 'challenges'. Start off easy, with maybe a small obstacle course involving the main theme of the level. Then throw in a fun and creative twist to that theme.

Let's say you want... Seesaw platforms. You could have the player activate the platforms using switches, and make fun things off of that.

Or maybe you want moving platforms. You could throw in some Piranha Plants to spike up the challenge a bit!

Not much else to say here. I think you should get the point by now.

3. Have a difficulty 'progression system'
- Here's something. If you want a fun level, try to have the player slowly but surely grasp the main mechanics of your level.

Start it off with involving your main mechanic that you have for your level, to reward the player in some way - best way to do so is to provide them with a powerup.

Now that the player actually knows how the 'main mechanic' of your level works, have them go through a small and fairly easy 'obstacle course' involving the mechanic. Perhaps have moving platforms, that move at a pace not too hard to traverse, but not too bloody easy also.

Add in a few twists, make the level harder as it progresses. At the midway point, throw in a more major twist if you want. That's optional, though.

And at the conclusion of the level, aka the end/the flagpole, have the player utilize their new-found mastery of the mechanic that the level is based around, to reach the top of the flagpole and be awarded a 1-UP for their mastery.

That's a good way to introduce the player to the level's main theme, have them get good at it, then better, as the level goes on, and then to conclude it by testing the player's newfound mastery of the mechanic of the level. Good level design practice.

4. Have a select 'palette' of objects, that fits to the level
- Look at a level in NSMBDS. Or NSMBW, NSMBU, NSMB2 or Newer. Or almost any of the mainstream platformers in the Mario series...(and Newer)

You can see that they all have a select 'palette' of enemies, and platforms. They make sure it 'fits' to what the level actually is.

Let's say we have a forest. You could use Wigglers, Scuttlebugs and Piranha Plants. Main mechanic, Dorrie. Or four-platform spinners on tracks, over poison water.

Don't go overboard with your 'palette'- you pick one for a reason. Don't have Piranha Plants, Wigglers, Scuttlebugs, Buzzy Beetles, Spinies, Lakitus, Spike Basses, Cheep-Cheeps, Cheep-Chomps, etc. etc... That's a terrible palette! Try to keep it to a limit of enemies - best maximum for me is 4 enemies per level.

This also applies to powerups.

Try to think of what the player would do. Provide the player, in the level itself, with a powerup that would suit the level's 'playstyle'. If it's a cavern with lots and lots of enemies that you could easily kill with a Fire Flower and make the level slightly easier for yourself, you should...well, use a Fire Flower.

Or let's say it's an underwater level, or a level somebody could want a go at boosting through. Provide them with a Blue Shell.

Have a fitting powerup, which could fit with the level and make it more fun.

5. Have the terrain be more 'dynamic'
- Here's something important. Looks. Looks are important for your level. They add to the feel. You could have everything be perfect... But the terrain is terrible. You have 1-slope tile slopes. You have very, very basic edges, maybe even a few tiling mistakes.

The level stays at the top of the screen for too long, thus giving you a very ugly view of all of the tiles underneath. A repetitive, boring and bland view.

The floor is too flat. The ceiling is also too flat.

Avoid this at ALL COSTS.

Try to make the terrain feel 'dynamic'. Fitting. Have the beach terrain be smooth. Lots of slopes, and hilly. Add an amount of decoration that's not too much, not too little. Just right.

For a cave, perhaps have a more 'tight' (or, spiky) terrain. Especially with the ceilings - I like to make them all spiky-shaped, as to have 'terrain stalagmites'. (keep in mind that vanilla NSMBDS's underground tileset slopes This style doesn't look good with those limits, so watch out!)

It's heavily opinion based on what you find fitting for your level, but it's your hack. You can go crazy all you want.

But just remember, don't have the terrain be too flat, bland and boring. It looks bad, and might leave a bad taste in the player's mouth/brain/level-playing quarters.


There we go. That took a while to type out, and I seriously doubt anybody would read it. I am worthless.
Posted on 08-13-16, 06:23 pm in Ultra Super Mario Bros. (rev. 1 by  snake block on 08-13-16, 11:06 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1212/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Moderating, Kanker. It's called moderating. You were steering the thread off-topic.

I know I'm being somewhat of a hypocrite here, but I wanted to mention it.

EDIT: How hard 1-5 is? Sounds more like fake difficulty, to me.
Posted on 08-27-16, 11:45 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1220/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Filled to the brim with ASM.
Posted on 11-07-16, 11:12 pm in super mario bros Super Mario Bros

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1239/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Just, dude, I'll say this without the incredible levels of sarcasm: This has been done a million times. I guess for a learning experience it's...uh okay? But IMO, you should start with making a few original levels and even your own tilesets. That's how one gets the grasp of how to design levels and graphics and get good at hacking.

So yeah. Besides, Arceus is right. If we want to play SMB1... We're gonna play SMB1, darnit.

Also, if you really want to try, don't get all pissy over criticism. Whether it's positive or negative, it's still criticism, and you're gonna have to take it to heart. If you're gonna think you're perfect, and you're gonna deny it when somebody tries to help you improve... Guess what, you're not gonna improve.
Posted on 11-16-16, 11:46 am in Roast me

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1241/1290
Since: 02-12-13
you're a big doodoo face and you suck
Posted on 11-25-16, 08:45 am in Rips from Newer NSMB Titles

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1250/1290
Since: 02-12-13
are they in different palettes? I see a lot of color loss which seemingly shouldn't happen that easily, I think you should make it 4 palette
Posted on 11-29-16, 10:29 am in Flagpole is gone (even though visible in editor)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1251/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Okay, so open the editor, and go to the objects area. (It's the little green bug icon)
Search "flag". It's called "Goal Pole's flag" right now.

You should see the name of the object. To the right of the name you should see numbers: 16-1.
So memorize that. 16-1.

Check under the Save icon for a little palette tab. Click on that, and you should see under it:
Options, Graphics and Sprite Sets.

Click on Sprite Sets. Now, there's a few dropdown boxes with numbers to the left of them.
Click the dropdown box with the 16 number to the left of it (16-1, remember?) and then press "1: Flag, line platforms". 16-1.

That should solve it. This applies to every object. If any other objects go red, just place a pipe into an underground area and put the flag there.
Posted on 02-04-17, 08:47 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (rev. 1 by  snake block on 02-04-17, 08:50 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1260/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Posted by Thierry
Infact no.  snake block made half of it and gave up, then skawo took over.

But hamza still released his work. :DD

Yes, can confirm, I released it to the slayer of the stars that make up the starlit night skies.
Tbh I don't even like it when that...incident is mentioned anymore

Posted by SuperML
Did you make this hack by yourself, skawo? If so, that's impressive!

No shit. All the levels and almost all of the asm hacks were made by him. it is impressive, yeah.

EDIT: Felt the need to point this out. Why does Cloudbolt Chasm have 'chasm' in its name, when it's set high in the skies? Come on, there's even a thundercloud.
Posted on 06-28-13, 06:48 pm in Corrupt-a-wish!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 13/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Granted, But i keep forgotting, so i cannot.

I wish could play NSMBU on Dolphin. (OMG IM WORKING ON A PORT OF NSMBU TO WII )
Posted on 06-29-13, 02:36 pm in Corrupt-a-wish!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 17/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Because you are a human.
I wish i had super-powers
Posted on 06-30-13, 01:08 pm in Corrupt-a-wish!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 25/1290
Since: 02-12-13
You do, but you accedentally crush yourself by moving a large piano on top of you.
I wish i was the root of this forum.
Posted on 08-24-13, 09:56 am in Corrupt-a-wish!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 47/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Granted, but it exploded.

I wish Mario was real.
Posted on 09-05-13, 01:19 pm in Add-a-Word!

Karma: 1589
Posts: 72/1290
Since: 02-12-13
My first game.
So the rules are:

You add a word to a sentence the poster before you made.
For example, someone says "I like potatoes!", and the other poster adds a "don't" before like, so it becomes "I don't like potatoes!". If a word added doesn't make a sentence, the previous poster gets a point and you lose 1 point (If you have points). You can also remove words or replace them, but you cannot do them all at once.

So I start.

I love Dirbaio!
Posted on 09-05-13, 07:33 pm in Tileset List (rev. 2 by  Dirbaio on 06-10-18, 10:34 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 74/1290
Since: 02-12-13
I don't know how to use Photoshop or Paint.NET so I use Paint. I always use Paint for the tileset and the always come out well!
Lost the set and the pics for some bad reason

But I do have a (Unfinished) underground tileset fully made in Paint c:
Here is the tileset:

Do you think I should just give it to you or add more things? (If you want I can add slopes).
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