snake block |
Posted on 09-07-13, 04:34 am in tutorial How ASM hacks are setup (rev. 1 by snake block on 09-07-13, 04:51 am)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 95/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
OK, but will it work with the community remix asm? (Don't worry, I am not gonna use it since I don't have any project to use it in just gonna test it)
EDIT: Oh gosh it works now but I still have a problem which I will ask at the Community Remix forum. Thank you Dirbaio! |
snake block |
Posted on 09-08-13, 06:31 pm in tutorial How to edit world map textures!
Karma: 1589 Posts: 115/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Posted by SpongeTown Can you add a 'tutorial'-thing (How do you say that? ) at this thread? EDIT: I'm sorry, it's already in the title. Ignore this. No problem. By the way it is called a "Tag". |
snake block |
Posted on 09-09-13, 06:04 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros Wii has been released!
Karma: 1589 Posts: 127/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
But Hiccup was true there.
snake block |
Posted on 09-10-13, 03:04 pm in Hey People
Karma: 1589 Posts: 134/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Make OH GOD huge potatoes which Goombas eat and become OH GOD huge Goombas and make OH MY GOSH huge tomatoes which Koopa Troopas eat and become OH MY GOSH huge and make OH MY GOSH I CANT BELIEVE IT huge biscuits which Bowser eats and becomes OH MY GOSH I CANT BELIEVE IT hugely huge and big.
snake block |
Posted on 09-15-13, 10:40 am in Corrupt-a-wish!
Karma: 1589 Posts: 156/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Granted, but you can't.
I wish I could be a mod. |
snake block |
Posted on 09-19-13, 10:40 am in How to use IRC?
Karma: 1589 Posts: 178/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Posted by Dirbaio You can write text. That's it. That is what I am actually asking. But how do we write text?!?!? o.o |
snake block |
Posted on 09-19-13, 07:09 pm in How to use IRC?
Karma: 1589 Posts: 179/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
snake block |
Posted on 09-22-13, 06:49 pm in Aprove or not? (rev. 1 by snake block on 09-22-13, 06:50 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 215/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
It's approve.
This day, it will be like EVERY. SINGLE. ONE is a feather XD That would be like, GREAT-SOME. So I apro-- oh, approve! |
snake block |
Posted on 09-23-13, 10:58 am in The Avatar Shop
Karma: 1589 Posts: 243/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Posted by Thierry He's really busy. I think, I can make avatars faster but I don't know. (Don't think I'm putting hate on Haydn). |
snake block |
Posted on 09-29-13, 06:32 pm in What Would Happen If Your Minipic Was A Power-up? (rev. 2 by snake block on 09-29-13, 06:37 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 365/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Mine would be a Snake Flower. It makes you Snake Mario, and you will be wearing a Snake Block on your head. Press B and hold it, and run and Mario would hide inside the block, allowing the block to move around like a Snake Block for 13 seconds. Move around and release B when you want to go down. Also, if you duck you will hide inside the block, and making you act as a normal block to other sprites/blocks. And, jump, and ground-pound and you can drill on "Snake-a-drill Blocks". If you drill, you will find a hidden area with a powerup, coins, Star Coin, or a enemy/bad block/lava.
snake block |
Posted on 10-07-13, 05:45 pm in Corrupt-a-wish! (rev. 1 by snake block on 10-07-13, 05:46 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 407/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
But you didn't. You know, time passed.
Please, someone continue my previous wish |
snake block |
Posted on 10-15-13, 04:16 pm in PROBLEM WITH ENTRACES! HELP! (rev. 3 by snake block on 10-15-13, 04:46 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 485/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
OK, gonna check the level now...
There, I found the problem! You put a Bowser battle and this level is 1-4, right? Well, Bowser battles ONLY work in their corrisponding levels. So, REMOVE THE BOWSER BATTLE. And, after removed the Bowser battle click the first tab on the left pane and click Sprite Sets, then click the drop-down next to 16 and choose "Flag, Line Platforms". After, go to 1-2 area 2 and copy the flagpole AND the castle together (Select all of them, Ctrl + C then) and go to 1-4, and paste. Then place the flagpole and the castle at the end of the level. Should I send you a fixed version of your level? EDIT: There is a strange problem with the tornadoes which doesn't allow the player to finish the level. If you touch it, the BG will start scrolling mad and corrupted graphics. So remove the tornado too. |
snake block |
Posted on 10-16-13, 01:10 pm in Corrupt-a-wish! (rev. 1 by snake block on 10-16-13, 01:13 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 496/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
But, you spilled Coke on it and it broke.
snake block |
Posted on 10-16-13, 01:44 pm in Corrupt-a-wish! (rev. 1 by snake block on 10-16-13, 02:31 pm)
Karma: 1589 Posts: 498/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Granted, but you got lost after farting a large rainbow and DOING A SONIC RAINBOOM
I wish I am able to complete GSMB. |
snake block |
Posted on 10-17-13, 01:23 pm in Board changelog
Karma: 1589 Posts: 508/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Doh. I don't care about karma. There is just this feature added which is so annoying. I won't care about karma anyway. I don't really know how karma will do anything for you. BTW whatever, I'll try to improve. It's still plain boring. |
snake block |
Posted on 10-19-13, 02:24 pm in NSMB Titlescreen Editor
Karma: 1589 Posts: 527/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
I've been looking for this!! Thanks! Thanks! WOW!! |
snake block | |
Karma: 1589 Posts: 582/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
OK thanks for the help with progress paths, but others I already know.
Red Flying ? block I didn't add at all, that's why it's missing. |
snake block | |
Karma: 1589 Posts: 589/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Hey guys.
I found a bug with the new karma update. Dirby said, the karma starts out with 0. But, if you go into a completely-new user's profile, you will see 100 karma, but it's not actually 100, it's 0. So if you click the up-vote or down-vote buttons, it would become 5 or -5. This is a bug I found because I always vote up new users (karma). Hope this gets fixed. |
snake block |
Posted on 11-02-13, 02:06 pm in full hack in progress New Super Holiday Bros
Karma: 1589 Posts: 596/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Posted by wesley mrrikihino
It's still pretty early in development, but I made up a box art in gimp. I'm still thinking about the logo and the name of the game. What?!? Remove the Parental Guidance Recommended thing. o.O |
snake block | |
Karma: 1589 Posts: 612/1290 Since: 02-12-13 |
Urmm that's what I did. And it was hard, If I remove the nsmbe bg to replace it with the level bg, it cuts out a few pixels of Goombas, Koopas and other stuff and also remove some blocks. SO I had to re-create the pixels and the blocks. That's what the hard thing was.
Actually, Dirbaio, there is a Flash animator made by Adobe (Originally by Macromedia) called Flash itself It can make images and stuff too, not just .swfs. I GREATLY improved my logo: Thanks to Clay Cooper Design Blog for the New Super Mario Bros. Typeface font (Wrote the "Hacking Domain" with it). Thanks to Fantendo Wiki for the NSMB logo Thanks to MarioWiki (Super Mario Wiki) for the giant Mario Thanks to Thierry for telling me about the background thingy. Also, what is the font that YOU guys use for the "Hacking Domain"? I don't find any other font other than this, how did you guys have the "I" capital? |