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Posted on 10-07-12, 01:55 am
Red Goomba

Karma: -1
Posts: 26/49
Since: 09-04-12
Uh don,t forget to backup the project when you finish to edit XD
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Posted on 10-07-12, 09:15 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10556
Posts: 709/2785
Since: 06-26-11
Um, no need to post if you're just going to give an advice that should be common sense in ROM hacking...

Anyway UO, something I didn't notice, you replaced the fireball graphics, but the fireball splash particles (when the fireball hits a wall) are the same as before. You should probably fix that...
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 10-07-12, 10:19 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10131
Posts: 2659/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Well, these particles are stored in the .spa files.
We still don't know the format for these

So they're not editable. It's not his fault...
Posted on 10-16-12, 10:21 am
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 378/393
Since: 08-28-11
This is 2-2, which contains the gravity control blocks.
What do you think?
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 10-16-12, 02:37 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 581/950
Since: 11-13-11
Wow! You've got a good idea with that behavior! But I would like to suggest something, It would be better if you made 'em with arrow textures instead of plain, like in SMG. Do you remember?

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 10-21-12, 07:30 am
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 379/393
Since: 08-28-11
Posted by MarioSunshine
Wow! You've got a good idea with that behavior! But I would like to suggest something, It would be better if you made 'em with arrow textures instead of plain, like in SMG. Do you remember?

do you mean this?

If you do, yes, I'll trying to improve the texture.

NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 10-21-12, 11:59 am
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 596/950
Since: 11-13-11
Yep, that one!

If you could it would be great. Maybe from some good quality screenshots.

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 11-18-12, 02:58 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 388/393
Since: 08-28-11
I now am working on my ruins tileset, the nmt file isn't finish, but I'd like to post the image first, to make you know that I'm still in progress.

How do you think??
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 11-18-12, 03:41 pm
When you push enter... this happens.ç

Karma: 250
Posts: 55/286
Since: 09-30-12
That looks great! Keep it up!
CSMB is cancelled. Instead, I'll be doing a mini hack soon.
Posted on 11-19-12, 12:10 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 668/950
Since: 11-13-11
D..Do you get it from anywhere? It's very attractive and very lovely - looks neat and perfect!

The only thing I see that's not good is that your third and fourth palette need more adjustment. It's looks too bright in some colors. Your second palette is good enough already, but if you can, it's also pretty cool to darken the symbols lines a bit.

Anyway, Good job. *applause*


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 11-19-12, 12:34 pm (rev. 2 by unknown object on 11-19-12, 02:11 pm)
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 389/393
Since: 08-28-11
Posted by MiguelMML
That looks great! Keep it up!

Posted by MarioSunshine
D..Do you get it from anywhere? It's very attractive and very lovely - looks neat and perfect!

Thanks a lot! I took a long time to draw it.
Hmm... The only one thing I get from Internet is those symbol, they all actually mean something, like "death", "cloth" and some other words.
Most of them are Egyptian symbols and Hebrew.

Posted by MarioSunshine
The only thing I see that's not good is that your third and fourth palette need more adjustment. It's looks too bright in some colors. Your second palette is good enough already, but if you can, it's also pretty cool to darken the symbols lines a bit.

Ok, I think it'd be easy to modify these things.

Posted by MarioSunshine
Anyway, Good job. *applause*

Thank again for your comment!

Posted by MarioSunshine

Oops, I must be very tired then.

How about this?
I'm not very sure of how much effect should I take.

NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 11-19-12, 04:54 pm
When you push enter... this happens.ç

Karma: 250
Posts: 57/286
Since: 09-30-12
I love your third palette!
But the second one could be a little bit darker, like the fourth, with that bright borders.
But I haven't done any tileset. You can forgive this, if you want.
CSMB is cancelled. Instead, I'll be doing a mini hack soon.
Posted on 11-19-12, 06:19 pm

Karma: 3316
Posts: 968/2026
Since: 06-28-11
I say you leave the third palette as the old one. That glow effect it had looked nice. It seems that you killed that effect in the new revision...
The second palette in the new version looks nice over the previous one.

Posted on 11-20-12, 12:37 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 674/950
Since: 11-13-11
That's fine.
Your new revision is nice. You may take  gridatttack's advice into an account - glowing.
BTW It looks great after all.
I'll wait for the level with that tileset, must be epic....

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:09 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:22 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 85/200
Since: 02-02-15
review by pinet

NSMB 6 - An Unknown Review

I love wallowing in old threads and posts to see what the luck give to me. The NSMB 6, designed by Unknown Object is an unknown found. The game is a mini-hack with 1-world designed. But the player must download this game. There is a lot interesting ideas to explore here.

The hack has some little problems, but nothing that the user can pass through. The title screen is very good colorfull, but have a little glitch on the "New" logo. The first level have a good design, but the user could lost about to do with the Letter Boxes spread on the level, just to catch a Star Coin.

Ubknown Journey: unknown "new" logo bug, and unknown what-to-do Letter Boxes.

Let's play...

I had the honor to play "Unknown Jorney" and among the various hacks that I played, I would like to place on record my humble opinion. "Unknown Jorney" don't have my highest degree in my concept of elegance but have unique originality on level design on the variants of the New Super Mario Bros game.

The player can see the good level of art after finish the first level and take to second level. The tilesets help the level to show up, but the strategic location of the pipes was very well designed.

If the player complete the second level in normal path, will have some surprises on the level 1-3. When the player perform a ground pound over some scenarios like mushroom tiles, the floor below simple blow-up.

The classic underground second level. And broken tiles to access the catapult.

Design and Design

I not played all levels available because I just wanted to try the game. Because that, in this review you can see just the levels that I passed.
For example, the level 1-4 working on SMB-1 1-1 design. It's not a bad thing, after all I loved the 1-1. Especially when you have a new design and different passages to explore. But I didn't see too much diferences.

The level 1-T explore the more pure design concept. I explain: the level have a very good use of tilesets in hand. The location of pipe, walls and position of elements. The author must had a litte work to make it. And have a good ideas too.

More of the same in 1-4. The same, but the more, in 1-T.

Ugly, very ugly playable concept

Of course nobody really played this game before me, because if yes, player can see that level 1-5 is impossible to start without a Red Flying Block. And if the player used all Red Flying Blocks before reach the level 1-5 will notice that cannot reach the 1-Castle level. The reason is simple: The entrance of this level is a "Jump". But the jump is not to long in length for the player reach the border of the ship. The images show two times. The first, with a Red Flying Block. The second image is without the brick. Notice the player just fall to abyss. How said skawo's onomatopoeia: "Tut, tut...."

The level 1-5 and "tut-tut" Red Map Flying Block. With block, and without block.

The Castle

The last playable level of this hacks is the castle. Player will find much of stone blocks, lowering and rising from lava and from the ceilling. And interesting use of micro-mushroom and bullet bills. After this the Bowser's room is the same and the player can reach the second world. The hack stop on World 2, and doesn't have any implementation of the last videos of Unkown Object.

Level 1-Castle: The last playable level.

The sad side

If the player complete the fist world, will notice there is no new implementation of the World 2. It means the player will not have access to Level 2-1 with para-koopas; Level 2-2 with gravity blocks idea; and Level 2-3 with new swamp tileset design. It's a sad side, because I really would like to see these levels. I don't know why not the second world wasn't lauched. But, maybe a good time to see this in action.

The second problem of this hack is the xDelta file doesn't work even with a xDelta executable program inside de RAR path. The user will get a classic error with an original US Room below:
    **** "xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" ****

There's nothing I can say more about this hack, but just wait the work finish, but I don't think that will be a finish. But Unkown Object have my sincere congratulations, to spread his fantastic perspective of the "Unknown Journey".

My final perspective:
Graphics: 4/5
Difficulty: 3/5
Entertainment: 3/5
Quality: 4/5
Sound: 3/5
Gameplay: 3/5
Final Media: 3/5

1-World Hack

[] -P

This is an independent review of a member of this community. The opinions contained in this post may not be the same as the owners of this forum. The author of this post apologizes for any English mistakes. The text of this post was written on a Brazilian-English language. For this reason, some content may have different interpretations according to the player's region.
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:12 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:22 am)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3853
Posts: 881/1159
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by pinet

Those bright colours..

My eyes...
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:14 pm
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 87/101
Since: 05-14-16
...why did you bump this 4 year old thread of a user who hasn't viewed the board in 1247 days?
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:29 pm
Banned for being a complete retard.

Karma: 84
Posts: 41/140
Since: 02-25-16
If you at least read the review, you know why. But Pinet make a mistake when said that "nobody really played this game before me". I played. And I almost put in my compilation (see thread link in my profile), but there was too many adaptations to do, for fit the levels on the original tilesers. And I just give up. I would like to see the gravity blocks in action too. I don't know if it uses ASM or some event sprites.
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:31 pm
banned for purposefully altering people's posts, among other things. THIS IS A LIE!! oh but he's still banned.

Karma: 760
Posts: 57/75
Since: 09-16-15

Posted by xKitten
...why did you bump this 4 year old thread of a user who hasn't viewed the board in 1247 days?

I don't know if this was meant for  KingYoshi or for  pinet, but if it was meant for KingYoshi:

pinet found it necessary to bump this 4 year old thread with a review of the hack in this thread. He also was so "smart" to make the review look identical to how the main post of a hack thread could look, which made KingYoshi believe that this is a new hack of pinet. So it's clearly pinet's fault, not KingYoshi's. (The fact the he was the one bumping alone already)

I'm awesome.
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:35 pm
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 89/101
Since: 05-14-16
Ah no, I was referring to Pinet.
It's time we take a stand.
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