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Posted on 03-13-12, 05:11 am (rev. 1)
totally kinda runs irc and the community remix

Karma: -38
Posts: 12/22
Since: 06-28-11
there is quite a bit of talk
about the world themes in this thread

so yeah I thought it would
be nice (and more orderly) if it had its own thread

what do you think the themes should be?

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Posted on 03-13-12, 05:15 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 73/87
Since: 12-02-11
Well I think we need: A grassland, water and fire worlds would be kinda the obvious ones.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:20 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
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Since: 07-01-11
Every Mario game, hack or not, must have a Grassland World. It's the law.

I would like to see:

-Some sort of Treetop world
-A Subcon World
-A Super Mario Galaxy-Inspired World with sidescrolling variations/interpretations of some of the galaxies.
-Maybe we could have a kind of "city" world where you run around a city and go through buildings and jump over rooftops and stuff.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:29 am (rev. 1)
totally kinda runs irc and the community remix

Karma: -38
Posts: 14/22
Since: 06-28-11
yeah grasslands should totally be the first world

and I'm liking the idea of a city themed area

a rooftop run kinda thing would be cool and fit right with the city

edit : oh yeah and would fire work for the last world?

or is that too close to the original NSMB game

<center>words / go / here</center>
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:34 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 74/87
Since: 12-02-11
tbh a city theme with buildings as such would just seem a bit too uh... un-SMB like (to busy/cluttered and odd). Not saying it must be like all SMB in terms of themes like it MUST have this MUST have that, but it just needs to all fit in and look well.

(just my opinion)
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:37 am
totally kinda runs irc and the community remix

Karma: -38
Posts: 15/22
Since: 06-28-11
yeah it would kinda need a really
fancy set of graphics to blend in with the rest of the game

it sounds cool but might be hard to fit in  :(

<center>words / go / here</center>
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:38 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 303/2796
Since: 07-01-11
It doesn't have to be like a standard city. It could be more like Toad Town. Mushroom Shaped buildings, Green hills in the backgrounds, y'know, Typical Mario stuff.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:42 am (rev. 1)

Karma: 54
Posts: 75/87
Since: 12-02-11
Whoever posted that beta pic in the other topic, something like that would look nice. A village at night, as a background. That would be cool. *idea* What about a night time themed world?

EDIT: Actually what about seasonal/daily changes, or changes in time? Like 1 level could take place at sunset, next at night, dawn, then during the day?
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-13-12, 05:43 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 304/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Darkness
*idea* What about a night time themed world?

This needs to happen. Last time I saw a proper night themed level in an official 2D Mario was probably in Super Mario All-Stars.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 03-13-12, 01:08 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Since: 06-08-11
Okay so I propose this:

World 1: Grassland world World 2: World 3: World 4 (secret): World 5: City World / Toad Town World 6: World 7 (secret): The Galaxy World. World 8: Underground Fire World.

(Blank ones are still to be completed. Feel free to copypaste this and add/change stuff)

For the day/night thing, we could make two tileset versions for every tileset: day and night. With a bit of ASM hacking, it can be made so that every time the player starts a level, it's a different time of day. Just by swapping the tilesets and BGs. I think I'd be able to do that, it should be easy.
Posted on 03-14-12, 01:10 am (rev. 2)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 227/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by Darkness
*idea* What about a night time themed world?

This needs to happen. Last time I saw a proper night themed level in an official 2D Mario was probably in Super Mario All-Stars.

About that we should also have in that world a sunset background too [namely a background that used orange clouds or like in the sea]. Or instead of a night world we could have one night world in every world or something like that.

Also, about the last world, we should come up with something more original or interesting. IMO, lava/badland/bowser castle world as last world seems overused .

Posted on 03-14-12, 01:12 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 76/87
Since: 12-02-11
Posted by gridatttack
Or instead of a night world we could have one night world in every world

... Er...?

Posted by gridatttack
Also, about the last world, we should come up with something more original or interesting. IMO, lava/badland/bowser castle world as last world seems overused .

Would you rather Bowser land be filled with rainbows and flowers?
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-14-12, 01:27 am (rev. 1)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 228/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by Darkness
Posted by gridatttack
Or instead of a night world we could have one night world in every world

... Er...?

Posted by gridatttack
Also, about the last world, we should come up with something more original or interesting. IMO, lava/badland/bowser castle world as last world seems overused .

Would you rather Bowser land be filled with rainbows and flowers?

I mean, one night level themed in every world, like in SMB3, where you had some levels with orange backgrounds (while the others in that world have the standard blue...)

as for the last world, well, no, we could have some factory or even other dimension world like, but lava seems more appropriate, hence why is over used...

Posted on 03-14-12, 01:33 am (rev. 1)

Karma: 54
Posts: 77/87
Since: 12-02-11
Posted by gridatttack
as for the last world, well, no, we could have some factory or even other dimension world like, but lava seems more appropriate, hence why is over used...

When I say this I ask it to everyone: What's up with everyone and factory, chocolate and a city with buildings world (oh and trains too ). Sure that stuff would seem awesome in theory, but in practice it probably won't turn out well.

Also I've said before it all needs to fit in well. We can't go having a half themed SMB game (like grassland and water worlds) and then jump in to having an un-SMB factory and/or building worlds. It needs to be fully SMB like with the themes, not half and half if you get what I mean.

Sorry to say but if someone else were making a hack with these ideas I probably wouldn't play it, or I would but have little fun playing it. (Feel free to hate me for that comment lol )
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-14-12, 01:39 am (rev. 1)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 229/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by Darkness
Posted by gridatttack
as for the last world, well, no, we could have some factory or even other dimension world like, but lava seems more appropriate, hence why is over used...

When I say this I ask it to everyone: What's up with everyone and factory, chocolate and a city with buildings world (oh and trains too ). Sure that stuff would seem awesome in theory, but in practice it probably won't turn out well.

Also I've said before it all needs to fit in well. We can't go having a half themed SMB game (like grassland and water worlds) and then jump in to having an un-SMB factory and/or building worlds. It needs to be fully SMB like with the themes, not half and half if you get what I mean.

Sorry to say but if someone else were making a hack with these ideas I probably wouldn't play it, or I would but have little fun playing it. (Feel free to hate me for that comment lol )

Well, I don't like the factory idea at all too, but it was an alternate option. Im just saying that if we could have a different theme from W8 than the stereotypical one it would be cool.

Also, most mario levels are based on "natural" areas: caves, grasslands, deserts, artic, forest, volcano...
Also for the sunset BG, im meaning something like this:


Posted on 03-14-12, 01:43 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 78/87
Since: 12-02-11
Posted by gridatttack
Im just saying that if we could have a different theme from W8 than the stereotypical one it would be cool.

Well I'm just saying there's not much we could change it to, after all it is Bowser's world. A dark/lavaland has worked in every other game, I dunno how people would think if it's all bright and colorful lol.

Posted by gridatttack
Also, most mario levels are based on "natural" areas: caves, grasslands, deserts, artic, forest, volcano...

Yes, that (sorta) was what I was trying to say, my mind went blank on what to say though. It needs to be like that, natural surroundings. But I like the idea of having different themes other then the typical ones, as long as it fits and looks well.

I like those pics.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-14-12, 03:55 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12729
Posts: 305/2796
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Darkness
Posted by gridatttack
Also, most mario levels are based on "natural" areas: caves, grasslands, deserts, artic, forest, volcano...

Yes, that (sorta) was what I was trying to say, my mind went blank on what to say though. It needs to be like that, natural surroundings. But I like the idea of having different themes other then the typical ones, as long as it fits and looks well.

I like those pics.

I doubt there would be any other "natural" environments where Mario hasn't gone before. There's been everything, Grasslands, Desert, Tropical, Snow, Forest, Mountains, Clouds, Fire, Caves. If we want to make a hack that will be great, we have to go places that 2D Mario hasn't gone to before. That's what I've been trying to do with Clone Tag Team. I'm not saying that we're going to have to lose the Mario style, there have been plenty of places in Mario games with artificial environments.
Many levels in the 3D Mario games are man-made environments. Factories, Towns, Castles, Fortresses, Houses, Mansions, Hotels, you name it, and we can use stuff like that as inspiration for the tilesets and backgrounds. I say we head in that direction, it will be a nice change compared to the usual stuff. The key to success is difference, IMO.
New Super Mario Bros.: Clone Tag Team 1+2 / New Super Mario Advance + Take 2 / Super Mario: Endless Earth
My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 03-14-12, 04:27 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 79/87
Since: 12-02-11
I doubt there would be any other "natural" environments where Mario hasn't gone before.

Yeah your right about that one, but I mean let's just not make it too different. Like if we have brand new tilesets/backgrounds it'll all look good anyway, but I think we'll be taking a risk if we end up doing alot of the stuff you suggested below.

Many levels in the 3D Mario games are man-made environments. Factories, Towns, Castles, Fortresses, Houses, Mansions, Hotels, you name it, and we can use stuff like that as inspiration for the tilesets and backgrounds. I say we head in that direction, it will be a nice change compared to the usual stuff. The key to success is difference, IMO.

2D Mario games share similar style/themes, as do 3D Mario games with mansions and stuff. But would you really try putting something 2D into a 3D game? (and vice-versa)

But if we had a lets say a couple levels each world which will have that stuff listed that I think I'd be more open to it, just not a whole world. Like in 1 level Mario's climbing up a small mountain, next level he's climbing down, next level the terrain gradually evens and Mario passes through a town, then it's just normal grassland, next he's entering a cave. Gradual transitions ya know. Dunno what you guys would think of that but I'm planning on having something similar in my hack. Think it'll look cool, and more realistic.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
Posted on 03-14-12, 04:41 am (rev. 1)

Karma: 3306
Posts: 230/2026
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by Darkness
Posted by gridatttack
Also, most mario levels are based on "natural" areas: caves, grasslands, deserts, artic, forest, volcano...

Yes, that (sorta) was what I was trying to say, my mind went blank on what to say though. It needs to be like that, natural surroundings. But I like the idea of having different themes other then the typical ones, as long as it fits and looks well.

I like those pics.

I doubt there would be any other "natural" environments where Mario hasn't gone before. There's been everything, Grasslands, Desert, Tropical, Snow, Forest, Mountains, Clouds, Fire, Caves. If we want to make a hack that will be great, we have to go places that 2D Mario hasn't gone to before. That's what I've been trying to do with Clone Tag Team. I'm not saying that we're going to have to lose the Mario style, there have been plenty of places in Mario games with artificial environments.
Many levels in the 3D Mario games are man-made environments. Factories, Towns, Castles, Fortresses, Houses, Mansions, Hotels, you name it, and we can use stuff like that as inspiration for the tilesets and backgrounds. I say we head in that direction, it will be a nice change compared to the usual stuff. The key to success is difference, IMO.

Well, how about variations of the environment that mario has been? Like a haunted forest (a combination of the ghost house and forest theme) or something like that?

Also, the transition would be good too. Ive been using transitions between levels to add a sense of progress.

Posted on 03-14-12, 04:51 am

Karma: 54
Posts: 80/87
Since: 12-02-11
Posted by gridatttack
Well, how about variations of the environment that mario has been? Like a haunted forest (a combination of the ghost house and forest theme) or something like that?

Also, the transition would be good too. Ive been using transitions between levels to add a sense of progress.

Yeah that's what I've trying to say (before about the themes) but what I wanna say generally comes out differently lol. But yeah maybe in the forest world (if we have one) rather then it being strictly a forest maybe mario comes across a haunted house at the end of one level, then enters it the next level. So like it's not just the same old forest levels every time, they can be different variations. Same thing can go for the other worlds too. Transitions would be good.
New youtube channel, this one is hacks only lol. Will still be using my old youtube channel too.
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