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Posted on 09-01-20, 03:18 am
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1060
Posts: 79/370
Since: 08-07-17
The contests link in the description of the level contests category is dead
Posted on 09-01-20, 10:06 am (rev. 1 by Thierry on 09-01-20, 10:10 am)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 2693/2788
Since: 01-17-13
well, yeah. those were uploaded from  TRS's Dropbox for the most part, and they went dead a while after TRS left. it's possible that TRS either deleted the account or just wiped it, either way those files are lost.

it's not the first time we lose a lot of files to Dropbox. at some point the dropbox management reset all the shared links to start from a blank slate, and that meant a great many links across the web went dead.
nowadays when you see a Dropbox or Mega link, you generally expect it to be dead. if you can't reach the original uploader through other means and, you won't get your hands on the file. and that's assuming they still even have it.

ed: @older dropbox users, could you tell me if Dropbox actually ever wiped files on its own? if it's just the links that are gone, you could simply ask for a new link.
not that it'd be useful for this very instance though, as it's more likely that TRS wiped the files manually.
Posted on 09-01-20, 01:32 pm
Red Goomba

Karma: 252
Posts: 20/40
Since: 02-17-18
Posted by Thierry
well, yeah. those were uploaded from  TRS's Dropbox for the most part, and they went dead a while after TRS left. it's possible that TRS either deleted the account or just wiped it, either way those files are lost.

it's not the first time we lose a lot of files to Dropbox. at some point the dropbox management reset all the shared links to start from a blank slate, and that meant a great many links across the web went dead.
nowadays when you see a Dropbox or Mega link, you generally expect it to be dead. if you can't reach the original uploader through other means and, you won't get your hands on the file. and that's assuming they still even have it.

ed: @older dropbox users, could you tell me if Dropbox actually ever wiped files on its own? if it's just the links that are gone, you could simply ask for a new link.
not that it'd be useful for this very instance though, as it's more likely that TRS wiped the files manually.

I have used Dropbox for a long time, the files are kept well, but for security reasons the links should be renewed regularly. On the other hand, when an account is deleted (or files with a link), the link no longer works.
Posted on 09-01-20, 01:32 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1060
Posts: 80/370
Since: 08-07-17
Not sure if we're talking about the same thing but to clarify I'm referring to this -
Posted on 09-01-20, 03:28 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1577/1681
Since: 06-09-12
You should've mentioned that you mean the uploader lol.

Anyways, only  Dirbaio has access to edit that so yeah it could take a bit until that is sorted out. Not that it is really important anyways.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 09-01-20, 03:53 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1060
Posts: 81/370
Since: 08-07-17
Whoops, thought I mentioned that but seems I forgot. And yeah, nothing too major.
Posted on 09-01-20, 06:16 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 1102/1447
Since: 02-12-16
the worst dropbox has done with my files is making them not downloadable to the public because they were getting downloaded too much which is admittedly pretty bad but I don't think is what happened with TRS's stuff.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

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