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Posted on 04-23-19, 08:49 pm

Karma: 22
Posts: 15/16
Since: 03-11-19
This is meant to be World 1-1 in a WIP hack. I need some feedback to adjust it so it's actually decent.
Posted on 04-23-19, 10:05 pm
Xenoblade is a must buy

Karma: 70
Posts: 64/84
Since: 02-21-19
verry nic but the pipe is unfinished and 2 starcoins are missing. in details your level is awesome but for me it need more challenge. if you plan to put it at level 1 of your game keep it like that. the briges are good but the small one just above the other is deletable.
Posted on 04-23-19, 10:09 pm

Karma: 22
Posts: 16/16
Since: 03-11-19
The second star coin is in another room. The last star coin is pretty hidden; I'll use coins to mark where it is later. The pipes work fine in the actual game, but I only exported the one area. Other than that, I'll keep that in mind.
Posted on 04-23-19, 10:11 pm (rev. 2 by  PUN on 04-24-19, 12:02 pm)
Xenoblade is a must buy

Karma: 70
Posts: 67/84
Since: 02-21-19
Can i use the first area in my game? i will keep the main idea but remix it a little. ill credit you if i can

im a little out of ideas now
Posted on 04-24-19, 01:17 am
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Karma: 6351
Posts: 2566/2788
Since: 01-17-13
Can i use the first area in my game? ill credit you if i can

well that was instant. you sure jumped on him with that one.
he said it's intended for his hack. what's the point having it in two of 'em?

im a little out of ideas now

oh boi do you have any idea you don't actually need ideas that bad to simply make levels

you can build with no absolute foresight. ideas for gimmicks will come along eventually

rule of thumb, being lazy is a valid excuse only if nobody cares.
Posted on 04-24-19, 01:47 am
Xenoblade is a must buy

Karma: 70
Posts: 69/84
Since: 02-21-19
well im not good at imaginating things im getting inspired by somebody and i remix it in my own way
Posted on 04-24-19, 02:18 am
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 821/1379
Since: 04-24-18
It's 1-1. What do expect in 1-1? Nothing much. Nothing too hard. It's the first level to introduce you to the game, so it should have normal stuff like goombas and koopas.

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Posted on 04-24-19, 09:45 pm (rev. 1 by  poudink on 04-24-19, 09:46 pm)
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3386
Posts: 861/1447
Since: 02-12-16
honestly, if you really can't think of anything, maybe you shouldn't be making levels. however, I'm sure you can. it's really not that hard.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Pages: 1