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Posted on 08-06-18, 07:24 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 116/173
Since: 04-15-14
I don’t think it particularly helps that this board is running an unmaintained forum software, majority of active users are either forum newcomers or AB advocates it seems...

Plus Dirbaio’s inactivity, like FireFairy said (I’m not writing out the whole name, besides ice fairies are far superior), doesn’t exactly help. Look at board2, that place literally is a ghost town because of its neglect for the past 7 years...
Posted on 08-06-18, 09:59 pm (rev. 1 by  Dirbaio on 08-06-18, 10:00 pm)
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10116
Posts: 4427/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Posted by Jamie
unmaintained forum software

It is maintained, by me. There haven't been many changes because for the most part It Works™. It does its job well.

Me going back to mess around with PHP code won't make the board more active. Whatever the issue is, it's not the board sofware.
Posted on 08-06-18, 10:08 pm (rev. 1 by  Nightyoshi370 on 08-06-18, 10:10 pm)
Red Goomba
Super Mario Maker Hacker

Karma: 66
Posts: 19/41
Since: 10-14-16
Posted by Dirbaio
Whatever the issue is, it's not the board sofware.
I can agree on this part. It isn't directly the software's fault.

Honestly, I see NSMBHD fairly active nowdays. I check in once every while, and what it looks like, there are a couple of posts daily.

Compared to the more relaxed Kafuka & Kuribo64, NSMBHD has a bit more of a focus, but I feel like the focus is starting to die off.
Posted by RicBent
So maybe the addition of NSMB2 hacking to this place might actually be a good idea
This is what I agree on as well. Even though I'm just a random regular user, I still do think that NSMB2 would be a nice welcome here. I'm going to be more involved with NSMBU and NSMB2 soon, so to have a place to hack it would be cool.

Posted by RicBent
And maybe the release of the Newer DS source and tools in a few weeks will lead to a little more activity soon. We will see.
Just asking, but what is there in the Newer DS source?
Posted on 08-06-18, 10:18 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6362
Posts: 2434/2789
Since: 01-17-13
I agree the staff not doing much did let projects like the community remix die, but you can't blame all of the inactivity on them.
it's not thier responsibility wether you make a hack or not.

they played thier part.
Posted on 08-06-18, 11:29 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1747
Posts: 643/836
Since: 04-11-15
Posted by BooChewbaca
About that chat idea: if board + discord seems not to work, can't we build one on this website? (honestly, I have no idea if that is complicated or not)

Late response, but it would entirely be possible to embed a Discord chat into the site.

All you have to do is just set it up on the website, but that shouldn't be that hard to do considering Discord allows you to embed servers into a webpage. That being said though, there's always that other side of the coin where one will be killed by the other.

At the same time though, I don't understand how if an IRC doesn't kill the board, Discord will. It's basically the same thing. I mean yes IRC and Discord are completely different software wise, but what if you just made a server with only one chat channel. It would be the same thing essentially.

it's up to the admin at that point though.

That nicely goes to my next point, the Admin.

No, I'm not saying that the admins are bad or anything like that, but we should have some fresh faces become Mods/Admin. I mean the last person to get a promotion was MarioFanatic64, and that was years ago. I feel like that if there were some fresh admin with fresh ideas, maybe that would draw more people to the board, or at least make it more active.

That probably might not work, but then again there's always the maybe.

Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 08-06-18, 11:41 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6362
Posts: 2436/2789
Since: 01-17-13
IRC =/= Discord. Discord is a complete service that allows up to DMs, while embed IRC is only for one single channel. typically if you don't set up a bouncer you're not connected to IRC constantly, and the activity doesn't move there.

yet it does its job; if you have a quick question and don't want to make a thread for it, IRC is there for you.

IMO the thing with embed Discord is that there's not much of a point to it; if you already use Discord you're not going to restrict yourself to the embed on some whatever page. it's not practical.
Posted on 08-06-18, 11:43 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1316/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Ninja'd but whatever:

I disagree. IRC restricts people in media usage and does not allow any preservation at all and thus engages to use the board for that.

Staff members were actually never the cause for activity here and in fact in the times with the most activity the admins were not involved in nsmb hacking at all. Also normal users are as able to bring change to the community as staff members. Look at this thread for example. And additionally there is an entire forum to discuss those things. Open to all members. Powers alone don't mean anything. Different people clicking the ban button on the next Rereg doesn't make the community any different,

Last staff promotions were 1.5 years ago btw.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 08-07-18, 11:16 am (rev. 4 by Jamie on 08-07-18, 11:20 am)
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 120/173
Since: 04-15-14
Yeah, I did regret making that post right afterwards, I realised it was stupid.

Tbh most of my posts here since I’ve been unbanned (and before then as well) were pretty dumb/crap so I’m not sure why I’m even posting...

@Dirbaio: can you fix $floo to $foo in profile.php? Birthdays don’t shown up in user profiles for whatever reason

My opinion is that an official Discord with an IRC bridge would work, and work for quick advice and general chat but actual projects etc would work better on the board. In other words, having both is a good idea.

(Also adding the other NSMB games would work here. I don’t particularly care for Horizon and NSMB2/U would be fine, NSMBW... bleh after the RVL bullshit)
Posted on 08-07-18, 11:58 am
KingYoshi rereg.

Karma: 40
Posts: 37/41
Since: 12-21-17
I disagree declining in ROM Hacking generally is the main reason for all of this. I haven't seen so many people talking about this issue on other boards as on NSMBHD. Much less damage has been done for e.g. SM64DS Hacking. I notice that it seems like less of the "older people" leave there whereas we've had a lot of those people leaving. We've also had quite some new people joining but most of them only stayed for a little bit 'cos they found stuff too complicated.

Posted by RicBent
And in the past there were very few people complaining about the tutorials we have.

I think we're looking at the problem from the wrong view. Tutorials might be "too advanced" for newcomers, and instead of leaving a comment under the tutorial, they start making these single threads. I don't know what else could be the problem. The Tutorials section shouldn't be too hard to find.

Posted by RicBent
Staff members were actually never the cause for activity here and in fact in the times with the most activity the admins were not involved in nsmb hacking at all. Also normal users are as able to bring change to the community as staff members. Look at this thread for example. And additionally there is an entire forum to discuss those things. Open to all members. Powers alone don't mean anything. Different people clicking the ban button on the next Rereg doesn't make the community any different

I disagree. Being an admin doesn't have to be just about deleting posts, trashing threads and banning people. I think you can have more influence on the board's state than that, but only if you're motivated. I agree with the idea for fresh admins with fresh ideas. I think it could put straight the more positive atmosphere here as well. That's also one of the problems I don't really see on other boards. But then again, I set up a whole elucidation about this a few years ago, and also considering my current position, there's not really a point of bringing that all back up again.

That being said, you say we're also able to bring change to the community, but there have been quite some suggestions that many members wanted but didn't get implemented. On the other hand, there have also been changes to the board a lot of people didn't want (*cough* new spoiler design *cough*). But I understand there are also things that cannot be done because there are parts of the board only "ghost Dirbaio" has access to.

As for the chat thing, I'd say a chatbox is better than either Discord or IRC. I don't know, people might dislike the compact look of IRC. Also most people are just too lazy to get a client and stuff. If this board shouldn't die because of NSMB Hacking related Discord servers, a chatbox/IRC should be made more accessable/attractive to people. It's much easier if you can just join if you're logged in at NSMBHD and click the chatbox/IRC button. I do give credits for the fact you highlighted it and added some download links though.
Posted on 08-07-18, 12:52 pm (rev. 2 by  cros107 on 08-07-18, 01:19 pm)
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 739/778
Since: 03-25-16
I agree with the idea for fresh admins with fresh ideas. I think it could put straight the more positive atmosphere here as well. That's also one of the problems I don't really see on other boards.

I don't think we need new admins. Especially since there aren't many active users that are actually known among the older members of the community, that aren't already admins themselves.

As for the chat thing, I'd say a chatbox is better than either Discord or IRC. I don't know, people might dislike the compact look of IRC. Also most people are just too lazy to get a client and stuff.

A chatbox could be cool, but honestly I feel like newer members just don't even give the IRC a chance. I still log on from time to time and I don't think I've ever seen anyone on there outside of the same 5 or so older hackers, in the past 2 years I've been on the board. Also if the client thing was true there wouldn't be so many people pushing for a Discord server.

Posted by Jamie
@Dirbaio: can you fix $floo to $foo in profile.php? Birthdays don’t shown up in user profiles for whatever reason

Birthdays show up for me, not sure why they're not working for you.
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 08-07-18, 01:22 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1318/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Well, I guess that quick join link is almost a chatbox now.

The staff doesn't need these fresh ideas. The entire community need them. NSMB hacking is attractive when there is new and creative stuff. It doesn't matter if a staff member or a normal user posts new tools / findings / level ideas / hacks. This community became smaller because there are only so many things to be done with the game. If you want to change that and found new ways to mod the game in new creative ways go ahead and post your stuff on the forums.

None of the things you suggested can't not be done by any normal user minus the chat thing. Think the tutorials are too hard? Start make easier ones and post them. The community makes the content of forums, not the staff members alone.

And if your largest complaint about staff decisions are the spoiler tags I guess we aren't doing a bad job.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 08-07-18, 01:42 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10545
Posts: 2597/2784
Since: 06-26-11
re: spoilers

not sure about this board, but at K64 it was 10 vs 7
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 08-07-18, 02:40 pm (rev. 1 by  Bloom on 08-07-18, 02:40 pm)
KingYoshi rereg.

Karma: 40
Posts: 39/41
Since: 12-21-17
Are you sure that's the same kind of the "old spoiler" on K64? I've always thought the old one was better, because it was mainly used to store lots of texts and moreover, images/screenshots. I get the idea to prevent spamming but having something to "compact" stuff is very useful. And spoilers are always used like that on other forums. I don't think spam wasn't a really good reason to remove them, because spammers will spam anyway and I don't often see them hide actual spam in spoilers.

Anyway, let's not go too off-topic.
Posted on 08-07-18, 03:00 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10545
Posts: 2598/2784
Since: 06-26-11
one of the things it aimed at preventing was people embedding tons of shit in their signature
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 08-07-18, 04:01 pm
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 752
Posts: 183/222
Since: 06-28-17
I do agree we should add more content to this board. However, if NSMB2 is added, then Kuribo64 may lose active members, as Kuribo64's NSMB2 Hacking is messy as heck, with hacks and question threads placed together. Staple will not be happy with that.

As for NSMBWii, we have Horizon, though it is kind of dying. Looking at RVlution and Horizon, this proves that the NSMBW scene is also falling apart.

NSMBU might be a pretty good choice. RHCafe had one post per month in a non-hacking-related thread "What games did you play". Moreover, NSMBU hacking is not developed and there is a lot more to discover.

I don't see a reason why shouldn't we add a Newer DS hacking section.
Check out these awesome hacks! Beyond DS is now my major hack!
Posted on 08-07-18, 04:22 pm
W1 out :)

Karma: 544
Posts: 140/229
Since: 10-22-17
Posted by RicBent
(...)The staff doesn't need these fresh ideas. The entire community need them. NSMB hacking is attractive when there is new and creative stuff. (...)

I actually agree with that.
Take NewerDS as an example: It used a ton of fresh ideas and new stuff and it was built by not the staff but the community (in this case the NewerTeam).

Posted by RicBent
(...)Think the tutorials are too hard? Start make easier ones and post them. The community makes the content of forums, not the staff members alone.(...)

And that's also true. Even if some staff members might know some more stuff about the game than "insert_random_username_here" if you really want to change things or do better, it can be done.
I wrote an entire music hacking guide because I disliked the old one. Took me a lot of time of course, but I made it. And even if I am the only one using that, that's one person more who learned something.

Posted by RicBent
(...)And if your largest complaint about staff decisions are the spoiler tags I guess we aren't doing a bad job.(...)

Can't complain

(...) But I understand there are also things that cannot be done because there are parts of the board only "ghost Dirbaio" has access to.(...)

As you saw, Dirabio is still here. He just does not write much. For whatever reason, but that's his business and neither mine nor anyone else's.

Posted by user123123
I do agree we should add more content to this board. However, if NSMB2 is added, then Kuribo64 may lose active members, as Kuribo64's NSMB2 Hacking is messy as heck, with hacks and question threads placed together. Staple will not be happy with that.

As for NSMBWii, we have Horizon, though it is kind of dying. Looking at RVlution and Horizon, this proves that the NSMBW scene is also falling apart.

NSMBU might be a pretty good choice. RHCafe had one post per month in a non-hacking-related thread "What games did you play". Moreover, NSMBU hacking is not developed and there is a lot more to discover.

I don't see a reason why shouldn't we add a Newer DS hacking section.

I really think (and hope) that NSMB2 adding will bring more people to the board.

good idea but does not make much sense without the newerds source code

previously (un)known as BooChewbaca
Posted on 08-07-18, 05:11 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 121/173
Since: 04-15-14
The client thing is true, most people are too lazy to set up a IRC client to point to a specific server etc as Discord doesn’t need any of that (plus ut’s HIP AND MODERN!!!)
Posted on 08-07-18, 06:58 pm
KingYoshi rereg.

Karma: 40
Posts: 40/41
Since: 12-21-17
Posted by user123123
As for NSMBWii, we have Horizon, though it is kind of dying. Looking at RVlution and Horizon, this proves that the NSMBW scene is also falling apart.

The NSMBWii scene is falling apart because of other reasons. Rvlution was gone and there was no alternative. Btw, this is the first time I've heard about that Horizon website.
Posted on 08-07-18, 07:02 pm
Red Goomba
Super Mario Maker Hacker

Karma: 66
Posts: 20/41
Since: 10-14-16
I agree with the idea for fresh admins with fresh ideas. I think it could put straight the more positive atmosphere here as well. That's also one of the problems I don't really see on other boards.
Posted by cros107
I don't think we need new admins. Especially since there aren't many active users that are actually known among the older members of the community, that aren't already admins themselves.

As for the chat thing, I'd say a chatbox is better than either Discord or IRC. I don't know, people might dislike the compact look of IRC. Also most people are just too lazy to get a client and stuff.
What's the point of a chatbox when you could have a discord?
Posted by user123123
However, if NSMB2 is added, then Kuribo64 may lose active members, as Kuribo64's NSMB2 Hacking is messy as heck, with hacks and question threads placed together. Staple will not be happy with that.
1. Last time I checked (could be wrong), the NSMB2 station isn't that active in Kuribo64.
2. When NSMB2hax was alive, Kuribo64 still kept the NSMB2 hacking forum.
3. Personally, I don't think ROM hacking fits kuribo. I always find Kuribo and Kafuka to be more relax, not focusing that much on ROM hacking stuff, especially Kafuka.
Posted by user123123
As for NSMBWii, we have Horizon, though it is kind of dying.
That site is going to be shut down, and replaced with a Wiki. No offense to FruitSmasher, but I disagree with that idea. Forums are much better than wiki's in my opinion
Also, that reminds me: Fruit told me to take the site down a while ago. Whoops
Posted by user123123
NSMBU might be a pretty good choice. RHCafe had one post per month in a non-hacking-related thread "What games did you play". Moreover, NSMBU hacking is not developed and there is a lot more to discover.
Honestly, I think this forum should be the hub for all NSMB games. It would make more sense, seeing as this is the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain. Or at least, it makes sense to me.
Posted by BooChewbaca
Take NewerDS as an example: It used a ton of fresh ideas and new stuff and it was built by not the staff but the community (in this case the NewerTeam).
Honestly, I feel like Newer opened much more possibilities to NSMBDS hacking, which is a good thing. It makes people more interested in hacking it. I personally will be taking a look and seeing what it has to offer, cause I feel like it can offer a lot to the table
Posted on 08-08-18, 11:56 am (rev. 2 by Jamie on 08-08-18, 12:02 pm)
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 124/173
Since: 04-15-14
Yeah, all NSMB games under one, rock stable hood would be nice and we have a name that doesn’t restrict us. We don’t get too many issues here aside from the occasional reregistering derp...

At the moment the users here that are Acmlm advocates seemingly a lot of them would have started on here, RHC or RVL, so having a proper home for NSMBW and NSMBU would work really well IMO.

As well with this, a category page should be doable (like the one in AB1.92) so users could maybe bookmark the sections they’re interested in for quick access (and allow marking/ignoring on a per-category basis) as a nice suggestion
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