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Posted on 07-11-18, 05:06 pm (rev. 10 by Thierry on 09-25-19, 08:33 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 58/145
Since: 03-04-13

this is the first time I upload a hack to this great community so do not be too rude to me please.

Content of the hack

All Levels Edit
ASM Codes by Skawo & Meromero
New Graphics by Skawo & Newerteam
Custom Music by Skawo, Newerteam & Others


World List

World 1 Goldwood Forest Zone

World 2 Dust Hill Zone

World 3 Angel Island Zone

World 4 Soda Jungle Zone

World 5 Night Ice Cap Zone

World 6 Rock Hill Top Zone

World 7 Sky City Sanctuary Zone

World 8 Lava Reef & Hidden Palace Zone

Trailer Official

Coming Soon V1.07
Posted on 07-11-18, 05:47 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 322/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Cool looking hack! One complaint.

That "Deluxe" Logo is Newer's.


Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-11-18, 05:53 pm
Enough reregs for you

Karma: -64
Posts: 4/13
Since: 06-03-18
When will it be v1.02?
Posted on 07-11-18, 05:57 pm
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 323/1379
Since: 04-24-18

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-11-18, 06:02 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 59/145
Since: 03-04-13
Skylander I'm sorry I did not have time to replace it in the next update that will upload tomorrow will be replaced
Posted on 07-11-18, 06:03 pm (rev. 2 by  Skylander on 07-11-18, 06:08 pm)
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 324/1379
Since: 04-24-18
Oh and also, The tower level belongs to Newer. The only difference is that there's Skewers instead of Banzai Bill Launchers. Quit stealing levels.

1-4 is an original level of NSMB DS from world 7. DUDE. WHERE'S THE CREATIVITY?

1-5 too! Dude this isn't a hack. It's a mash of other hacks.

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-11-18, 06:10 pm (rev. 1 by Luigui3060 on 07-11-18, 06:13 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 60/145
Since: 03-04-13
that I also forgot to replace it since I used it to test them new textures of the skewers will also be replaced in the update that will upload tomorrow

and as for the world 1-4 it is to bring nostalgia and besides it is a little different from the original NSMB DS since it is from autumn theme and removed the secret exit

W1-5 I also forgot to change it since I almost do not have much time friend forgive me

Posted on 07-11-18, 06:14 pm
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 636/798
Since: 04-11-15
If people wanted to play the original levels they would play the original game. All of your levels need to be made by you, and not just slight edits of the original stages.
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 07-11-18, 06:35 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 07-11-18, 06:38 pm)

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1279/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Really? Does Newest team have a seperate division to watch newer team all the time to release a hack with same name with "Newer" replaced with "Newest" asap?

And yeah, I will give you some days to replace all stuff taken from other people without credit and agreement. When nothing happens I will remove the download link.

Edit: And before you say we treat your unfairly or something. Have a look how this was handled a few years back:
For that amount of "stolen" stuff the banhammer would have hit back then.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:28 pm (rev. 1 by  Skylander on 07-11-18, 07:29 pm)
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 325/1379
Since: 04-24-18
I noticed that 1-A is a NSMB2 remake. If you remade that by yourself, that's pretty cool. If you stole it, not cool. It's star-2 with the dissappearing blocks instead of the lifts.


Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:30 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2418/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Posted by Luigui3060
Skylander I'm sorry I did not have time to replace it in the next update that will upload tomorrow will be replaced
Posted by Luigui3060
I also forgot to replace it since I used it to test
Posted by Luigui3060
W1-5 I also forgot to change it since I almost do not have much time friend forgive me

just saying, none of these sound like valid excuses to me. you didn't have time? time for what? you were not tight on time, were you? it's you yourself who get to choose whenever you want to release it.
releasing a hack with stolen levels to fill the blanks is far from being a viable solution.

I'm not buying the "forgot to" replace whatever, either.

I'm sorry, but I will not play this. you stripped every NewerTeam watermark, and nothing tells me you made any of the levels within this hack.
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:32 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 61/145
Since: 03-04-13
if I delete everything I was told and some levels used to test items such as ASM Codes, graphics and other things and if I uploaded my hack here was to see what could be improved not by bragging that my hack is the best or nothing I just want you to know who I am and the truth is that I respect everyone here especially you Ricbet I respect you very much
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:35 pm (rev. 5 by  Helios on 07-11-18, 08:13 pm)
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 737
Posts: 181/222
Since: 06-28-17
Posted by Skylander
I noticed that 1-A is a NSMB2 remake. If you remade that by yourself, that's pretty cool. If you stole it, not cool. It's star-2 with the dissappearing blocks instead of the lifts.

IIRC, it is stolen from TicklishYoshi, NSMB2 DS.

The last screenshot is an unused level of Newer DS. I am certain because I have seen that on Skawo's channel.

3-C, 4-1, 7-4 and 1-Tower is stolen from Newer DS.

I played 6-A somewhere, forgot where.

Also, I don't know whether this fits the rule of originality - don't use Newer in the title. Of course, this rule is general, not applying for one word.
Check out these awesome hacks! Beyond DS is now my major hack!
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:37 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 62/145
Since: 03-04-13
Thierry the truth and I have almost no time because I am a married person and my wife helps me with some things from the hack and also my wife is pregnant and therefore I did not have enough time to replace the levels but I will replace them and resubire tomorrow
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:40 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 07-11-18, 07:40 pm)

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1280/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Chill a bit. Recreating a NSMB2 level is nothing only one person can do. Please don't call somebody out for something not even proved.

Also Newest is not the same as Newer.
Not too creative but still better than plain Newer.

Give him his few days to fix stuff up and then you can call him out again. But for now let's just keep calm a bit
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 07-11-18, 07:42 pm (rev. 1 by Luigui3060 on 07-11-18, 07:46 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 63/145
Since: 03-04-13
User123123 the truth you published that configuration of network & blue panels configuration and use that level to test it but if you want to also change it for another and remove your network & blue panels configuration

Ricbent I'm calm tell the other users to relax and I said I will replace the levels tomorrow is not to claim every time XD
Posted on 07-11-18, 08:03 pm (rev. 1 by  snake block on 07-11-18, 08:04 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1287/1290
Since: 02-12-13
> Break into bank.
> Steal loads of cash.
> Get caught.
> Get asked why you stole loads of cash.
> "Cops, the truth and I have almost no time because I am a married person and my wife helps me with some things from the job and also my wife is pregnant and therefore I did not have enough time to work my job but I will properly earn the money and resubire"

Posted on 07-11-18, 08:24 pm (rev. 1 by Luigui3060 on 07-11-18, 08:31 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 64/145
Since: 03-04-13
SnakeBlock I understand perfectly what you want to tell me but I'm practically going to retire from making NSMB DS hacks but I do not do it for you it's because I want to dedicate more time to my family and other things as Asprok retired I wanted to leave a hack so that some users will play it but I do not know how to worry I will replace the levels so as not to have problems with the users

I do not know why they say Newest is the same as Newer are practically different words so I'm not breaking the rule of not putting Newer to a hack ?
Posted on 07-11-18, 08:41 pm (rev. 1 by  Skylander on 07-11-18, 08:42 pm)
Giant Paratroopa
Cream Cheese King

Karma: 2150
Posts: 326/1379
Since: 04-24-18
"You're wife". Meh. Lame excuse. Unless she is in month 9 and needs a ton of help, I'm not buying it.

BTW, If you're wife is that pregnant, I suppose you didn't have the time to post Newish on YouTube? Oh right.... You did without my permission

Discord Server 1 - Discord Server 2 - Youtube Channel
Posted on 07-11-18, 08:54 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 65/145
Since: 03-04-13
Well, she is in the ninth month of her pregnancy and will probably be relieved by the end of this month or the beginning of the other month and as I explained to you, if we upload your trailer it was to give you publicity I told you for PM friend ??
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