Pages: 1
Posted on 06-27-17, 01:00 am (rev. 3 by  Ndymario on 06-27-17, 01:30 am)
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 453/833
Since: 04-11-15
I was testing some things with clones in MvL, and I found some weird things with the clone.

(Will post later)

Text List

1) Mario Clones that grab big stars are counted towards Mario's Big Star count

1.5) If a clone grabs a coin, It goes towards Mario's Coin Count

2) If Luigi shoots the clone with A fireball, the original takes recoil (as if he were the one to get hit)

-If the original has invincibility frames there is no hitbox for the clone to hit with fire
-A big star will be knocked out of the original Mario if the clone is hit with a fireball
-Clones and Mario can't hit each other with fireballs

3) If Luigi jumps on a clone it takes the hit not the original Mario

-A Big Star spawns from the clone if jumped on
-A clone can jump on Mario and Vice Versa, so you can git rid of your own stars (yay )

4) If Mario walks too far away, the clone becomes invisible

-Pipes to another view also cause this

5) If the clone dies, It respawns at Mario's spawn (not it's original spawn)

-The Bowser face still shows on Mario's screen
-The clone becomes perma-invisible if not spawned beside Mario (unless you kill it again)
-If the clone dies THEN Mario, the music glitches and stops until you die again
-If Mario dies THEN the clone, the clone and Mario are in the same position until you jump on something/power up
-If Mario AND the clone dies, same as above
-If Mario is in another view and the clone dies, It kills the original too

6) If the clone takes a pipe to another view, It makes the camera go to that view but still follows the original Mario

-Also, makes the original Mario invisible
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 06-27-17, 02:39 am

Karma: 755
Posts: 132/265
Since: 01-03-16
This is neat info, someone should start a new list of sprites and such for MvL akin to the aleady existing sprite DB.

I would also suppose that you're going to test all the power ups?
"I strikingly thought you would know how but it clearly seems you have no knowledge of hacking" - MiiU 2017
Posted on 06-27-17, 02:55 am
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 455/833
Since: 04-11-15
My "agenda"

1st -> Physics/Interactions
2nd -> Special Interaction (Such as power-ups)
3rd -> Any "unused features" (like special vs interactions)
4th -> Try to have Luigi to control a clone
5th and onwards -> *shrug*
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 06-27-17, 07:59 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1974/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by TruelyJohn64
This is neat info, someone should start a new list of sprites and such for MvL akin to the aleady existing sprite DB.

I would also suppose that you're going to test all the power ups?
Posted on 06-27-17, 08:49 pm
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 456/833
Since: 04-11-15
Slightly off topic, but does anyone know of a screen recorder that is truly free (water mark is fine)?
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Posted on 06-27-17, 08:53 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 06-27-17, 08:53 pm)

Karma: 8573
Posts: 885/1681
Since: 06-09-12
OBS Studio is great

Edit: And that is not "slightly"
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 06-27-17, 08:53 pm (rev. 1 by  Ndymario on 06-27-17, 09:17 pm)
Super Koopa
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1711
Posts: 458/833
Since: 04-11-15
Ok thanks!

I said slightly because I still need to actually record the vid for the first post (not phone camera on physical ds )
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server! Also, be sure to check out the new wiki!

Pages: 1