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Posted on 03-15-15, 06:38 pm (rev. 6 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:14 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 10/200
Since: 02-02-15
NSMBe interface in Portuguese-Brazil Language (Pt-Br)

See more screen-shoots: (1) (2) (3) (4). Download the latest text version here

The Motivation
Excuse me if I'm talking nonsense. I not found in this forum any translation in Portuguese-Brazil language for the NSMBe interface.

Because this, I would like to have the pleasure of sharing to this community this humble Portuguese-Brazil ".ini" translation Language file for the NSMBe software. It's a 1.0 stable translation, and have all usefull pt-br words for brazilian users needs. Tested with sucessfull in version 5.2 build 378.

This translation is not just for the brazilians, but it is my mode to give a gift and to say thanks to the NSMBe team for made this dream possible.

It would be an honor to Brazilian users to perhaps have the opportunity to see this translation available in future builds of the NSMBe. It will be a good surprise to see a Portuguese option in the list of languages available in the editor.

Why brazilian translation?
Although the NSMBe is a very intuitive and friendly software, a brazilian language user interface is a great additional option to amplify the use of the software for brazilian users. There is a spanish translation, but the difference between this two languages are significant.

The "downstairs" little friends from Brazil can download the most recent"Portuguese.ini" translation text and put in the "Languages" folder.

Find an error? Would like to give a sugestion? Fell free to improve this translation.
Thanks [] -P

The author of this post apologizes for any English mistakes. The text of this post was written on a Brazilian-English language. For this reason, some content may have a slight difference interpretations according to the player's region.

Posted on 03-18-15, 12:43 am
Full mod

Karma: 1183
Posts: 780/785
Since: 06-28-11
Oh, cool, thanks for making this!

You say this is in beta, so are you going to be making changes to it soon? I'll add it to NSMBe, but I'd rather wait until it's finished to do so.
Posted on 03-18-15, 03:41 pm (rev. 4 by Thierry on 03-18-15, 03:43 pm)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1530/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Good job, that might be real useful.

Also, you're not the only one making/improving some translations. Some examples: I've been improving [and fixing something in] the French translation, I will send it to  Dirbaio or  Piranhaplant when I'm done with it. And my friend Wesley is making a Dutch translation of NSMB based on English.ini.

Maybe other people could do that too, but I don't think we really needs tons of translations.
Posted on 03-18-15, 05:57 pm (rev. 3 by  KingYoshi on 03-18-15, 06:01 pm)
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 371/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by Thierry
And my friend Wesley is making a Dutch translation of NSMB based on English.ini.

But I was working on a Dutch translation file already...
Posted on 03-18-15, 09:11 pm
Inactive, don't bother

Karma: 1285
Posts: 344/377
Since: 10-07-12

Posted by KingYoshi
Posted by Thierry
And my friend Wesley is making a Dutch translation of NSMB based on English.ini.

But I was working on a Dutch translation file already...

There is no point at having more than one translation file of the same type at the same time. So  KingYoshi we can continue on the translated file which had achieved the most progress or we can either cooperate and merge each others progress in one single file and continue on from there.
New Super Holiday Bros - Mario Kart GTA San Andreas
Posted on 03-21-15, 03:09 pm

Karma: -32
Posts: 465/477
Since: 02-02-12
Good idea man, i tried that sometime ago, but i gave up.
Good luck with your project, if you need help call me.

(Brasileiro aqui)
Posted on 03-26-15, 01:27 am (rev. 1 by  pinet on 03-27-15, 01:15 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 11/200
Since: 02-02-15
Portuguese-Brazil: Translation refinements.

To save space and keep clean this thread, I will use this same post to update the conclusions found by other Brazilian users. But all are welcome.

The Portuguese translation is complete enough and should be considered functional and available.

But of course, a translation can always be refined. And we cannot just use the google translate, due to the peculiarities that we have in our brazilian accent.

We still have some little discussion to arrive at a consensus on the best setting for some one or other word. You can help.

Word: Tileset
The problem: "Tile" in Portuguese-Brazil means, literally, "ladrilho", "telha" or "azulejo". The problem is that these words simply do not fit in the context. The word "Cenario" is an option but may conflict with the word "Background". The difference is that an actor can interact with the objects of the "Cenario".

Tileset (keep original word)1

Word: Background
The problem: "Background" in portuguese can mean a lot of things, according to its context. "Background" from your computer ("Papel de Parede"), a program running in "Background" ("Segundo Plano") or a building behind the tree is in "Background" ("Fundos" or "Fundos da Tela"). In the game context, the word "Background" fits in "Landscape" ("Paisagem"). The "Background" is not interactive because it is far away from the screen.

Background (keep original word)1
Fundo da Tela2
Papel de Parede0

Other words...
Maybe there are other words, inside salad interface, which may perhaps have escaped from my tired eye during translation. Any brazilian user is welcome to identify and suggest improvement in this translation.

Thanks [] -P
Posted on 03-26-15, 12:00 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1532/2735
Since: 01-17-13
How about trying to translate 'Tiles sets/sets of tiles'?

IMO, translating 'Sets of tiles' is easier than simply translating 'Tilesets'.

I did this for the French translation: 'Sets de tiles (tilesets)' and I think it's fine.
Posted on 03-26-15, 09:51 pm

Karma: -32
Posts: 466/477
Since: 02-02-12
Posted by pinet
It's very good to see you here.

The words:
For example, one insisted to translate the word Tilesets to "Cenarios" (Scenarios).
The other said not to translate, it would be the same as translating "mouse" to "rato". I voted for "Cenarios". (2 x 1) But it's still Tilesets. And you? What you think about?

Here is another word that generated a little discussion and was not translated because we do not come to a consensus. A friend pro-anglicism suggested to keep the original word. The other suggested "Background" to "Fundos da Tela" or simply "Fundos". Finally, if it considers a background like an wallpaper, then we could translate to "Papel de Parede". What do you think?
a) Keep the original word "Background"
b) Translate to "Fundos"
c) Translate to "Fundos de Tela"
d) Translate to "Papel de Parede"
e) other option (tell us)...

Other words...
There are other words, inside salad interface, which may perhaps have escaped from my tired eye during translation. Any brazilian user is welcome to identify and suggest improvement in this translation.

So about the tilesets, we just can't put something like "Chãozinhos" but i think that "Cenarios" is not the right word for that, the tileset is not the scenario at all,so maybe we could put another thing.
And about the background the best option in my opnion is "Fundo de Tela".

Posted on 03-27-15, 01:38 am (rev. 12 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:14 am)

Karma: 1064
Posts: 12/200
Since: 02-02-15
NSMBe "spritedata.xml" Portuguese-Brazil Language (Pt-Br)

I will use this same post to identify eventual updates.

As I promissed, the translation achieve 100%, then spritedata.xml is available for download and help the brazilian users (usuarios brasileiros).

Component: spritedata.xml
Language: Portuguese-Brazil (Pt-Br) (Portugues-Brasil)
Tested on: Version 5.2 build 378.
Location download: here
Current status: 100.00%
Total sprites translated: 326
Last version: August 26, 2015.

In time ... "Wordpress" shuffles the xml file. I worka'round zipping and renaming the file to '.png'. You just need to save, rename to zip and unzip. Simple.

Find an error? Fell free to give critics and sugestions to improve this translation.
[] -P

Obs.: Specific names will not be changed unless there is a translation for the country. For example, a "Goomba" is a "Goomba" in Brazil, and in 99% of the World. Except in Japan, where it is called "Kuribo".
Posted on 03-28-15, 12:21 pm (rev. 2 by  Ruedajv10 on 03-28-15, 02:58 pm)

Karma: -32
Posts: 467/477
Since: 02-02-12
Hahahaha, so i still thinking for a name to tilesets, for the spritedata.xml i help that would be great, i don't know if Mario Silva still online on forum and Pedroalone was sometime ago, but i will take a look.oalone

EDIT1: Pedroalone still online

Obs.: If you want to help on the "Mega-Guia de NSMB Hacking", just call me.
Posted on 04-29-15, 02:26 am
Full mod

Karma: 1183
Posts: 782/785
Since: 06-28-11
Sorry it took so long, but I've added your translation to NSMBe. If you have any changes you'd like to make to it, just post here or send me a message.
Posted on 05-11-21, 08:22 am

Karma: 101
Posts: 21/115
Since: 04-23-21
Im traslating nsmbe2chinese haha
i can show you the details if u want
oh and btw:
New Super Sicko Mario-Release Page
Posted on 05-11-21, 12:35 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 185/497
Since: 03-18-21
Yes show it
Posted on 05-11-21, 02:35 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 832
Posts: 171/323
Since: 08-07-17
pretty sure soig already made a nsmbe chinese translation, though i'm not sure if it's still up to date. it's in the tools and utilities section of the uploader.
Posted on 05-11-21, 05:27 pm
Giant Red Paratroopa
Not Edible

Karma: 3366
Posts: 1272/1447
Since: 02-12-16
Soig's translation is from 2017, so it should be up to date.
Nothing to say, so jadnjkfmnjamnfjkldnajfnjkanfjdksan jsdnvj m.

Posted on 05-12-21, 08:05 am
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 192/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by poudink
Soig's translation is from 2017, so it should be up to date.

Yes of course, so he should keep up his good work for all the chinese NSMB hackers

But although there is Portuguese translation, I'll continue to use English, because now I'm too used to it
Posted on 05-14-21, 09:59 am

Karma: 101
Posts: 27/115
Since: 04-23-21
okie dokie
oh and btw:
New Super Sicko Mario-Release Page
Posted on 05-16-21, 04:12 pm
something that resembles the blaze of a fire

Karma: 545
Posts: 214/497
Since: 03-18-21
Posted by TraineeLuigie
okie dokie

Pages: 1