Posted on 04-26-16, 07:11 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 61/396
Since: 11-20-15
Posted by KingYoshi

Have you also recreated the Paratroopas, despiting they aren't seen in any NSMB Beta video?

Paratroopas? Not yet.
Posted on 04-26-16, 10:50 pm

Karma: 2799
Posts: 1593/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Paratroopas can be seen in that french-titled demo footage (forgot what it was called)
Posted on 06-09-16, 05:42 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 78/396
Since: 11-20-15
This footage shows more of the underground bonus arena, may be useful for the remake.

Posted on 06-09-16, 06:06 pm (rev. 1 by  KingYoshi on 06-09-16, 09:36 pm)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3842
Posts: 813/1157
Since: 11-29-11
Really nice! They could should have used this level/area in the final game.
Posted on 07-22-16, 10:38 am (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:22 am)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3842
Posts: 875/1157
Since: 11-29-11
We don't have really good quality rips of the NSMB Beta Grass Tileset.

I think we should have a better tileset than these two.

I think the reason for the low quality is because the two tilesets above were ripped from the following screenshot, were the Zoom sprite is used, so you can't see all details and the tiles have to be re-sized.

Though there are screenshots of this tileset were the zoom sprite isn't used.

Unfortunately, we can't get all tiles of the original tileset in the original quality, so we'll have to draw some stuff ourselves. I'm not good at drawing tilesets, but I was hoping someone else here is ('cause this is still a really nice tileset). I think this is the best unfinished rip we have.

Posted on 07-22-16, 02:37 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 106/396
Since: 11-20-15
You can see more of that tileset in this footage:

Also, what about my rip?

Posted on 07-23-16, 07:22 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 108/396
Since: 11-20-15
If you guys want, here's the .nmt file for importing with NSMBe much easier:
Posted on 07-23-16, 08:25 pm (rev. 2 by  Fluorescent on 07-23-16, 08:30 pm)

Karma: 472
Posts: 87/139
Since: 04-08-16
This tileset sure is compact, you should consider expanding it

...and maybe use 4 palettes, maybe you'll get better colors, who knows?

Anyway, that's a little bit better than the previous rips in my opinion
The Legendary Sprite 326:
Posted on 07-23-16, 09:04 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 109/396
Since: 11-20-15
I think this one is fine, no need to expand.
Thanks anyway
Posted on 07-24-16, 04:13 am
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 145/778
Since: 03-25-16
So... was a beta cart never found and ripped?
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 07-24-16, 06:15 am

Karma: 2799
Posts: 1673/2091
Since: 06-26-11
There is no such thing as "the beta cart". No prototype has been dumped, but there three undumped demo carts. You can try and track one down and buy one/them if you want. I can tell you about them to help.
Posted on 07-24-16, 06:38 am

Karma: 755
Posts: 75/265
Since: 01-03-16
Posted by Hiccup
There is no such thing as "the beta cart". No prototype has been dumped, but there three undumped demo carts. You can try and track one down and buy one/them if you want. I can tell you about them to help.

Not to mention that NSMB had millions of revisions and the demo carts are only a small time frame (Like a time stamp of sorts) of what changes had been made.
"I strikingly thought you would know how but it clearly seems you have no knowledge of hacking" - MiiU 2017
Posted on 07-24-16, 06:38 am (rev. 2 by  cros107 on 07-24-16, 07:31 am)
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 146/778
Since: 03-25-16
Demo cart, that's what I meant. But... None have ever actually been dumped? Weird.

Edit: *kiosk demo link was here*?
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 07-24-16, 06:52 am

Karma: 8573
Posts: 596/1681
Since: 06-09-12
That is the rom which was on show DS units in for example videogame shops.

Also you should remove the rom link. These are forbidden here.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 07-24-16, 07:04 am

Karma: 755
Posts: 76/265
Since: 01-03-16
Okay this is where it gets confusing for some people so let me clarify:

When people refer to the beta/demo cart, they mean the one that was used for E3 or any other press demo thing, you know?
 cros107 got confused with the kiosk demo, which was built on top of the original game to be played in stores.

The only exception to this is Mario Kart DS were as the kiosk demo was made after the original E3 showing. (As evidence from the game files) Then finalized and sold without having a playable demo after the one they had made for after E3.

I hope this make sense.
"I strikingly thought you would know how but it clearly seems you have no knowledge of hacking" - MiiU 2017
Posted on 07-24-16, 07:31 am
Will never finish a hack

Karma: 1873
Posts: 147/778
Since: 03-25-16
Ah. Thanks for the explanation.
Also, sorry, I'll remove the link.
hey look, I did a thing
Posted on 07-24-16, 09:21 am (rev. 2 by  Hiccup on 09-01-16, 05:17 pm)

Karma: 2799
Posts: 1674/2091
Since: 06-26-11
To clear things up, here is a list of all NSMB versions that are "in the wild", in no particular order.
Bold ones are dumped and italic ones are known to be "final" (i.e. built at the same time or after the USA version).
New Super Mario Bros. (USA)
New Super Mario Bros. (Japan)
New Super Mario Bros. (Europe)
New Super Mario Bros. (Korea)
New Super Mario Bros. (Europe) (Demo) (Kiosk)
New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
New Super Mario Bros. (Europe) (Demo) (Kiosk, Y78P)
New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Virtual Console) [probably identical to the normal "(USA)" version]
New Super Mario Bros. (Japan) (Virtual Console) [probably identical to the normal "(Japan)" version]
New Super Mario Bros. (Europe) (Virtual Console) [probably identical to the normal "(Europe)" version]
New Super Mario Bros. (Japan) (Demo) (Kiosk)
New Super Mario Bros. (Japan) (Demo) (Kiosk, Y7QJ)
New Super Mario Bros. (Japan) (Demo) (Kiosk, October 2006 Trial) [from the October 2006 Trial (Japan) (Demo) (Kiosk) cart]

I am interested in buying the undumped ones. Donations for a "NSMB proto fund" would good too
Posted on 07-24-16, 09:43 am
Fire Snake

Karma: 3842
Posts: 896/1157
Since: 11-29-11
I don't care that much about the Kiosk Demos. I'd rather give money for an old beta version of the game from 2005 (when it'd be possible ).
Posted on 07-24-16, 09:49 am

Karma: 2799
Posts: 1675/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Its possible that one of these is a prototype, but kinda unlikely. There is also a "December 2005 Trial" cart, which could have a NSMB demo on. And it'd be a prototype, because final NSMB was built in 2006.
Posted on 07-24-16, 09:51 am (rev. 1 by  KingYoshi on 07-24-16, 09:58 am)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3842
Posts: 897/1157
Since: 11-29-11
Maybe someone here could try to contact one of the makers of NSMB?

The chance they'll give it to us is almost 0%, but 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'.