Posted on 03-08-14, 11:54 am
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5596
Posts: 538/1430
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by Rhak
Hello, how can that be springboards behind the musical notes, and not before?

They are not behind, they are just invisible. He edited the texture and removed it.
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Posted on 03-09-14, 12:46 pm

Karma: 20
Posts: 3/6
Since: 02-26-14
thank you. is that the "tileset 0 (jyotyu)" to NSMB2 DS exist? I had to find a once on the internet, but I can not find it.
Posted on 03-09-14, 01:00 pm (rev. 1 by  Arceus on 03-09-14, 01:01 pm)
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5596
Posts: 541/1430
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by Rhak
thank you. is that the "tileset 0 (jyotyu)" to NSMB2 DS exist? I had to find a once on the internet, but I can not find it.

I´m pretty sure you won´t find the complete tileset 0. But some blocks e.g. donut platform or ?-Block can be found.
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Posted on 04-01-14, 10:57 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 09-10-14, 09:53 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by mrrikihino
Posted by SpongeTown
OMG! Well done,  mrrikihino!
Can we use this for our hacks?

Have you also backgrounds ripped?

yes, you can use it for your hacks it is FREE TALK KAKAO TALK!
and i just ripped the nsmb2 grassland BG, there are 2 Version:

Does I work for a dead project?


Posted on 04-02-14, 03:58 pm
Fire Snake

Karma: 3853
Posts: 318/1159
Since: 11-29-11
Cool backgrounds!!!
(Are these free to use? )
Posted on 04-02-14, 04:21 pm
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
Yes they are.

Btw, please always credit the person who makes them.
Posted on 04-03-14, 11:14 pm
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Karma: 6445
Posts: 626/2794
Since: 01-17-13
Resized and improved again:

Posted on 04-06-14, 11:28 pm

Karma: 29
Posts: 62/88
Since: 02-15-13
how's going the hack? i've made some raccoon parts, the ears and the tail, i think what for making an raccoon mario, must be an big asm hack, another mario head model with raccoon ears, an raccoon tail model with adittional animations along with it.
Being a role job model is overrated, i'd much rather be hilariously edgy.
Posted on 04-07-14, 06:17 am (rev. 2 by  mrrikihino on 04-07-14, 06:22 am)

Karma: 392
Posts: 142/247
Since: 12-18-12
Posted by BlackYoshi485
how's going the hack? i've made some raccoon parts, the ears and the tail, i think what for making an raccoon mario, must be an big asm hack, another mario head model with raccoon ears, an raccoon tail model with adittional animations along with it.

i dont know too, when jackson will chat on this thread again... and i'm was thinking, did i have to make all levels from nsmb2 ? i even cant make such a great level, and i think you guys can help me on this hack... oh! and thank you thierry for resizing and seperate the bg and for the night version bg you have to use dark blue color and a bit light with moon andni will upload the night bg if i can, i'm also have yoshi new island background in background thread, anyway blackyoshi485 i thinknyou can replace the model with animation from blue shell item, i want to know
Posted on 04-07-14, 09:52 am
Roy Koopa
The guy who does things.

Karma: 12764
Posts: 1333/2796
Since: 07-01-11
The other day Jackson closed his DeviantArt account with just a journal entry saying "Goodbye". This was the last thing he was still using, even then it was irregular.

I'm pretty sure the guy's gone, he ain't coming back.
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My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Posted on 04-07-14, 01:14 pm

Karma: 16
Posts: 260/286
Since: 08-05-13
Posted by MarioFanatic64
The other day Jackson closed his DeviantArt account with just a journal entry saying "Goodbye". This was the last thing he was still using, even then it was irregular.

I'm pretty sure the guy's gone, he ain't coming back.

Then could someone take over this project and give some credit to him?
Posted on 04-07-14, 02:10 pm (rev. 7 by Thierry on 04-07-14, 04:55 pm)
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Karma: 6445
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Since: 01-17-13
I can do it, if  Riki Hino helps me.


Posted on 04-07-14, 08:10 pm

Karma: 93
Posts: 3/67
Since: 02-27-14
Looks this hack complete?
Posted on 04-07-14, 08:16 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5596
Posts: 569/1430
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by SR13DS
Looks this hack complete?

Can´t you read? No it´s not.
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Posted on 05-06-14, 03:46 am

Karma: 392
Posts: 144/247
Since: 12-18-12
Wait... i have an idea of my hack! but it needs 3d model editing,
it's New Super Mii Bros. DS! i want to change mario and luigi head to mii character head
from personal trainer walking ds, mario is male mii and luigi is female mii
and here's the 3d model in nsbmd, what i need is i want you guys help me just take
the mii head, not the body and replace the mario and luigi head model, please?
Heres the link and preview:
Male Mii:
Female Mii:
Hope you guys help me! bye!
Posted on 05-06-14, 07:25 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5596
Posts: 593/1430
Since: 06-25-13
Posted on 08-07-14, 02:02 pm, deleted by  MarioFanatic64: Protip: don't bump old threads
Posted on 08-08-14, 01:57 am
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 580/699
Since: 09-24-12
It won't, since some people might want to play this even though this might be dead.

The best thing to do is not bump this at all and wait for a moron to bump it let it rest in the NSMB Hacks forums for it to be discovered by many people.
Posted on 09-10-14, 09:39 pm, deleted by  MarioFanatic64: maybe you should have checked when this thread was last active ;)
Posted on 12-24-14, 09:52 pm (rev. 4 by Thierry on 12-24-14, 10:32 pm)
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Karma: 6445
Posts: 1370/2794
Since: 01-17-13
 MarioFanatic64, I agree the thread wasn't active. But the project didn't die.

NSMB2 DS - Thierry's release

It is a cleaned and improved version of the hack, that I released. Now NSMB2 hacking started, I will probably leave the hack in someone else's hands, it is cleaner than how it was before.

To play on DeSmuME or on real DS via a flashcard.

Progress: W1 [complete], W2-1

I have to thank to  mrrikihino for giving me the ROM he has of NSMB2 DS. It was the last thing left of the hack, back then.

Download (xDelta)

 TheTicklishYoshi (original leader of the project, disappearedv [but looks active at some places]),
 mrrikihino (useful graphics and many other stuff),
Thierry (taking over the project, cleaning, improving, others; releaseing),
 ray/ Freeze, NSHB stuff in the ROM,
 KingYoshi (for the awesome music of W1),
 MeroMero, if I am right, (tower pole .nsbtxs because it wasn't already in the ROM])

And some other people I forgot.

Merry Christmas.