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ID Class ID Name Last edited by
27 248Bill Blaster (Bullet Bill launcher)
Shooting direction: list at nybble 9: 1=Left,2=Right,0=Both
Height: value at nybble 10. A height of 9 or more will make the Bill Blaster invisible if the 8 bottommost tiles disappear from view, but still retains collision.
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Was used by Nintendo devs, somehow as a copy of Nybble 10, but is apparently never called at all, needs testing. Doesn't seem to affect spawned Bullet Bills settings.
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. is stored by the game for ulterior use but seems to never be called, still needs testing. Doesn't seem to affect spawned Bullet Bills settings.
 Hiccup (rev. 27)
31 28Cheep Cheep
Slower: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Swim,1=Green (chases Mario),2=Jumping (unused),3='Swims' on walls (unused). 'Swims' on walls: makes fish follow the ground and swim up walls and on ceilings.
Wall placement: list at nybble 9: 0=Top,1=Left,2=Below,3=Right. Only works with 'swims on walls' type.
 BL4ZED (rev. 12)
35 116Final Bowser controller Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 14)
36 37Thwomp
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Cancelled out by the code, as far as I noticed.
 Bluey (rev. 16)
37 40Spiny
Egg type: list at nybble 10: 0=Normal,1=Rolling. 1 is used when the equivalent unused Lakitu setting is used.
Spawn as: list at nybble 11: 0=Default,1=Spiny Egg,2=Shell,3=Upside-down shell. 1 is used by Lakitu and Lakithunder. 2 makes the Spiny behave like a regular shell, jumping on it does not hurt Mario.
Faster: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Unused.
Bounce: list at nybble 8: 0=Normal,9=Bouncy. 8 and 9 are used by Lakitu and Lakithunder respectively. Odd = Higher bounce, Even = Normal bounce
Thierry (rev. 22)
40 39Lakitu (unused sprite)
Unknown 8: list at nybble 8: 0=Normal,1=Unknown 1,2=Z order. 1 makes it throw one Spiny then go away? Set to 2 when spawned Lakitu spawner with Z order nybble set to 1.
Spawning method: list at nybble 9: 0=Normal,1=From background. If set, makes Lakitu come from the BG like in sprite 183.
Unknown 10: value at nybble 10. Set to 1 when spawned by Lakitu spawner.
Spiny type: list at nybble 11: 0=Normal,1=Rolling egg
 ItzTacos (rev. 22)
44 46Fire Snake (unused Actor 46) BL4ZED (rev. 17)
57 66Coin
Unk 4: value at nybble 4. Set to 1 in coin thrown out by unused ? block that throws out 1 coin.
Shift 8 pixels right: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Shift 8 pixels down: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Direction/Z order: list at nybble 9: 0=Left/in front,1=Left down/behind,2=Left/more down,7=Left down slow,10=Right,14=Up right fast
Unk 10: value at nybble 10. Used by unused coin spawner.
Type: list at nybble 11: 0=Regular,1=In bubble,2=Three in bubble,3=Hops up-left,4=Drops,5=Hops,6=Moves right,7=Moves up-left,8=Coin Cheep coin,10=Unk 10,11=Hops high up-left. 3 is used when you defeat a Whomp, Big Piranha Plant or Moneybag. 5 is used when you fireball an enemy like a goomba. 11 is used when you defeat a chain chomp. 7 is used for the unused floating coin ? block. 10 is used by unused ? block that throws out 1 coin. 4 is used by the unused coin spawner.
 Hiccup (rev. 23)
62 133Big Bowser (unused sprite)
Bridge ID: value at nybble 0-1. Set to 2 when spawned by Final Bowser controller
Unknown 11: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Used when spawned by Final Bowser controller
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 21)
66 244P Switch
Triggering event ID: value at nybble 0-1. If not set, the switch will always show. If set, the switch will only show while this event ID is activated. Slightly buggy if used with multiple use as the switch will pop back up immediately, which looks a bit strange and also causes Mario to be pushed into the air. No "real" glitch.
Target event ID: value at nybble 2-3. By default, this switch will activate blue coins and turn coins into brick blocks and vice versa. Don't use this switch in combination with a tile god which creates blue coins; said blue coins' graphics will be glitched, so use blue coins objects instead.
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,4=Loads at midway. If 1, the switch will be movable by environment stuff, such as dropping down when bricks below it are destroyed, or riding along a conveyor belt. If 4, the switch will only show if the level has been started from a midway point.
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay. This will set how long the switch takes to pop up after the timer expires on a multiple-use switch.
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown. 2 is unused.
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1
 Bluey (rev. 21)
67 74Sushi (shark)
Unknown 5: value at nybble 5
Speed: value at nybble 8. 3 is unused. Requires 11 to be set to 1, 2 or 3.
Small: checkbox at nybble 9 with mask 1. Unused.
Unknown 10: value at nybble 10. Used as 1 by Sushi spawner.
Movement: list at nybble 11: 0=Back & forth. 0 is unused. 2 used by Sushi spawner. Used as 3 by the sprite in 1-A.
 Hiccup (rev. 44)
77 173Flimsy Lift (falls once touched)
Length: value at nybble 11. Length formula is 2+2×(N11 mod 4). Everything other than 1 is unused. Certain lengths seem to cause it to shift upwards.
Ed_IT (rev. 21)
83 240Self-activating block
Unknown 4: list at nybble 4: 0=No modification,1=Throw item right,2=Dud block,9=Throw item left
Unknown 5: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Start with dud block: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 8
Item goes to touch screen: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 15
Item overlap when spawned: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Unknown 9: list at nybble 9: 0=No modification,1=Throw item right,4=Item falls/throw item if on solid,15=Item spawns like touchscreen
Unknown 10: list at nybble 10: 0=No modification,1=Dud block,2=Brick spawn item,3=Brick into dud block,4=Block disappear item goes up,5=Block disappear,6=? Block disappear item go down,7=Block disappear 2,8=Nibble value in sprite 31,9=Dud block 2,11=Dud block 3,12=10 coin brick + item,13=10 coin brick,14=static Coin + item going down,15=Static Coin
Item type: list at nybble 11: 0=Mushroom/Fire Flower,1=Starman,2=Coin,3=Poof?,4=2 Coins?,5=Mega Mushroom,6=Mushroom,7=1-Up,8=Mushroom 2,9=Fire Flower,10=Vine,11=Blue Shell,12=Mushroom 3,13=Spring,14=Mushroom 4,15=No Item?. Having Raw Sprite Data 00 00 00 00 0F 59 is mini mushroom for some reason.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
90 111Wiggler
Bigger: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. 1 is unused and gives it glitchy animations and hitbox.
Unknown 4: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1. Used in W4-4
 Hiccup (rev. 19)
91 182Track-controlled lift
Starting direction: list at nybble 7: 0=Up/Right,1=Down/Left
Speed: list at nybble 5: 0=60 pixels/sec,1=90 pixels/sec,2=120 pixels/sec,3=180 pixels/sec
Movement trigger: list at nybble 6: 0=On its own,1=Once stood on
0=Disable/1=Enable Trigger ID check: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask 1
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Used as 2 and 6 in Unused Level 1.
 Hiccup (rev. 27)
95 254Spin Block
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3. Swiches and controllers
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Spin Jump: value at nybble 11. does not need to have a value to appear
 alpha (rev. 19)
107 242? Switch
Triggering event ID: value at nybble 0-1. If not set, the switch will always show. If set, the switch will only show while this event ID is activated. Slightly buggy if used with multiple use as the switch will pop back up immediately, which looks a bit strange and also causes Mario to be pushed into the air. No "real" glitch.
Target event ID: value at nybble 2-3
Settings: list at nybble 4: 0=None,1=Falls,2=Unknown 2,3=Unknown 3,4=Loads at midway. If 1, the switch will be movable by environment stuff, such as dropping down when bricks below it are destroyed, or riding along a conveyor belt. If 4, the switch will only show if the level has been started from a midway point. Value 2 is used in 2-3 A2. Value 3 is used in 3-Ghost House.
Delay on multiple use: list at nybble 5: 0=Instantaneous (no delay),2=Short delay,3=Long delay,1=Very long delay,15=Unknown,6=Unknown 6. This will set how long the switch takes to pop up after the timer expires on a multiple use switch. Value 6 is used in World 3-Ghost House. Value 15 is used in 2-3 A2.
Non-timed event: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 1
Switch mode: list at nybble 8: 0=Activates target (switches event state),1=Deactivates target (switches event state)
Usage mode: list at nybble 9: 0=Single use,1=Multiple use,2=Unknown. 2 is used in 2-3 A2.
Shift ½ block right: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1
Upside down: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. If this is checked, the switch will be facing down. Upside down switches cannot fall.
 Hiccup (rev. 62)
111 227Floating log
Unknown 4: value at nybble 4. Used as 5 in-game.
Spin: value at nybble 1. it don't need to get a value
 alpha (rev. 9)
130 136Jumping Cheep Cheep
Unknown 10: list at nybble 10: 0=Normal,1=Unknown 1,2=Unknown 2. 1=Stays on screen and only jumps when the boss tells it to. Used in Cheepskipper battle. 2=Also used for some of them the in Cheepskipper battle, purpose unkonwn
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Set to 1 for some of them in the Cheepskipper battle.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)
132 159Checkpoint
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
149 94Koopa Troopa
Color: list at nybble 11: 0=Green,1=Red,2=Blue,3=Blue (stays on ledge). Red Koopas stay on ledges, but we all knew that... did you?
Empty shell: checkbox at nybble 10 with mask 1. Only an empty shell spawns. Used by Bowser Jr. Shows unused behavior if colour is set to blue.
Shell disappears: checkbox at nybble 4 with mask . Disappears after a while if set to "Empty shell". Used by shell thrown by Bowser Jr.
 Hiccup (rev. 17)
169 255Spin Block (unused Actor 255)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
 MeroMero (rev. 22)
171 256Spin Block (unused Actor 256)
Trigger ID: value at nybble 2-3
Unknown 8: value at nybble 8. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
Unknown 9: value at nybble 9. Used in-game. Doesn't do anything notable.
 MeroMero (rev. 28)
194 38Super Thwomp
Unknown 11: value at nybble 11. Unused. Cancelled out by the code, as far as I noticed.
PyroPodoboo (rev. 10)
218 276Auto-scrolling controller
Path ID: value at nybble 10-11. Sets the path the camera will follow while scrolling. Unknown 1 of the first node is target speed and and unknown 3 is something to do with time.
Loads from?: list at nybble 7: 0=Midway Point,1=Unknown 1,2=Level Start. 1 is unused.
Scrolling direction: list at nybble 9: 0=Vertical,1=Horizontal
Starting node: value at nybble 4-5
Start from both Midway and Level Start: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 8
 Helios (rev. 42)
220 113Bowser Jr.
Fireball immunity: checkbox at nybble 3-4 with mask 17. Unused.
Battle mode: list at nybble 5: 0=Tower battle,1=Final boss battle. Unused in sprite. If final boss battle is chosen, Bowser Jr. will have the same "death" as in the final boss battle.
Unknown 7: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1. Used in-game. Has something to do with Bowser Jr. running behavior. Mandatory if you plan to use the Invisible behaviour.
Speed progression: list at nybble 9: 0=Slow-slow-med,1=Slow-med-med,2=Slow-med-fast
Behaviour: list at nybble 10: 2=Normal,1=Normal (jumping),0=With mask,3=With mask (jumping),11=Normal (invisible),12=Unstompable,14=Unstompable (invisible). 11, 12 and 14 are unused.
Doesn't manipulate camera: checkbox at nybble 11 with mask 1. Normally Bowser Jr. changes the camera if player moves out of the small area around him.
 Hiccup (rev. 50)
232 258Hanging ? Block
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Unknown 5: value at nybble 5. Only ever used as 1.
Affects contents?: value at nybble 10. Affects the contents in an unknown way.
Contents: list at nybble 11: 0=Coin,1=Fire Flower,2=Super Star,3=1-Up Mushroom,4=Fire flower,5=Mini Mushroom,6=Blue Shell,7=Mega Mushroom,8=Super Mushroom,9=Super Mushroom
SKJyannick (rev. 21)
234 279Lava
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1. Without either input ID, the lava will rise automatically. If you set a value for either one of the IDs by themselves, the lava will rise to the height you select when that ID is activated. ID2 will only make the lava rise, and will wait for an off command from the ID2 activator again. If you set a values for both IDs, ID1 will make the lava go up then down.
Unknown 6: value at nybble 6. Nybbles 6 and 7 don't seem to have an effect. But they are used ingame. Nybbles 4 and 5 could still do something.
Unknown 7: value at nybble 7
Tiles to rise: value at nybble 8-9
Speed to rise: value at nybble 10-11. Modulo 128. If lower than 128 then the lava will rise, if greater or equal than 128 the lava will lower.
 Hiccup (rev. 8)
238 190Purple Mushroom Platform lift (tilt while stepped on)
Length: value at nybble 10
Unknown value 11: value at nybble 11
 KingYoshi (rev. 9)
248 42Balloon Boo
Stays in Zone: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 1
Zone ID: value at nybble 8-9
Trigger ID 1: value at nybble 2-3. When waiting to be triggered, the area below Balloon Boo hurts Mario. You can't see anything there, but the game sees it as part of the sprite. When you activate the input ID, the area goes away, and Balloon Boo goes into a weird (unused or just glitchy?) state [in E version].
Trigger ID 2: value at nybble 0-1
Behaviour: list at nybble 10: 0=Default,1=Acts like a Boo. Unused, the Balloon Boo will act exactly like an original Boo, but the hitbox will be glitchy, so it is not generally recommended for use.
 Shellbarbecue63 (rev. 19)
266 153Invisible Podoboo (unused actor)PyroPodoboo (rev. 17)
269 224Giant Wiggler
Path ID: value at nybble 11. make paths straight and to a view edge block, or the sprite will not appear
 alpha (rev. 8)