General information
Name  MarioSunshine
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)
Rank Fuzz Ball
To next rank 50 posts
Karma 1386
Total posts 950 (0.20 per day)
Total threads 56 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 11-13-11, 05:01 am (4792 days ago)
Last post 02-14-15, 05:41 am (3603 days ago)
in nsmb2 NSML - New Super Mario Land (General ROM Hacking) » 42327
Last view 01-11-16, 09:12 am (3272 days ago)
Browser Chrome 47.0.2526 on Windows 7
Total +1s received 90 [View...]
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Total +1s given 88
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Contact information
Email address None given
Homepage Youtube -
Theme NSMB Lava Land
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
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Real name Complement of the Imaginary name set.
Location In front of my computer
Posted by NSMBHN

2. Why is SKJxxx a moron?

He accidentally New Super Mario Bros. 3.

Mario Bros. Super Star is still developing continuously! Please stay tuned!
Sprite database
Total edits 26
Sprites edited 9
Last edits Vertical Moving Stone Block (71) on 12-27-12, 07:36 am
Horizontal Moving Stone Block (72) on 12-27-12, 07:36 am
Horizontal Moving Stone Block (72) on 12-27-12, 07:35 am
Light FG effect 2 (322) on 11-04-12, 02:20 pm
Light FG effect 1 (321) on 11-04-12, 02:19 pm
Light FG effect 2 (322) on 11-04-12, 02:02 pm
Light FG effect 2 (322) on 11-04-12, 02:01 pm
Light FG effect 1 (321) on 11-04-12, 02:01 pm
Spinning Square Platform (236) on 11-03-12, 03:47 am
Auto Scroll Start (218) on 10-22-12, 01:38 pm
Comments about  MarioSunshine
« 23456789101112 »
 gridatttack Have you got the kirby dream collection game for the wii?
 gridatttack Yes I am. Most of its games area really epic and fun to play
 gridatttack I would be cool (kinda like  MarioFanatic64 )
 gridatttack Wow, that video was pretty EPIC
 ray I have been gone the last week... But otherwise I just didn't post anything^^
 gridatttack Pretty much yes. I must ensure that there is no useless post, romlinks, thread bumping, etc in all subforums
 RiksKing Yep, this is actually the only thing the Tutorial from Orengefox is good for (except for the sound_data map)
 RiksKing Unfortunately, if you are used to it. It's easier to replace music with midi's, then with other .sseq's.
 RiksKing This is probably because the instruments don't match up with each other. Try to Export the midi from VGMTrans, then change the instruments, and insert it again
 RiksKing Maybe this helps
 RiksKing [offtopic] Also, thanks for subscribing to my Youtube Channel
 RiksKing I guess you are reffering to the same problem that Pikachu358 had with Music Hacking (when you speak about sound sets)
 RiksKing Unfortunately, I've never worked with them So I can't tell you if changing them works. AFAIK, they are only used for sound effects, and not for a whole song. I might be wrong though.
 RiksKing Maybe it works on the titlescreen, because the instruments fit the song. Come to think of it, it's actually really weird, when the music doesn't play. If you have replaced the .sbnk file too.
« 23456789101112 »
Sample post
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 950
Since: 11-13-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!