General information
Name  MeroMero
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Death by cuteness
Karma 6589
Total posts 598 (0.14 per day)
Total threads 50 (0.01 per day)
Registered on 05-01-13, 05:51 pm (4251 days ago)
Last post 07-21-18, 12:03 pm (2345 days ago)
in devkitPro Error. (ASM Hacking) » 62691
Last view 08-26-22, 12:20 pm (848 days ago)
Browser Firefox 104.0 on Firefox OS
Badges View 3,200,000
Total +1s received 617 [View...]
From:  Hiccup (156), Asprok (87), Sherry_ (44),  skawo (29),  Helios (27), more...
Total +1s given 100
To:  skawo (25),  Arceus (13),  Hiccup (9),  Dirbaio (7),  MarioFanatic64 (7), more...
Contact information
Email address None given
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 778
Sprites edited 206
Last edits Poisoned Water (259) on 08-26-16, 10:10 am
Poisoned Water (259) on 08-26-16, 10:08 am
Lava (234) on 08-26-16, 10:07 am
Lava (234) on 08-26-16, 10:04 am
Event controller - chainer (If X, do Y) (167) on 08-13-16, 09:10 pm
Spiny (37) on 03-06-16, 05:59 pm
Mushroom Platform lift (Moving, tilting & bobbing) (174) on 03-01-16, 12:19 pm
Mushroom Platform lift (tilting and bobbing) (162) on 03-01-16, 12:18 pm
Swinging/able rope (173) on 02-15-16, 08:21 am
Spiny (37) on 02-13-16, 03:51 pm
Comments about  MeroMero
« 123456789 »
Sherry_ not "solo" but an "only"
Sherry_ Ok. Thanks however.
Sherry_ Thanks
 mikelan98 Hi. I've finally made the game register Pokémon up to 493 in the Pokédex, but I need repoint the Pokédex data table in the RAM, and I don't know how can I do that, because every time I start the game, it is stored in a different offset. Any idea?
 mikelan98 Forget that ? ? ?. I got it (I don't know how, I've been very lucky I guess).
 mikelan98 Eehhh, the ? ? ? of the last message were suposed to be arrows pointing up x'D
Sherry_ Do you have 3DS? Do you have Pokémon X / Y / OR / AS?
 Ultraboy hello Meromero would have a 3d model of a tree to replace the third tower in the world ?
 Ultraboy hello MeroMerocan you give me the tileset of airship please?
 Ultraboy hello MeroMero can you give me the tileset of airship please?
 Ultraboy hello MeroMero , please, could you help by changing the music of my hack I need some music by newer super mario bros wii , would you help me ?
Sherry_ Hi Meromero!
Sherry_ IMHO, you should really be a Local Mod in the ASM-hacking section
Sherry_ *
Sherry_ If this is your opinion... In any case, what I said I really thought.
« 123456789 »
Sample post
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 598
Since: 05-01-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");