General information
Name  Arisotura
Power Root
Sex Female
Title ☭ coffee and cream
Karma 10543
Total posts 2782 (0.56 per day)
Total threads 167 (0.03 per day)
Registered on 06-26-11, 07:51 pm (4935 days ago)
Last post 12-26-24, 07:42 pm (3 days ago)
in a restricted forum.
Last view 12-26-24, 07:43 pm (3 days ago)
Browser Firefox 133.0 on GNU/Linux x86_64 (X11)
Badges View 2,350,000 View 3,150,000 View 3,250,000
Total +1s received 937 [View...]
From: Asprok (94),  Helios (73),  CreativiPie (46), Thierry (39),  Hiccup (39), more...
Total +1s given 33
To:  Dirbaio (10),  TRS (3),  SaturnYoshi (2),  MarioFanatic64 (2),  Hiccup (2), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage Kuribo64 :) -
Theme NSMB Underground
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Real name MegaMario
Location Murshroom Kingdoom
Birthday March 30, 1994 (30 years old)
I am not the only administrator of this place. If you got banned, do not immediately assume it was me.

Do not ask me to make changes to the board. I don't have access to the server.

Do not pester me about your ban at another place.

Thank you.

I'm Mega-Mario, the Mega-Plumber of the Murshroom Kingdoom.
(name translation courtesy of  Ruedajv10)

or I was

Kingdoom. Yes. The king is doomed. We'll overthrow him and instead elect a president. Monarchy is so oldfashioned nowadays.

It'll be Mushroom Democracy instead. Sounds less stylish but so much more up-to-date.

representative democracy sucks actually, but let the believers have it

Current projects:
• melonDS
• WiiU gamepad shit but dead. help me turn on the goddamn screen and maybe I can get somewhere.
• that's all
• blaaaaaarg

-- Bullshit section --

• buibui
• ahoj
• nitey

• mabey

• buono

According to the_best and javijam [dumbasses from Dirbaio's Minecraft server], I'm a fucker mother.

.FRAME Network

Garmichael's Outside Castle tileset


this bio is so full of old shit

it has cobwebs on it
Sprite database
Total edits 2
Sprites edited 1
Last edits Crash Sprite (0) on 08-17-16, 04:34 pm
Crash Sprite (0) on 11-19-12, 10:41 pm
Comments about  Arisotura
« 4950515253545556575859 »
 Cheesy McCheeseFace My edited ROM (W/ NSMBe), when I make a new profile in DesMuMe, it hangs on the opening cutscene.
Tierage hey, i forgot my k64 password like over a year ago. can you help me reset it at all? thanks
 Cheesy McCheeseFace Wat up?
Thierry o k
 cros107 sorry
 Ndymario omg y u ban evryun in the "banned Users" catagory, youer such a dictator
 Vadenimo I Know You Hates Me :'(
MrBeingcool Hello. I know you don't know me, maybe you've seen me on your site Kuribo64. But i just registered and thought it was a decent idea to say hi. I heard you're this place's owner so... You did quite a good job on an active forum like this one.
 theninja1000 my IP is restricted from accessing Kuribo64
 theninja1000 is there a reason why other than proxy when I am not using a proxy
 theninja1000 thank you
 theninja1000 do you think I've learnt me lesson at K64 after exactly 1 year and 5 months
 Ninja NAH My new phone wallpaper:
 Ndymario to be fair you were a *little* bit of a smart alec with him
« 4950515253545556575859 »
Sample post
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10543
Posts: 2782
Since: 06-26-11
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka
